• What If You’re Just Tired of Coronavirus??

    What If You’re Just Tired of Coronavirus??

    So… the pandemic continues…   And millions of Americans are required to wear masks unless they’re at home with family. When you shop, there are yellow markers on the floor that show you where to stand in line to maintain social distancing… Certainly, this is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. Like the 100 year flood. We’ll never…

  • Gender-Related Psychiatric Conditions Caused by Forced Abstinence from Alcohol

    Gender-Related Psychiatric Conditions Caused by Forced Abstinence from Alcohol

    There’s more to getting sober than to just stop drinking… Ever heard someone say, “Oh, she’ll never stop drinking…she’s just weak…” I’m here to tell you there is more to it than just not drinking anymore. And certainly it’s not about being weak or strong. There’s a condition that causes more conditions, and altogether they…

  • Ketamine Slashes Anhedonia in Treatment Resistant Bipolar Depression

    Ketamine Slashes Anhedonia in Treatment Resistant Bipolar Depression

    Depression shows its face in a lot of different ways: If you live in the misery of bipolar depression, anhedonia is right there, up close and personal.  So what is it? Anhedonia is the loss of interest or pleasure in things you used to enjoy. So you stop enjoying.  But if you can’t enjoy… life…

  • Ketamine Can Stun PTSD Through This Pandemic

    Ketamine Can Stun PTSD Through This Pandemic

    As businesses and services begin to slowly, cautiously open back up, we have questions. Is it safe to be around others? Experts say social distancing is still the ticket, as well as masks and gloves and hand washing. Yes, yes, and yes. And what if you’ve got something gripping you in the midst of this…

  • Bipolar Disorder Treatment for Depression and Suicidal Thinking

    Bipolar Disorder Treatment for Depression and Suicidal Thinking

    Treating bipolar disorder with all its comorbid symptoms can be a delicate process. Some people suffer tragically when all’s right with the world. The COVID-19 changes have made the last 5 months especially difficult for them. Those who suffer severely lack the medications and treatments to help them function during this period of isolation and…

  • Ketamine Plus Motivation Enhancement Therapy = Better Abstinence

    Ketamine Plus Motivation Enhancement Therapy = Better Abstinence

    Study shows abstinence from alcohol improved when ketamine and talk therapy were combined. We’ve talked before about the benefits of ketamine to reduce the craving for cocaine and for alcohol use, as well. A substance use disorder is can be a prison with no way out. We’re going to talk about the work of researcher who…

  • Chronic Stress Pathology: IV Ketamine Kicks It to the Curb

    Chronic Stress Pathology: IV Ketamine Kicks It to the Curb

    Is depression common ..?  Is it something suffered only by the rare individual…? The World Health Organization says it’s the leading cause of disability.  Have you heard that? Not those rare people no one ever sees… but people all around you struggle to function, and paste on their “upbeat faces” … while feeling more alone…

  • Ketamine In A Pandemic: New Depression and Anxiety Can Strike Anyone

    Ketamine In A Pandemic: New Depression and Anxiety Can Strike Anyone

    The sky grew darker as clouds morphed from white to gray, and created a solid ceiling over the city. It had rained off and on for days, and thunderstorms had filled the night skies with a threatening latticework of lightening. In an aggressive assault on the grayness, Evie stepped back from the window and decided…

  • For the Depressed Mom: Ketamine Can Restore Your Joy

    For the Depressed Mom:  Ketamine Can Restore Your Joy

    “Motherhood is a choice you make everyday, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is…and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong.” – Donna Ball, author of At Home…

  • Explore: Method to Differentiate Bipolar Depression vs Unipolar Depression

    Explore: Method to Differentiate Bipolar Depression vs Unipolar Depression

    As you may know, May is mental health month. And as such, it’s a good time to talk about symptoms of mental health disorders, don’t you think? We want to increase understanding and dispel stigma which will help people who suffer gain better access to the help they need. Stigma is steeped in ignorance about…