• When You Feel Alienated By Your Angry Child

    When You Feel Alienated By Your Angry Child

    Ben slammed the door with a resounding bang. “I’m outta here!!” He called over his shoulder as he charged down the street. Jill, his mom, felt defeated. She had tried so hard to be reasonable, caring, and sensitive to his mood. But apparently she had stepped on his toes, an error which had become a…

  • The Metabolic Mind Video about Anorexia

    The Metabolic Mind Video about Anorexia

    We’ve talked before about our work with Caroline to help her recover from anorexia nervosa, and the subsequent pilot study with 5 women who had suffered from anorexia for many years. In both cases, we used a combination of a nutritional intervention that created therapeutic nutritional ketosis without weight loss and IV ketamine infusions to…

  • It’s Never Too Late to Heal from Brokenness and Failure

    It’s Never Too Late to Heal from Brokenness and Failure

    Caryn lay in bed, looking around the room. She’d been here in this bed for months. The mess had piled up from doing so little, and her finding no initiative to get up and do anything. No energy, either emotionally or physically. She looked across the room at the pile of clutter collected on her…

  • When You See that Not All Kids are Butterflies

    When You See that Not All Kids are Butterflies

    Marc and Amber had two children. One who was outgoing and gregarious…who never met a stranger…and one who was shy, inhibited, and thoughtful, as well as very intelligent. Cecie was the outgoing one who lived in joy and exuberance, but not all kids are butterflies. Liam was the deep thinking, brooding one. When they were…

  • What To Do When Letting Go Breaks Your Heart

    What To Do When Letting Go Breaks Your Heart

    “Kayle!  Kaaaaaayle!! Are you home?” No answer. Beth called again, then ran upstairs to check his bedroom. She knocked on the closed door. “Kayle?” Silence.  Beth opened his door, and there was Kayle, sound asleep. The room smelled like body odor, and his dirty clothes were piled on every surface, and hanging from every protrusion.…

  • Worry About His Apathy? IV Ketamine Treatment Can Help

    Worry About His Apathy?  IV Ketamine Treatment Can Help

    Dan and Teresa were worried. It had been going on so long, they couldn’t remember when it started. Their son, Will, had been a good natured boy growing up, and had shown responsibility and good intentions when asked to tend to tasks to contribute to the family. He had always had a sparkle in his…

  • When Life Tanks – You Can Still Land on Your Feet

    When Life Tanks – You Can Still Land on Your Feet

    Tom was worried sick. After twenty years of marriage, his wife had left. He had three kids, Bella and Dylan at home and Bodin in college, and he was desperately trying to keep their family afloat. His wife, Karen, had had an affair with the guy across the street. Then she moved out to pursue…

  • How to Avoid Helicopter Parenting Your Almost Adult Child

    How to Avoid Helicopter Parenting Your Almost Adult Child

    Helen’s quiet, studious daughter Lizzie, didn’t really date in high school. Helen worried about her social life some, but it was still reassuring that she was safe at home. When she graduated and went to college, her social life developed around her dorm. First her roommates, then their friends and boyfriends. By her second semester,…

  • How Optimism Improves Your Healthy Outlook

    How Optimism Improves Your Healthy Outlook

    How is it that some people seem to maintain a bright outlook in their daily life, including in times of difficulty? Is it naiveté or something else? Others say that their “realistic” outlook has served them well and they rely on it, but their realistic perspective can typically be dangerously pessimistic. And what’s so bad…

  • When Your Child Battles With Special Needs… It’s a Battle for You, Too

    When Your Child Battles With Special Needs… It’s a Battle for You, Too

    Angela unconsciously rubbed her forehead. She tried not to worry, but it was futile. Her son, Matt, was 17 and suffered with bipolar disorder, as well as a chronic condition that had caused him to lose most of his eyesight. Emotional regulation was very difficult for him, and his medications only helped slightly. The frustration…