• Let’s Talk about Ketamine in the News and Set the Record Straight

    Let’s Talk about Ketamine in the News and Set the Record Straight

    In recent times, we’ve seen ketamine in the news in a disparaging light. We know that sensational articles sell publications, and don’t always report the full picture. Let’s shed some light on the context, and balance these sensational headlines with some facts. When they found beloved actor, Matthew Perry, drowned in his hot tub, shock…

  • Ketamine Treatment Provides Transformation Going Forward

    Ketamine Treatment Provides Transformation Going Forward

    Lexi released a long, deep sigh as she stared out the window. What was the point? Just holding herself up in the overstuffed chair was too much of an effort.  But, she knew she had to drag herself to her feet, and get in the shower. Another day had begun, and she needed to go…

  • Birth Trauma? Ketamine Treatment Can Help Heal PTSD

    Birth Trauma? Ketamine Treatment Can Help Heal PTSD

    Madison took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. Trying to calm herself, she knew her reaction wasn’t rational. Her husband had gently stroked her arm, but she’d been asleep. That touch triggered panic. She was flailing her arms and kicking before she knew what she was doing. As wakefulness turned on the lights…

  • Holiday Depression and Suicidal Thoughts at the New Year

    Holiday Depression and Suicidal Thoughts at the New Year

    Everyone seemed happy, excited, hopeful. Ryan sighed, looking at his feet. It had been a difficult year. His surgical practice had been slow to recover following the pandemic. Countless problems with his staff, endless conflicts, and reduced income. His wife of eight years had died from complications related to COVID and asthma 2 years ago.…

  • Family in Crisis? Ketamine Treatment Now Can Restore Peace

    Family in Crisis? Ketamine Treatment Now Can Restore Peace

    Dean and Nicole stared at each other like deer in the headlights. Their kids’ behavior shocked them…again. Where was this coming from?  Caden screamed at his sister, throwing a vase at her, which hit the wall and shattered. Emma, his 14 year-old sister, ran to her room, slammed the door, and locked it. Again. There…

  • Has Shattered Trust Caused PTSD? Find Your Joy and Hope Now

    Has Shattered Trust Caused PTSD? Find Your Joy and Hope Now

    Kevin recoiled. He put his hand on the wall to steady himself. His business partner of 11 years, Max, informed him that he’d invited a new profit-sharing partner, William, into the business because he had so many fresh ideas. Trouble was, Max hadn’t discussed it with him! Kevin felt shocked, betrayed, and deeply hurt. Ever…

  • Is Self Harm Tormenting Your Teen? Ketamine Can Help!

    Is Self Harm Tormenting Your Teen? Ketamine Can Help!

    Kinsey recoiled when her mom screamed, “If you don’t cooperate I’m going to kill myself! Do you want that on your conscience??” The security she had felt when she was younger, with both parents making her world safe, seemed to be disintegrating. She felt guilty, confused, and terrified. She trusted her parents, but her mom…

  • Is Your Teen Withdrawn, Listless, Depressed? Try IV Ketamine Now

    Is Your Teen Withdrawn, Listless, Depressed? Try IV Ketamine Now

    Cherie knocked on her son Will’s door. “May I come in?”  There was a brief silence, then “Sure.”  She entered and found Will curled up in his bean bag chair — in the dark — with his back to the door. “How’re you doin’ honey? It’s about time you got ready for school, don’t you…

  • Male Midlife Crisis? If Depression Results IV Ketamine Can Help

    Male Midlife Crisis? If Depression Results IV Ketamine Can Help

    Wait a minute. Male midlife crisis is a psychiatric disorder? No…not exactly. Midlife is a time of life that everyone goes through if they live long enough. Being at midlife isn’t a crisis in itself. But for many, a crisis can strike from a major change of life at that time, like divorce or changes…

  • IV Ketamine for PTSD Symptoms from Severe Abuse Trauma

    IV Ketamine for PTSD Symptoms from Severe Abuse Trauma

    Celeste quivered in the dark recesses of the closet… trying to breathe ever so quietly. She didn’t want to alert her husband to her hiding place. His violent assaults had become more and more severe…she could feel her eye throbbing and her lip swelling, but the worst was the soreness in her neck. He had…