• Shooters Are Terrorizing Us

    Shooters Are Terrorizing Us

    Shooters are Killing People We have a tradition in this country of excusing and explaining away the actions of a terrorizing shooter by declaring him mentally ill. We’re talking about shooters—the ones who open fire in a crowded public space and gun down the innocent. I hesitate to enter this dialogue but I feel compelled…

  • Your Family Can Help You or Hinder You in Being Your Best Self

    Your Family Can Help You or Hinder You in Being Your Best Self

    When we think about family, what does your mind conjure?  A mother, a father, and a few children?  Or maybe a mother and children. Or a father and his brood. How you achieve being your best self is largely influenced by your family. Maybe your experience with family is having two moms, or two dads.…

  • Mothers of Babies, Teens, and Mothers of Senior Citizens… We Honor You!

    Mothers of Babies, Teens, and Mothers of Senior Citizens… We Honor You!

    Whether you’re expecting your first child or your kids are senior citizens themselves, your heart has been on your sleeve for the duration. Is there anything like being a mother? Whether you’re a. mother of a baby, a teen, or a mother of senior citizens, the worry never dissipates. They’re always on your mind. Here…

  • Ketamine2022: Ketamine and Related Compounds at Oxford, UK is over. …Unforgettable!!

    Ketamine2022: Ketamine and Related Compounds at Oxford, UK is over. …Unforgettable!!

    Thrilling?  Yes.  EYE opening?  Yes!  Opportunities?? YES!! This week saw the best conference of the ketamine-for-depression specialization.  A gathering of neuroscience researchers, psychiatrists, chemists, and more came to share their work with ketamine and related compounds. Researchers hailed from all over the world — the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden, Greece, Ireland, Scotland, France, Australia, Italy, Canada…

  • Inflammation in the Brain with Mood Disorders and COVID

    Inflammation in the Brain with Mood Disorders and COVID

    Eric woke up agitated, fighting the darkness that flooded his thoughts. He plodded to the kitchen and tried to keep the defeat and deep irritability at bay. On his good days, Eric could be a somewhat upbeat guy, and his family enjoyed his clever quips. On darker days, he tried to be upbeat but it…

  • Breathtaking Ketamine2022: Ketamine and Related Compounds Conference, Oxford, UK April 4-6

    Breathtaking Ketamine2022: Ketamine and Related Compounds Conference, Oxford, UK April 4-6

    It’s coming, and we’ll be there! This conference, hosted by Rupert McShane, Consultant Psychiatrist and Associate Professor, Oxford, UK will be a stunning international hybrid event and the list of speakers reads like the Who’s Who of the field. This is, quite simply, the most important and prestigious conference on ketamine and related compounds for…

  • Feeling Anxiety About Ukraine? How Long Will It Last? What Will Putin Do Next?

    Feeling Anxiety About Ukraine? How Long Will It Last? What Will Putin Do Next?

    Remember what you were doing when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center? Or when President Reagan was shot? Well, what about when Putin invaded Ukraine..? Which time, you ask? For real. That’s a good point. When world changing events occur, they make a lasting impression that stays with us, often for the rest…

  • Indicators for Postpartum Depression May Protect Moms and Babes

    Indicators for Postpartum Depression May Protect Moms and Babes

    In addition to the suffering a new mother experiences from postpartum depression, the baby is at risk for lower IQ, increased likelihood of ADHD, slower language development, and increased risk of behavior problems and other psychiatric disorders. Indicators for postpartum depression — or risk factors, as we might call them — can be identified and…

  • Self-Blaming Depression: Forgive Yourself for Being Human

    Self-Blaming Depression: Forgive Yourself for Being Human

    We often think of depression as being caused by loss. Things like death, or loss of an important relationship, loss of job or status… Sometimes there is a period when everything is going well, then suddenly things begin to go equally badly. You can experience a sort of whiplash that occurs that brings on depression…

  • Adults Bullying Adults Is Harmful and Threatening to Their Health

    Adults Bullying Adults Is Harmful and Threatening to Their Health

    Heard of adult bullying? Heard of adults considering suicide as a result? We often focus on bullying of children in school, which is life threatening for some children, but did you know adults bullying adults can also be a serious threat to the health and wellbeing of those adults? Gina is an economics teacher at…