• Why Ketamine Over Esketamine? It Works and It’s Available NOW

    Why Ketamine Over Esketamine? It Works and It’s Available NOW

    Treatment for Psychiatric Mood Disorders Has Been Quietly Waiting To Do Its Magic for 50 Years He was 48, in the midst of a booming career, and like some others who demonstrate that special kind of genius, he had periods when depression came over him unexpectedly…and made it extremely difficult to function. Because of his…

  • Biological Psychiatry Stamps Out Stigma and Old Wives’ Tales

    Biological Psychiatry Stamps Out Stigma and Old Wives’ Tales

    When Your Loved One Needs Treatment – The Stigma of Old Wives’ Tales Can Cause Crisis… or Tragedy… A mother’s heart is broken when she finds her 19 year old son dead in his car…apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning. She knew he’d struggled for years, saying things like he wished he was dead…or about how…

  • Marti’s Story: How Ketamine Smashes Treatment-Resistant Depression

    Marti’s Story: How Ketamine Smashes Treatment-Resistant Depression

    Ketamine Can Eradicate Severe Depression Do you know anyone who’s severely depressed? I want you to meet Marti. If you’ve never experienced severe depression yourself, learning about Marti’s journey may give you a glimpse into what it’s like. And if you have…well…I hope Marti’s story helps you feel less alone…and helps you find hope for your future,…

  • IV Ketamine Can Treat Adolescent Depression

    IV Ketamine Can Treat Adolescent Depression

    Ketamine Treatment Shows It’s Effectiveness with Treatment-Resistant Adolescent Depression For generations, teenagers have struggled with depression, and treatment has been only moderately effective. We need to treat adolescent depression urgently. Failed grades, lost schooling due to poor attendance, interrupted social development, broken dreams… Pressures of Achievements A young woman who had excelled in high school,…

  • Rapid-Acting Antidepressants Help You Get Better FAST

    Rapid-Acting Antidepressants Help You Get Better FAST

    Smash Treatment-Resistant Mood Disorders with Rapid-Acting Antidepressants: Like Ketamine Treatment We’ve talked before about the line to the throne where ketamine treatment now reigns. Formulators in a lab were seeking to create a new anesthesia, and they thought they’d found one.  They called it Sernyl—but the unpredictable side effects, hallucinations, and sometimes violent behavior, drove…

  • Learning Emotional Regulation Skills Can Prevent Relapse

    Learning Emotional Regulation Skills Can Prevent Relapse

    Emotional Regulation in Mood Disorders Can be Improved !!        Ketamine Treatment and Psychotherapy                    “Cassie..?” “Yes, Mom?” “Sam called … says he can’t come over because he has to go to the mall with his mom …” “WHAAAAATT??? That CREEP!!” The freshly opened Coke can in Cassie’s hand…

  • True Recovery From Trauma and How to Find Restoration

    True Recovery From Trauma and How to Find Restoration

      Trauma: Don’t Beat Yourself Up – Allow Your Loved Ones to Lift You UP Have you been through something traumatic …? Maybe you’re a combat veteran, a first responder, or a victim of severe domestic abuse. It might have been a car wreck, or the unexpected sudden loss of someone you love. Fixed beliefs…

  • The Truth About Bipolar II Disorder: How To Get Your Life Back

    The Truth About Bipolar II Disorder: How To Get Your Life Back

    You Can Know if You Suffer From Bipolar II Disorder and What You and Your Doctor Can Do About It Clara is a 27-year-old artist whose talent has opened opportunities for her she never dreamed possible. She’s published books of her original poetry and children’s stories she wrote and illustrated herself. She paints watercolors of…

  • Can Inflammation Cause Depression? It All Depends on Your Childhood

    Can Inflammation Cause Depression? It All Depends on Your Childhood

    Neuro Neuroscience Discoveries Show Inflammation Can Cause Depression – Especially If You Experienced Severe Stress in Early Childhood Lillian was in second grade when her mom went to work full-time. For the first time in her life, she would get off the school bus and walk down the street to her house, pull out her…

  • Anxiety and Panic Disorder: Can This Condition Be Quelled?

    Anxiety and Panic Disorder: Can This Condition Be Quelled?

     Anxiety and Panic Disorder – A Tormenting Presence “Am I going to die? I feel like I’m dying…”  “No, you’re going to get through this. You’re having a panic attack. Just keep looking in my eyes and holding my hand. These feelings are going to pass in a few minutes. Hold on…” The emergency department…