• Thanksgiving’s About More than Food… Think About It…

    Thanksgiving’s About More than Food… Think About It…

    Thanksgiving isn’t just turkey and dressing. Shocking…right? But it’s not about the food. It’s about being thankful. Appreciating every good thing in your life. Expressing your appreciation, recognizing you can’t do this life alone. Thanksgiving’s about more than food, and it’s worth the effort to focus on what gratitude is really about. You may feel alone…

  • Grieving Loss as the COVID Saga Drags On…

    Grieving Loss as the COVID Saga Drags On…

    If you’ve known someone who’s had COVID-19, you may have also known someone who died from this coronavirus. Hundreds of thousands have died since January 2020, but your loved one was not just “part of the crowd.” Death of your cherished love one is life changing for you. What do you do with the grief?…

  • Anxiety vs. an Anxiety Disorder: What’s the Difference?

    Anxiety vs. an Anxiety Disorder: What’s the Difference?

    Anxiety is a part of all our lives. Feeling nervous before a test, or before a meeting with the boss. But for some, anxiety continues to get worse until it is a disorder…and needs an intervention because it’s interfering in your life. How can you know the difference? For example, a time of life when…

  • How Neglect in Early Childhood Changes Girls’ Brains for Surviving

    How Neglect in Early Childhood Changes Girls’ Brains for Surviving

    We talked last week about how childhood abuse alters girls’ brain development, slowing down the maturing of emotional circuits in key areas. But what about neglect?  Does the neglect of a little girl do the same thing? The light grew darker as the sun had set and Bryanna shivered. She didn’t like the dark. She…

  • Childhood Abuse Alters Girls’ Brains And Delays Emotional Maturity

    Childhood Abuse Alters Girls’ Brains And Delays Emotional Maturity

    Most of us realize that the abuse of young children is cruel and heartbreaking, and can scar their emotions. This is especially true of girls. But there’s more to it…. Childhood abuse alters girls’ development of the connections between neurons in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, the parietal cortex, and insular cortex …all important parts of your…

  • Will Cannabis Harm Your Teenage Brain?

    Will Cannabis Harm Your Teenage Brain?

    Luke and Sam walk home from school. Luke says, “Hey man, I’ve got some weed, wanna share a joint?” Sam looks up, pleased at the prospect. “I have a better idea. Let’s call Dom. She’s throwing a party with brownies and cookies, too. Brownies are such a fun way to get high…” As you watch…

  • Live with Someone with Bipolar 2 in the Family? It’s Not Easy, Is It?

    Live with Someone with Bipolar 2 in the Family? It’s Not Easy, Is It?

    We talked about the difference between living with bipolar 2 and bipolar II disorder. The latter is actually the correct name for this difficult disorder, but the first one is the popular name all over the web…affectionately adopted maybe because II sounds like 2. So in the spirit of community — and flexibility! — today…

  • Living with Bipolar 2 When It’s You Who’s Got It

    Living with Bipolar 2 When It’s You Who’s Got It

    Is it Bipolar II, or Bipolar 2? Hard to get it straight? (Bipolar 2 is what’s all over the net but Bipolar II is what’s in the journals.) Actually, if you suffer from bipolar II disorder, it’s no laughing matter. It’s a lot like bipolar I, except the highs are much less intense. So we…

  • Bipolar in Teens: When Loving and Learning Takes All You’ve Got

    Bipolar in Teens: When Loving and Learning Takes All You’ve Got

    Learn to recognize signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in your teen. Then get help. Fast. It’s the worst shock to hear your adolescent child has done things you raised him not to do. Every parent experiences this. But some parents get socked in the gut. Instead of your teen sneaking out with friends at…

  • Can Cannabis Make You Suicidal? It Depends…

    Can Cannabis Make You Suicidal?                       It Depends…

    There are so many sides to this controversy. Marijuana’s good for what ails you – right? For cancer pain, anxiety, depression…for putting your body back in order… Or is it?? There has long been a belief that cannabis, another name for marijuana, was associated with suicidality.  Not a popular belief, but one supported by neuroscience.…