• Prepare Your Family to Respond to the Risk of Adolescent Suicide

    Prepare Your Family to Respond to the Risk of Adolescent Suicide

    September is National Suicide Prevention Month And Adolescents Have the Highest Risk So let’s look at adolescent suicidal behavior. If you have an adolescent in your family, you may not be able to even imagine your child contemplating suicide. Or, if your child visits a psychiatrist regularly for a disorder, you may worry that he…

  • Don’t Be Shy – Talk to Someone Suicidal Because You Might Save a Life

    Don’t Be Shy – Talk to Someone Suicidal Because You Might Save a Life

    This is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week — Be aware and reach out. And while you may never have talked with someone who’s considering suicide, it’s likely you will at some point. Just as we need to refresh our CPR skills periodically, it’s important to refresh skills to talk to someone suicidal. It’s easy to…

  • COVID Hassles Annoying? Ketamine Can Help You Embrace Living Again

    COVID Hassles Annoying? Ketamine Can Help You Embrace Living Again

    COVID-19 – Growing number of people suffer from anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts who’ve never faced mental health issues before. We’ve talked about it before, but the numbers are growing. Quarantine, masks and gloves, working from home, kids schooling at home, social distancing, Zoom meetings. It’s not just the change in routine, it’s the feeling…

  • The New Molecular Masterclass Ketamine Conference – Online!

    The New Molecular Masterclass Ketamine Conference – Online!

    Ketamine continues to move forward. This NMDA receptor antagonist, ketamine, was studied in treatment of major psychiatric disorders during the first decade of 2020. Certainly, as these studies galvanized physicians to offer ketamine treatment in their offices, its use has become more and more widespread, the studies continue, and ketamine as a breakthrough treatment for…

  • School’s Starting: How’s Your Teen Now? Watch for Anger, Depression, Anxiety

    School’s Starting: How’s Your Teen Now? Watch for Anger, Depression, Anxiety

    School is starting for the 2020-21 school year, whether remotely or on campus.  Never before have these students started a new school year during a pandemic. It’s been over 100 years since the last one, and few of those students are still alive. But these students, yours and mine, are pioneers now.  School’s starting, how’s…

  • Keto Plus Ketamine: A New Approach for Anorexia?

    Keto Plus Ketamine:  A New Approach for Anorexia?

    If you know someone with anorexia nervosa, you know how chronic… dangerous… and life-threatening it can be. I bet you didn’t know it could go into full remission. This is the story of a novel idea, a brand new course of treatment, an innovative treatment procedure, and a protocol that was born out of love.…

  • Does Psychiatric Treatment Suffocate Creativity in the 21st Century?

    Does Psychiatric Treatment Suffocate Creativity in the 21st Century?

    Have you avoided treatment fearing it would subdue your talent? This is a very real concern for some intelligent, talented people who suffer from certain disorders. The idea that suffering yields brilliant satire, beautiful music, heartbreaking poetry, and dazzling art that enrich mankind. It’s been a subject of controversy for eons. But is it true?…

  • YOUR Response to the Second Wave of COVID: Fear, Anger… or Acceptance?

    YOUR Response to the Second Wave of COVID: Fear, Anger… or Acceptance?

    “The second wave of the coronavirus has begun,” they tell us.  They say we’re in it now, and this will be worse than the first. How do you respond to announcements like this…with fear? Terror? Maybe anger? Some will… but you do have a choice. You don’t have to be the victim of your emotions.…

  • Fallout From the Covid Pandemic May Not Be All Bad

    Fallout From the Covid Pandemic May Not Be All Bad

    As tough as these times have been, there have been some bright spots.  In fact, some people who have suffered terribly from symptoms of their disorders are actually stabilizing and improving. Feeling as though they’re less “disordered” and almost more normal than they’ve felt before. Can you imagine? In fact, as much as we’ve struggled with…

  • For Relief From Misery in These Difficult Times – Be Kind and… Compassionate

    For Relief From Misery in These Difficult Times – Be Kind and… Compassionate

    You see them everywhere… t-shirts proclaiming “In a world where you can be anything…be kind.”  Does that make you roll your eyes?  Or does it affirm to you to focus on the way of living that can help us all get through these difficult times? Because in times like these, with upheaval, disruption from a…