• IV Ketamine Infusions Restore Your Power to Enjoy

    IV Ketamine Infusions Restore Your Power to Enjoy

    IV Ketamine Infusions Restore Jacob couldn’t remember the last time he was really at his best self.  He’d struggled from day to day since he was about 4. Getting out of bed, getting dressed, and going to school, from first grade through high school… every day had been awful and just exhausting. As he got…

  • Ketamine Off-Label = New Hope

    Ketamine Off-Label = New Hope

    Ketamine Off-Label Talk about ketamine off-label and it’s hard not to get a raised eyebrow or two. The one-eyebrow raise is the curious, skeptical, quizzical, or disapproving look when someone hears about IV ketamine infusions for depression, just before she takes a deep breath and then dismisses it.  But the two-eyebrow raise is another matter entirely.…

  • When Depression Medications Don’t Help

    When Depression Medications Don’t Help

    Treatment-resistant depression When you’re depressed and taking an antidepressant, it may seem like it takes forever for it to work. While therapy, in addition to medication, can help… it may not be enough if you’re experiencing treatment-resistant depression. Some people find after many months with a medication that there’s no relief. If that’s the case, we…

  • IV Ketamine Therapy for Postpartum Depression

    IV Ketamine Therapy for Postpartum Depression

    Postpartum depression affects 1 in 7 women and can last for months if not treated. The symptoms of pervasive depressed mood, feelings of inadequacy and being overwhelmed are often accompanied by anxiety, irritability, inability to sleep despite exhaustion, inconsistent appetite, and intense isolation and guilt about experiencing these symptoms during what should be a joyful time.…

  • Is IV Ketamine Therapy the Future of Depression Treatments?

    Is IV Ketamine Therapy the Future of Depression Treatments?

    Each year, millions of Americans are diagnosed with major depression. Not all of them will seek treatment, and roughly 40% of those who do will not respond to antidepressants. Fortunately, there’s an alternative to Treatment-Resistant Depression – IV Ketamine Therapy Ketamine is administered at a low dose by IV infusion, and it works quickly. Many patients…

  • Ketamine Reduces OCD Symptoms

    Ketamine Reduces OCD Symptoms

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a psychiatric disorder that causes repetitive behaviors, intrusive thoughts, and fear. The traditional treatment for OCD has been cognitive behavior therapy, drug therapy, or a combination. But Ketamine has shown promise in reducing OCD symptoms. The theory that ketamine reduces OCD has been studied and continues to be backed up by ongoing…