• Suffer from Postpartum PTSD? Ketamine Can Bring Back Your Joy

    Suffer from Postpartum PTSD?        Ketamine Can Bring Back Your Joy

    We say that childbirth is utterly natural. But the experience of giving birth doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes there are surprises, disappointments, unexpected changes, fears, and excessive pain. A terribly painful labor or delivery can become a traumatic memory for a postpartum mom. Loss of the baby during the process can also create an…

  • Postpartum Stress Is Vicious: Reach Out for Support…It Takes a Village

    Postpartum Stress Is Vicious: Reach Out for Support…It Takes a Village

    Do you have a COVID baby?  If so, you’ve had compounded stress. Most moms are familiar with the exhaustion (and the overwhelm!) that often takes over when your newborn comes home from the hospital. It isn’t as though you were sleeping great before you went into labor.  Then contractions started and progressed to active serious labor.…

  • Is Dissociation Important for Ketamine to Work?

    Is Dissociation Important for Ketamine to Work?

    The Big Question Is dissociation needed? Is it necessary? Can you get better without it, or with “just a little bit” of dissociation? Does the kind of dissociative experience you have during a ketamine infusion predict whether ketamine is going to work? Or how much it will help? …. or If it will help faster?…

  • Do You Suffer From Pandemic-Induced Social Anxiety?

    Do You Suffer From Pandemic-Induced Social Anxiety?

    When you think about going to a gathering, walking into a room full of people, how do you feel? Tense…nervous…? People are getting vaccinated.  It’s highly likely, if you’ve had both vaccine injections, that you may be invited to an July 4th gathering of friends and family who’ve also been vaccinated. Can you imagine? How…

  • Overcoming Feelings of Shame and Worthlessness Even in a Pandemic!

    Overcoming Feelings of Shame and Worthlessness Even in a Pandemic!

    Grace had been depressed off and on since her she was a little girl. No one called it depression back then.  She was shy, and her withdrawal was dismissed by others as just another of her odd behaviors. They thought she just got more “wound up” than some people. After she was grown and married,…

  • IV Ketamine for Teens ? Ya gotta be kidding me, right?

    IV Ketamine for Teens ? Ya gotta be kidding me, right?

    We’re not. We’re dead serious. We want to keep them alive. Maybe you have a teen like the ones we see. Maybe you are are one… like the ones we see. Or maybe you’re quiet. Kind. Smart. Everybody’s friend. Absolutely gorgeous. An athlete. A contender. Someone who’s had it all. Or maybe you’re NOT any…

  • Pandemic Anxiety Depletes Bandwidth You Need to Cope With Stress of Living

    Pandemic Anxiety Depletes Bandwidth You Need to Cope With Stress of Living

    We’re all weary of hearing about COVID and mask wearing precautions. Aren’t we? About the negative impact of isolation. And while we see improvement on the horizon through wide spread vaccinations, there are still imminent risks, and new cases as well as deaths every day. Those risks add to your daily stress in ways you…

  • Keep Your Eyes on AKT: It Might Explain How We Learn and Forget Fear

    Keep Your Eyes on AKT: It Might Explain How We Learn and Forget Fear

    You may hear people say, “Antidepressants and other psych meds just don’t do anything…” Some people say, “…placebos work better…” Oh please. But why do they say that?  Maybe their own experience with prescribed medicines was disappointing. So — of course — they’re disillusioned about these medicines. We get it. And we know that any given…

  • Every Body Deserves a Seat at the Table: Let’s Ensure They Have It

    Every Body Deserves a Seat at the Table: Let’s Ensure They Have It

    This is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week — NEDAwareness Week People come in a wide variety, don’t they? No one more deserving than another. Whether there are differences in skin color, differences in gender, differences in sexual orientation, differences in religion…or differences in IDEAS. And no matter the differences, no matter the variety, every body…

  • Don’t Let Stressors You Can’t Control Hurt YOU: Add Resilience

    Don’t Let Stressors You Can’t Control Hurt YOU: Add Resilience

    Turns Out Winter 2021 Hasn’t Run Out of Stressors to Throw at You Yet… People like you have been finding ways to adapt and endure this historical and very strange year. Never think that major factors in society, and in science, and in government, have no effect on you and your personal life. In fact,…