• Cost of Ketamine Treatment: Is it Worth It?

    Cost of Ketamine Treatment: Is it Worth It?

    “IV Ketamine treatment…?  I can’t afford that.”  “Sure, I want to feel better.  I’ve tried so many medicines and treatments. I don’t even know what it’s like to enjoy something, anything…or to feel happy. I don’t have the energy to even get out of bed half the time, much less get anything done. But…the cost…

  • ASKP Conference 2019: Celebrating the Response to Ketamine

    ASKP Conference 2019: Celebrating the Response to Ketamine

    The Importance of Meeting Together Every once in a while — sometimes only once or twice in a physician’s career — a medicine or treatment comes along that’s a game changer. Something that sets its own records, raises its own bar, and helps people so profoundly that their lives are better because of it. A…

  • Where Can You Find Real Help for a Suicidal Person?

    Where Can You Find Real Help for a Suicidal Person?

    What is a suicidal person like?  How do you find help for a suicidal person? Can you describe the profile of someone who wants to die? Are they melancholy?  Irritable or agitated?  Are they funny?  Always making people laugh when they’re dying inside? Do they present themselves one way in public and another way in…

  • Suicide Prevention: #Bethe1to Save a Life

    Suicide Prevention: #Bethe1to Save a Life

    Today marks the beginning of National Suicide Prevention Week 2019, and tomorrow, September 10, is World Suicide Prevention Day. More than just observing a day or week like this, let’s use the opportunity to learn what we can actually do to make a real difference in the life of someone who suffers from suicidal thoughts.…

  • “r” is for Recovery From Any Addiction – Lori Calabrese, M.D.

    “r” is for Recovery From Any Addiction – Lori Calabrese, M.D.

    September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month 2019, and as we celebrate and support everyone in recovery, let’s also talk about what might help others who are trying…to actually get there. “r” is for recovery whether you seek recovery or are actively working your recovery every day. Addictions can involve alcohol, opioids, other…

  • Why Are Young Girls Turning to Suicide?

    Why Are Young Girls Turning to Suicide?

    It’s a heart-shattering tragedy when a child dies. How do you bear such tragedy?  …such loss? The waste of a beautiful life…it defies our logic to find reason in it, or to try to make sense of it. But what about when that young child kills herself? Why are young girls turning to suicide? It’s impossible…

  • A Bit of Bipolar Science and a Dab On Schizophrenia, Too

    A Bit of Bipolar Science and a Dab On Schizophrenia, Too

    Like other disorders of the brain and mind, bipolar disorder is complicated.  With all the movies and cartoons made at the expense of people who suffer from disorders like this, we want to help more people know more about some of the facts with a bit of bipolar science. It’s different for each person. The…

  • Buy Esketamine Online..? Get Real.

    Buy Esketamine Online..? Get Real.

    The news outlets, journals, and lifestyle magazines have been chock-full of articles about ketamine treatment for depression the last few years, with sprinklings about esketamine from time to time… Then, this past March, esketamine received FDA approval for depression and suicidal ideation under the name Spravato. Developed by Janssen, owned by Johnson & Johnson, esketamine…

  • Ketamine isn’t an opioid and treats depression in a unique way, says Johns Hopkins expert

    Ketamine isn’t an opioid and treats depression in a unique way, says Johns Hopkins expert

    In scientific journal letter, Hopkins psychiatrist Adam Kaplin disputes a study claiming ketamine is an opioid. Ketamine has gotten a bad reputation as an opioid—when there’s plenty of evidence suggesting it isn’t one, say Johns Hopkins experts. They believe this misconception may prevent patients from getting necessary treatment for the kinds of depression that don’t respond…

  • The Pain and Marginalizing of Stigma

    The Pain and Marginalizing of Stigma

    Stigma Isolates, Humiliates, and Separates As I think about what to write today, my thoughts are filled with a comment I received from a man who’d read last week’s blog, which you can read here. He wrote that he also suffers from bipolar 1 disorder and was upset and hurt by the description of the young…