• Suicidal Risk Triggered by Stressors in the Covid-19 Crisis

    Suicidal Risk Triggered by Stressors in the Covid-19 Crisis

    Russell paced back and forth by the window.  The gray, rainy morning had finally broken and sunshine peeked through the clouds as they parted. Patches of clear blue were spreading across the sky. It seemed to Russell this change in the weather should brighten his thoughts, but they didn’t. He guessed it would take something…

  • Coping with Anticipatory Grief in the Covid-19 Crisis

    Coping with Anticipatory Grief in the Covid-19 Crisis

    Jocelyn and her friends missed their interaction on Friday nights after a week of work. They’d meet somewhere and have dinner and talk about work, their plans for the weekend, the people they knew, and their hopes for the future. But since the COVID-19 crisis, they worked from home and Friday was just another day. …

  • Resilience During Social Distancing in the Pandemic

    Resilience During Social Distancing in the Pandemic

    “May you have interesting times always…” the asian proverb says. Well, these are interesting times. Some of us might think a little too interesting…!  And I guess most of us are eagerly looking toward the time when we’ll have times that are less interesting and more peaceful and predictable. Who could blame us?  Still, for…

  • When You’re Tormented by Fear, PTSD, and Panic in Isolation

    When You’re Tormented by Fear, PTSD, and Panic in Isolation

    Shannon awoke, looked around the room hoping the new day would reveal it had all been a nightmare, and that life was back to normal. But when she saw the the shattered mirror – cracks spreading out from a broken center – she remembered hitting it with her fist last night and realized nothing had…

  • When Coronavirus Illness and Grief Hit Home

    When Coronavirus Illness and Grief Hit Home

    Leia dragged herself off the couch. Good grief. She felt soooo tired. She didn’t sleep that well last night…couldn’t get comfortable… maybe that’s why, she guessed. After walking into the kitchen to brew some tea, she decided to just take it easy and read a book on the coffee table. After awhile…she dozed off. Then,…

  • Fight the Effects of Isolation Depression By Reaching Out to Help Someone

    Fight the Effects of Isolation Depression By Reaching Out to Help Someone

    Cameron pulled back the drape to look out into the empty street. No cars were moving, but an endless row of them lined each side of the street. A recent rain left the pavement dark and glistening. He let the curtain drop and walked into the kitchen for some herbal tea. The house was dark.…

  • COVID-19 Anxiety Has Gone Viral – How You Can Weather The Uncertainty

    COVID-19 Anxiety Has Gone Viral – How You Can Weather The Uncertainty

    The President has declared a national emergency. Schools have been closed and gatherings cancelled. Your plans for Spring 2020 have been turned upside down. The news is filled with the increasing numbers of cases of this strange virus, and everywhere you turn, conversations focus on discussing the dangers and risks. What do you do with…

  • Ketamine Restoration in the Amygdala Repairs Social Connections

    Ketamine Restoration in the Amygdala Repairs Social Connections

    Nick walked in after school, slamming the door behind him. His mom looked up, startled by the noise. “What’s that dirty look about..?? You’re so judgmental!!” Nick was fuming, and with that he headed upstairs. His mom followed him upstairs and spoke softly, knowing her son was apparently volatile. She didn’t realize that what just…

  • Does Hopelessness Accompany Suicidal Thoughts or Cause Them?

    Does Hopelessness Accompany Suicidal Thoughts or Cause Them?

    Tim dragged himself into the school cafeteria where the photographers had set up equipment to take school pictures. He felt angry, bitter, sullen, and hopeless. What purpose could there be in school pictures? What’s the point? he thought. Tim hated being at school. He felt like he would self-destruct if he didn’t get out of…

  • Spravato: Esketamine Nasal Spray Controversy Storms Ahead

    Spravato: Esketamine Nasal Spray Controversy Storms Ahead

    Have you tried Spravato? Periodically, we’ve added our two cents to the discussion. Since its approval by the FDA in March of last year, we’ve seen a variety of protests from psychiatrists about its value for treating treatment resistant and severe depression. A recent article published in The Lancet provides an overview of the back…