• Get High and Kick Depression in the Process? Better Rethink That.

    Get High and Kick Depression in the Process?  Better Rethink That.

    Get High and Kick Depression? Two birds – one stone, right? If you’re in the practice of using ketamine to get high and kick depression at the same time, you better take a step back.  Let’s talk about it. The recent Time magazine article that touted ketamine as a hallucinogenic antidepressant highlighted the practice by…

  • Esketamine: Ketamine Wannabe Copycat Drugs

    Esketamine: Ketamine Wannabe Copycat Drugs

    Nobody likes a copycat. They’re boring. Tired from the get-go. Out to ride on somebody else’s coat tails. They want to steal some of the glory. Is esketamine just a ketamine wannabe copycat drug? You may have heard some things about it.  Like it’s a nasal spray. Esketamine intranasal. It’s supposed to be an easier…

  • A Little History: The Beginnings of Ketamine the Depression Dragon Slayer

    A Little History: The Beginnings of Ketamine the Depression Dragon Slayer

    The Legend of Ketamine the Depression Dragon SLAYER Doesn’t that sound exciting…?  Conjures up images of kings, knights, dragons…and princesses. Ketamine the Depression Dragon SLAYER … the knight in shining armor, equipped with world-class weaponry … vanquishing the enemy. But this is no fairy tale. This is the real deal. The story of a tool…a…

  • Who Should Provide IV Ketamine as Treatment for Depression?

    Who Should Provide IV Ketamine as Treatment for Depression?

    If This is What You Picture When You Imagine IV Ketamine Treatment for Depression, Think AGAIN!! And nix that image. Because we’re going to talk about who should provide IV ketamine as treatment for depression. Ketamine treatment is getting more and more attention in the press as a paradigm shifter for effective treatment for psychiatric mood disorders.…

  • Will My Doctor Give Me an IV Ketamine Treatment Referral?

    Will My Doctor Give Me an IV Ketamine Treatment Referral?

    Hoping for an IV Ketamine Treatment Referral? Recently, we talked about reasons some doctors may be reluctant to provide IV ketamine treatment for psychiatric mood disorders. We talked about how difficult it is to harvest all the information about ketamine for depression on the internet and become informed. No drug company spends millions of dollars…

  • Why Doesn’t My Doctor Provide Ketamine as Treatment for Depression?

    Why Doesn’t My Doctor Provide Ketamine as Treatment for Depression?

    Why Doesn’t My Doctor Provide Ketamine as Treatment for Depression? It’s all over the news. Even the recent TIME magazine cover story. Ketamine as treatment for depression is blowing the doors off traditional treatments for psychiatric mood disorders.  Have you heard? Studies are piling up that demonstrate ketamine’s remarkable effectiveness. It’s making people who suffer better.  Not…

  • Is TIME Telling the Truth about Ketamine?

    Is TIME Telling the Truth about Ketamine?

    Is TIME Telling the Truth about Ketamine? In the most recent issue of TIME magazine (7/27/17), the cover story by Mandy Oaklander celebrates the potential of ketamine treatment for depression. While we’re thrilled to see ketamine’s remarkable benefits for psychiatric mood disorders broadcast to such a large readership – (26 million!), we’re concerned about misconceptions…

  • Can You Overcome Phobias? Apply IV Ketamine to Your Backstory

    Can You Overcome Phobias?  Apply IV Ketamine to Your Backstory

    Let’s talk about anxiety…and phobias. I guess we all have something that gives us the creeps, or we’d just like to avoid, like snakes or spiders, or pet poop. But for some people, there’s a strong persistent reaction to that thing or situation to the point  that it’s amplified far beyond the actual potential danger…

  • The Email Message That Changed Her Life – with IV Ketamine

    The Email Message That Changed Her Life – with IV Ketamine

    Life-Changing Email Wonder what it’s like to have a changed life from IV ketamine treatment…? Imagine opening an email that could change your life. Let’s say you’re an IT architect, or a chef, a kindergarten teacher, or a construction worker. And let’s say something happened … something terrible, terrifying, and painful. You might have caught…

  • Hope for Bipolar Disorder: IV Ketamine is Making People WELL

    Hope for Bipolar Disorder: IV Ketamine is Making People WELL

    The Range of Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder is a “spectrum” illness with episodes that come in a range of forms (depression, mania, hypomania, mixed episodes, dysphoric hypomania) … cycles that can turn on a dime (episodic, rapid, ultradian) … and severity that ranges up one side and down another. Wait a minute. What? The episodes…