• Insomnia and Suicide: Will Treating One Prevent the Other?

    Insomnia and Suicide: Will Treating One Prevent the Other?

    A cause and affect relationship that’s a recipe for profound misery…is there hope? Jarrod turned over. The room was dark except for the light of the clock. 3:45AM glowed brightly in the darkness. Jarrod sighed heavily. It had been 5 hours since he turned off the light. Exhaustion weighed him down like lead. He hadn’t…

  • PTSD in Parents: If Your Child is Diagnosed with a Life-Threatening Illness

    PTSD in Parents: If Your Child is Diagnosed with a Life-Threatening Illness

    Your child. Devastating diagnosis. Potentially fatal. The very thought runs chills down your spine. Takes your breath away. You’re paralyzed. We’ve talked in the past about PTSD, and how there are varied events that can cause it. The best known cause is active combat. But many different kinds of traumatic events can lead to post-traumatic-stress-disorder…

  • Ketamine Treatment and the Science of Joy

    Ketamine Treatment and the Science of Joy

    Do you trudge or dance ? Trudging through life isn’t reserved for only the sick, the suffering, and the poverty-stricken.  On some level, trudging is part of the routine of daily living for many. Certainly, it isn’t the sentence for every human. But why? Could the reason be hidden in the science of joy…? Or…

  • Johnson & Johnson’s nasal spray for depression wins FDA panel backing

    Johnson & Johnson’s nasal spray for depression wins FDA panel backing

    (Reuters) – An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday voted in favor of Johnson & Johnson’s experimental nasal spray, which has a compound similar to often-abused ketamine, bringing the drug closer to approval. The panel voted 14-2 in favor of the drug esketamine, developed to treat major depression in patients…

  • Persistence: The Road to Resilience Helps You Try, Try Again

    Persistence: The Road to Resilience Helps You Try, Try Again

    With perseverance, you can build the life you want to live. You’ve probably seen the photo of an old stone lighthouse in the storm, with overwhelming waves crashing against it and around it. It looks like it will surely be knocked down…but it’s not. Those waves go on year in and year out, decades upon…

  • Fix Your Inner Life: Embrace the Truth About Yourself

    Fix Your Inner Life: Embrace the Truth About Yourself

    Be sure it’s your real self you’re showing. Because it is your real self that needs to be loved.   Daphne Rose Kingma It’s the most healing thing you can accomplish as you work through the changes in your thinking, your responses, your outlook and attitude about people and your world after ketamine treatment.  As…

  • Want to Help Ketamine Remission Last? First Strengthen Your Personal Infrastructure

    Want to Help Ketamine Remission Last? First Strengthen Your Personal Infrastructure

    In past posts, we’ve talked about remission by ketamine, the 50-year-old anesthesia medicine that stepped up to the plate in the last ten years or so… to bridge the gap in the treatment of an array of psychiatric disorders. And once you’ve achieved remission, you want to help ketamine remission last. You don’t want to…

  • Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: 2019 Year of Promise

    Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: 2019 Year of Promise

    Compounds and methods for treating severe psychiatric disorders are getting better and better… Charlie sank into a chair in utter discouragement, as she realized she had awakened again, after hoping as she went to sleep that this would be her last night. Her last time to breathe. Night after night she prayed to die in…

  • Advances in Psychiatric Treatment: 2018 in Review

    Advances in Psychiatric Treatment: 2018 in Review

    Happy New Year!!  The big silver ball falls tonight to celebrate the birth of 2019. Let’s celebrate the unprecedented, transforming, and ever-accelerating advances in psychiatric treatment this year and the neuroscience that backs it up. Celebrate is the word. Because we’re so grateful to the courageous researchers around the beginning of the 21st century who…

  • 2018 Innovative Psychiatry: Ketamine Developments

    2018 Innovative Psychiatry: Ketamine Developments

    What a year it’s been!! As this busy year creeps toward its end, it’s fun to look back on all we’ve accomplished in our hard work to help find more effective treatment for those who suffer with symptoms that don’t respond to traditional treatment. Since the early beginnings in my work as a psychiatrist, I’ve…