• 2018: Neuroscience Breakthroughs like IV Ketamine Treatment Mean Breakthroughs for YOU

    2018: Neuroscience Breakthroughs like IV Ketamine Treatment Mean Breakthroughs for YOU

    Neuroscience breakthroughs like…IV ketamine treatment..? Exactly. 2018 lies before us, like a valley that spreads to the horizon. And while it’s impossible to access the future, you can move forward knowing that each “today” you live has promise that was unheard of until recently. Especially if you suffer from untreated or treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, bipolar…

  • How to Start Today to Build Christmas Cheer and Hanukkah Happiness… in Time for December 2018

    How to Start Today to Build Christmas Cheer and  Hanukkah Happiness… in Time for December 2018

    Christmas Holidays…Hanukkah …. a season of Joy? The song says this is the most wonderful time of the year, and for so many children, it is…but for others, not so much. It’s also a treasured time for many adults…but not all. And while there’s no magic way to go through some step-by-step plan to snap…

  • Ketamine Treats Social Anxiety Disorder…Seriously…?

    Ketamine Treats Social Anxiety Disorder…Seriously…?

      Yes. Let’s be really clear. Because nothing seems really clear if you’re someone who just doesn’t want to go … Go? Yes, who doesn’t want to … or can’t just easily … go. To work. To class. A meeting. That job interview. Even out for coffee. Or Shopping.  There are a thousand reasons you might…

  • What Your Friend With OCD Needs from You

    What Your Friend With OCD Needs from You

    Wonder how to help someone with OCD?  Think about what your friend with OCD needs from you… Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is a condition where intrusive thoughts occur in your mind over and over again. You don’t want to have these thoughts or ideas…but you can’t stop them by sheer will. To make it…

  • Anxiety Treatment That Doesn’t Make You Sleepy

    Anxiety Treatment That Doesn’t Make You Sleepy

    What Is Anxiety, and How Do You Treat It? People talk about depression, talk about PTSD, and about bipolar disorder. But how do you talk about anxiety? How do you know if you have anxiety, and how do you find anxiety treatment that won’t make you sleepy so you can do things without being tired…or…

  • Considering Ketamine for Depression? Here’s How to Screen a Ketamine Clinic

    Considering Ketamine for Depression? Here’s How to Screen a Ketamine Clinic

    Maybe you’ve heard the buzz. Ketamine for depression is in the headlines, the journals, and the chatter at Starbucks. If you or someone you love wrestles with the exhausting symptoms of depression, you’ve likely heard about it. Or maybe you haven’t. Either way, it’s the biggest news in psychiatry these days, and seems to be…

  • Can Inflammation Cause Suicide? What Can We Do to Stop It?

    Can Inflammation Cause Suicide? What Can We Do to Stop It?

    Really?? Can Inflammation Cause Suicide…?  Or Suicidal Thoughts? Maybe you’ve just reached the end of your rope. The long dark days, the despair of watching everything always go wrong, the deterioration of your relationships, the exhaustion and inability to think well enough to do your job…and that feeling that you despise yourself. Loss of self-respect…

  • Ketamine: PTSD and Depression Treatment For Veterans …and For You, Too

    Ketamine: PTSD and Depression Treatment For Veterans …and For You, Too

    There’s No PTSD and Depression Treatment Like This Treatment: IV Ketamine Do sudden noises make you jump and feel like your heart just stopped?  If someone pats you on the back while saying hello, does it take everything inside you to keep from beating them to the ground?  Do you find yourself on edge, feeling…

  • Reaching Out to Sad Dads: Can Men Suffer Postpartum Depression, Too?

    Reaching Out to Sad Dads: Can Men Suffer Postpartum Depression, Too?

    Paternal Postpartum Depression In the last ten years, we’ve heard more and more about postpartum depression. Celebrities like Brooke Shields, Drew Barrymore, and Gwyneth Paltrow have stepped up to speak out about their own struggles with it. But, as much as we talk about postpartum depression in mothers, very little is mentioned about the same…

  • Ketamine's Healing: Does Depression Run in Families?

    Ketamine's Healing: Does Depression Run in Families?

    Does depression run families? I didn’t ask if it runs in families. Does it run your family? Well, let me ask you this. Do you love someone who’s depressed … ? I mean really depressed.  Someone who’s been withdrawn, listless, drained, and nervous for months — or years… Maybe you hear how they wish they…