• Did You Know Alcohol & Substance Misuse Increase Suicide Risk?

    Did You Know Alcohol & Substance Misuse Increase Suicide Risk?

    Tom woke up, his head pounding, and he ached all over. The dark cloud that followed him everywhere was back. The partying last night gave him a brief reprieve, but it was over. He slowly dragged himself out of bed and thought about how disappointing it was that he woke up. He didn’t realize he…

  • Smashing Anorexia with a Therapeutic Ketogenic Diet Plus IV Ketamine

    Smashing Anorexia with a Therapeutic Ketogenic Diet Plus IV Ketamine

    Halley put on her makeup and looked in the mirror. She abhorred her round face and the fat on her chest and arms. She quietly resolved that she’d swim more laps tomorrow, because the 30 laps she swam daily just wasn’t improving her appearance. It was hard, so hard, to go out in public because…

  • Does Your Teen’s “Selective Hearing” Drive You Batty? There’s More To It…

    Does Your Teen’s “Selective Hearing” Drive You Batty? There’s More To It…

    “Riley?  Riley… RILEYYYY!!”  “MOM, why are you YELLING?”  “Because you aren’t ANSWERING ME!!” Sound familiar? Does it seem like your teen has her ears stuffed with cotton?  What about when it’s her friends talking to her? They have her undivided attention, right? Your teen’s selective hearing can drive you bonkers… What is this?  Is it just…

  • Do Parents with Social Anxiety and Panic Pass It On to Their Kids?

    Do Parents with Social Anxiety and Panic Pass It On to Their Kids?

    School is starting. Teens are beginning their academic year in junior high, high school, and college. Exciting and a little scary… for parents too. Do parents with social anxiety and panic pass it on to their kids? Anxiety disorders run rampant for this age group. General anxiety, social anxiety, and panic plagues many teens, along…

  • Anxiety, Panic, and Depression in Teens: IV Ketamine Offers Hope

    Anxiety, Panic, and Depression in Teens:  IV Ketamine Offers Hope

    Anxiety. Some people never struggle with it. A little bit of anxiety for them can be a motivator to study for a test, practice lines for a play, or learn math. Those who experience small spurts of anxiety can often perform very well. But when anxiety grows out of bounds it’s no longer motivating. When it…

  • Ketamine for Bipolar Depression in Teens

    Ketamine for Bipolar Depression in Teens

    Jarrett woke up with the weight of the world on his chest. He was so weighted down, so hopeless, and felt like he’d explode.  He went to the kitchen, poured a glass of milk, drank it, and slammed the glass down on the counter. Then stomped outside, gripping his fists at this side. Jarrett didn’t…

  • If Your Teen is Thinking of Suicide: Save Her with IV Ketamine

    If Your Teen is Thinking of Suicide: Save Her with IV Ketamine

    Shannon was 13 and woke up almost every morning disappointed to realize she was still alive. Her last thought before falling asleep was usually hoping, praying, she would not wake up in the morning. Her misery was difficult to describe but it involved every aspect of her life — parents and family, her school work,…

  • Ketamine for Teenage Depression: How To Set Your Teen on Solid Ground

    Ketamine for Teenage Depression: How To Set Your Teen on Solid Ground

    Brittney dressed for school and left for the bus. She waited 20 minutes then slipped back into the house and slid under the bed. And she waited. She couldn’t face school…. all the kids who she felt judged her. The sleepiness that made it impossible to pay attention in class. The expectations from teachers she…

  • When You Need Resilience, IV Ketamine’s Got Your Back

    When You Need Resilience, IV Ketamine’s Got Your Back

    Chronic Illness Creates Physical Stress Janie has a chronic illness that causes her to be admitted to the hospital — often the ICU — relatively frequently. Her condition becomes urgent, throwing her electrolyte balance, her pH balance, and her other systems into disarray. Each time she’s admitted, she suffers dreadfully with overwhelming nausea, vomiting…. and…

  • PTSD Permeates Our World with a State of Post Traumatic Stress

    PTSD Permeates Our World with a State of Post Traumatic Stress

    Since the Uvalde, Texas shooting at Robb Elementary on May 24 where 22 people were killed and 18 wounded, 40 more mass shootings have occurred in this country. As we spoke about in our post Shooters are Terrorizing Us, people who hear or read about these terrible events struggle to make sense of them, and…