A Psychiatric Practice near New Haven CT Offering Innovative Psychiatric Treatments like Ketamine Treatment

On the north shore of Long Island lies the second largest city in Connecticut, New Haven. Home to Yale University, it’s a community full of intellectuals, interesting shops and restaurants, and plenty to do. But in the shadows…the dark, quiet places, people suffer. There’s a need for effective treatment for mood disorders, because depression is the most debilitating illness in the world. There’s good news though. Lori Calabrese, M.D. offers expertise and deep insights with ketamine treatment near New Haven Connecticut at Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor CT.

Art galleries, museums, a rare book and manuscript library, churches and parks…the place is saturated in history. Gothic architecture mixes with modern wonders to display the passing of time and people.  And the institutions remain timeless.

New Haven Harbor

West Haven, CT, and East Haven, CT, are communities nestled in with New Haven on each side of New Haven Harbor.

A sunset harbor tour on a double masted schooner is the perfect way to end the day after a fresh oyster lunch.

Another aspect of life in New Haven CT is Yale University research. Yale New Haven Hospital ranks #11 in Psychiatry by US News and World Report, yet again for 2017-18.

Studies for the use of ketamine treatment for depression and other psychiatric mood disorders are ongoing there. For those in New Haven, West Haven, and East Haven who suffer from mood disorders, it can be convenient to be selected for those studies.

However, the up-side is the opportunity to receive ketamine without paying for it. The downside is that you may or may not receive ketamine, depending on the study. In some studies, you have a 50/50 chance of receiving a placebo instead. Also, you’re there to help the researchers build data, which is important for all of us. But what’s most important to you, is YOU.

But personalized care that’s framed around your individual response and needs can’t happen in a research setting.

In fact, ketamine treatment takes numerous forms from clinic to clinic around the country. There are those who follow a rigid protocol. All patients receive the same dose at the same rate the same number of times. This is a rather hit-and=miss strategy. It ignores making adjustments geared to the patient’s needs. Some others offer ketamine in forms that are less effective and possibly a bit traumatic for the recipient. Such as IM, for instance.

Ketamine Treatment near New Haven Connecticut

But to be the most effective, the doctor should carefully titrate infusion doses using state-of-the-art infusion pumps. Monitored vital signs. And supervised by a seasoned psychiatrist deeply experienced in the psychiatric responses of patients during the ketamine infusion.

Some patients respond well to ketamine no matter how the infusions are managed. But many others need the expertise that titrates dose and rate with the focus on remission. It may require treating underlying conditions for best results. We’re not talking about monthly dosing indefinitely. But shooting for achievement of remission, and maintaining it.

And, it just so happens that one of the most experienced psychiatrists with ketamine treatment in Connecticut is right down the road.

Lori Calabrese, M.D., of Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor, was educated at Harvard, and did her psychiatry residency at Massachusetts General 20 years ago. Through her decades of experience she’s developed a practice for those treatment-resistant, most desperate patients who’ve been sick for years and have never found help. Those closest to suicide, with families who are running low on hope.

Her compassionate and expert care combined with the ground-breaking and novel treatments she uses in her practice have won her the widespread reputation as the beloved and trusted psychiatrist of her patients.

You can read her patients’ reviews here:

“I had been suffering with debilitating depression for over 25 years. I have been in the hospital over 20 times just in the last few years. Nothing worked. After coming to see Dr. Calabrese, my life changed…Dr. Calabrese is brilliant and takes the time to explain everything. Thank you so much!!!” – JK

“Following my first infusion, the immediate change that was apparent was the quiet in my mind. It was as if there was a welcome void which was once filled with chaos and upheaval..My anxiety is gone. Gone! I have been able to deal with stressors with ease..It has been a fundamentally life altering change, one I never thought I would ever experience. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!” – AD

IV Medication that Treats Brain Circuits Should be Handled with Great Care

If you have a psychiatric disorder, you know.

Outpatient ketamine treatment is best provided by a psychiatrist who’s expert in providing highly individualized treatment for you or your family. Because of the fragile condition of these patients, and the dissociative feelings ketamine can cause, they need expert, attentive care.

Ketamine treatment for psychiatric mood disorders, social anxiety, PTSD and suicidal thinking is an extraordinarily effective treatment for the most critically ill patients. And when nothing’s worked, decisions made in the course of your care and treatment are important. They can be life-saving.

As you seek solutions for yourself or for a family member who suffers from a psychiatric mood or anxiety disorder, hope is just minutes away.

In less than an hour, you can access the best practices for personalized IV ketamine treatment and other novel solutions to psychiatric mood disorders in Connecticut.

Ketamine treatment near New Haven Connecticut,  is just a drive up I-91.

Call Innovative Psychiatry for an appointment or email info@loricalabresemd.com for more information about Dr. Calabrese or ketamine treatment for mood disorders.