• Remission by Ketamine Treatment: How You Can Hold On to the Benefits

    Remission by Ketamine Treatment:  How You Can Hold On to the Benefits

    IV Ketamine is a Most Extraordinary Medicine  Here Are Some Ways to Hold On to Its Benefits This ONE medicine can relieve a wide array of psychiatric disorders. Remission by ketamine treatment is at center stage of the mental health world. The same medicine that lifts depression and restores creativity, initiative, and hope, also stops suicidal thinking…

  • The Heartbreak of Suicide: You and Ketamine Can Help

    The Heartbreak of Suicide: You and Ketamine Can Help

    The Heartbreak of Suicide – What Can We Do? Each day last week,122 people in the United States took their lives by suicide.  We want to talk about Kate Spade … and you. And how the heartbreak of suicide is stealing our loved ones. And what we can do to change that. By now, most of…

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Can Strike Anyone – A College Kid’s Story

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Can Strike Anyone – A College Kid’s Story

    Twenty One Years Old. Enjoying campus life with her friends. Working toward her degree …and her dreams… Then, a soreness in her mouth… and a trip to the doctor. CANCER. “Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue,” the doctor said. What??!!? She’d never heard of such a thing. What could have caused this? How did it…

  • Anorexia, Ketamine, and the Default Mode Network

    Anorexia, Ketamine, and the Default Mode Network

    Anorexia, Ketamine, and the Default Mode Network Do you feel good about what you weigh?  Or about how you look? If you hesitated to answer, you’re not alone. If you answered No…or…I’m not sure… again, you’re not alone. Survey Says: Majority Don’t Like the Way They Look Allure, a magazine centered on beauty, surveyed 2,497…

  • Ketamine for Anorexia? Don’t Let an Eating Disorder Be Your Default Mode

    Ketamine for Anorexia? Don’t Let an Eating Disorder Be Your Default Mode

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month Eating Disorders Are Psychiatric Disorders Surprised?  Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder… The National Eating Disorder Association lists 10 conditions as eating disorders. And, it so happens that ketamine treatment can work wonders and restore your life. Too many people who don’t have a family member suffering with an…

  • Treating Postpartum Depression Requires Fast-Acting Medicine: Ketamine Treatment Restores

    Treating Postpartum Depression Requires Fast-Acting Medicine: Ketamine Treatment Restores

    Postpartum Depression and Paternal Postpartum Depression Mental Health Awareness Month is also Maternal Depression Awareness Month #BreaktheSilence So let’s stamp out the stigma and talk about mothers and Postpartum Depression. Treating postpartum depression requires fast-acting treatments because there’s so much at stake. Pregnant and breastfeeding moms are targets for anxiety and depression for so many…

  • Dance of the Genes: Activity Patterns that Link Some Mental Health Disorders… and Not Others

    Dance of the Genes: Activity Patterns that Link Some Mental Health Disorders… and Not Others

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month! That means we have the privilege to talk about the realities of mental and emotional well-being, and the psychiatric disorders that threaten it. Even 20 years ago, our society was still so steeped in the stigma that people with depression and other psychiatric disorders were often overwhelmed with burdens…

  • Outrageous Behavior: Mood or Personality??

    Outrageous Behavior: Mood or Personality??

    Outrageous Behavior: Mood or Personality Disorder? You met her at your friend’s house, and you’ve been dating a few months… Then you notice a blouse in her purse with price tags… no receipt.  What??? Did she steal this stuff? You really like her, but ….  theft?  What the heck is going on…? When you ask…

  • 21st Century Psychiatry: Neuroscience Discoveries Fight Stigma

    21st Century Psychiatry: Neuroscience Discoveries Fight Stigma

    Stigma: A Mark of Disgrace Based On Belief in Certain Assumptions That Have No Factual Basis   “He’s not depressed…he just needs to get up and get busy.” “PTSD is just a fancy name for weakness.  Get over it!!” “Bipolar disorder? What an excuse for bad behavior! Get some discipline in your life and you’ll…

  • Functional Brain Connectivity: Vulnerability and Resilience in Siblings with Bipolar Disorder

    Functional Brain Connectivity: Vulnerability and Resilience in Siblings with Bipolar Disorder

    Do You Wonder about Your Family?  Connor’s mom was diagnosed with bipolar disorder before Connor was born. He’s now an adult who was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder ten years ago. He has a brother and a sister, both grown, also. But his sibs, Todd and Della, have never experienced psychiatric symptoms, and feel healthy,…