• You Can Call It Seasonal Affective Disorder or Any Other Name, It’s Still Depression

    You Can Call It Seasonal Affective Disorder or Any Other Name, It’s Still Depression

    Across the country, extreme winter storms have descended upon us. Even in the Gulf states, short sleeve weather is suddenly shifting to snow. Temperatures are dropping from 70 degrees to 17 degrees. And the gray skies that bring snow, also contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder. Gray on the outside can turn some people gray on…

  • Resilience: Key to Your Wellbeing Through COVID 2021 and Beyond

    Resilience: Key to Your Wellbeing Through COVID 2021 and Beyond

    Resilience is doing well when you shouldn’t be doing well. — Dr. Sood, executive director of the Global Center for Resiliency and Well-being. We’ve passed the 1-year mark of this pandemic, and it’s time to draw from our personal stores of personal strength to maintain our pace through the rest of the pandemic triumphantly. And…

  • Why Are Anxiety and Depression so Prominent in This COVID Pandemic?

    Why Are Anxiety and Depression so Prominent in This COVID Pandemic?

    What makes it so hard? Devon tuned into his department meeting. Another Zoom meeting. He was so tired of online meetings…the technical lapses, interruptions…  you can read people so much easier face to face. At the same time, he could sit in an easy chair for the meetings, so that wasn’t so bad. But no…

  • Repeated Ketamine Infusions Relieve PTSD Symptoms – New Study

    Repeated Ketamine Infusions Relieve PTSD Symptoms – New Study

    New study demonstrates that with repeated doses of IV ketamine, relief can last up to several weeks. A deep unfamiliar voice behind Sarah made her jump. In a flash, she turned and bolted down the stairs she’d been climbing, turned left, then left again, knocking into people in her path as she scrambled for a…

  • Discovery: A New Key to Ketamine’s Extraordinary Antidepressant Benefits

    Discovery: A New Key to Ketamine’s Extraordinary Antidepressant Benefits

    Ethan sat on his rock at the lake’s edge and stared across the water. He couldn’t help but wonder if it would ever be easier to get through a day.  Not really easy, per se. But what about functional? To just have stuff to do and to get it done. Routine, like other people. Ethan…

  • Strong Support System Can Protect You From COVID-Related Depression

    Strong Support System Can Protect You From COVID-Related Depression

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here’s our hope for you that you’ll find ways to make 2021 a more fulfilling and rewarding year for you and your family. Let’s talk about the difference in between  isolation, solace, and quarantine. People need people, and the pandemic has created an atmosphere where it’s hard to tell if you’re just…

  • Burgeoning Hope for 2021 & Saying Goodbye to 2020

    Burgeoning Hope for 2021 & Saying Goodbye to 2020

    It’s been a year unlike any you’ve ever known. You might think 2020 has been the worst year you’ve ever seen. You may have lost loved ones from COVID-19, or you may have lost your business. And I’m so very sorry for all your losses…. Maybe you lost your job, and your family has struggled…

  • Reduce Stress and Stay Safe This Holiday Season

    Reduce Stress and Stay Safe This Holiday Season

    Although some things are easier said than done… Cecilia and Ben have been working remotely since March 2020, so they both work in their home. They’ve faced the challenge of setting up work spaces in their home so they both have privacy for their online meetings. It took some doing, moving furniture, opening up areas…

  • Does Mine Look Like His?? How Disorders Look Different in Different People

    Does Mine Look Like His?? How Disorders Look Different in Different People

    It can be alarming to see you brother try to navigate his way through a challenging diagnosis like depression or bipolar disorder. His symptoms may be alarming for you, and while you’re trying to be supportive, he may feel the world is crashing in. His dramatic reactions can be overwhelming, especially when you had a…

  • Fantasize This: A Stress-Free Family Holiday Month… Crazy? Maybe Not.

    Fantasize This: A Stress-Free Family Holiday Month… Crazy? Maybe Not.

    December is National Stress-Free Family Holiday Month. Don’t Laugh. It really is… OK, yes, I get it. It’s the holidays. In a pandemic. COVID-19 spread is skyrocketing. Finances are a struggle and it’s the holidays. Depression can peak this time of year. Everybody needs something and to go somewhere. And don’t forget Personal Protective Equipment. Did…