This Psychiatric Practice Near Windsor CT Specializes in Novel and Advanced Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders Like Ketamine Treatment

In this frontier of neuroscience discoveries, those who suffer with psychiatric disorders wish for real relief. They yearn to find solutions – real treatment – that makes a difference in their stressed and struggling lives. That treatment is rising in distinction: ketamine treatment near Windsor CT is making that difference.

Windsor CT Delivers Fun, Beautiful Scenery, and Community

Residents of Windsor CT have long enjoyed the beauty and recreation afforded by the Windsor Meadows State Park along the Connecticut River. But for someone with a psychiatric disorder, there’s often little energy for social outings. For an individual who’s found no effective treatment for severe depression, or intense anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, OCD, or suicidal thinking, the idea of expending precious energy in such a place is unthinkable.

Individuals who’ve been plagued by these disorders long for relief. They long to be emancipated from the weight, the burden, and of these crippling symptoms that stand between them and fulfillment in their lives.

Ketamine Treatment is Changing History in Psychiatric Treatment

One particular breakthrough came from a unique anesthesia medicine. Ketamine hydrochloride was developed around 1970.  Even though club goers later abused it for its dissociative effects, from the beginning of the 21st century its benefits in treating psychiatric disorders have risen to prominence.

Ever heard the saying, In the middle of every problem is a solution, and in the middle of every solution is another problem…?

This has been the case with ketamine. The brightest and best in neuroscience and psychiatry have proclaimed ketamine a “rapid and robust antidepressant,” and “the discovery of our lifetime.” And it is.

But the new problem is in its administration.

Administration of Ketamine Requires More Than Meets the Eye

And Lori Calabrese, M.D., at Innovative Psychiatry is one of the few who’s got it right.

So here’s the thing.

Doctors around the world have trusted ketamine’s anesthesia and pain relieving properties for nearly 50 years. But the use of it to improve conditions in the brain is much more complex. The results weaken if this powerful medicine is administered like an antibiotic or an allergy treatment,

The delicate systems in the brain are the most complex and intricate of all the systems in the human body. And treating those systems with the right medication, in the right amount, at the optimum rate to rebuild, heal, and restore is a skill of precision and wisely honed expertise.

Because of ketamine’s increasing popularity and demand, many doctors providing it across the US lack this sophisticated skill. In fact, most probably don’t even know they should have it.

Ketamine for depression clinics have popped up in every state. Anesthesiologists, anesthetists, psychiatrists, and other medical doctors and advanced practice nurses who administer ketamine in a one-size-fits-all protocol run the majority of these clinics. By IM or subcutaneous injections, intranasal spray, or even IV infusions provided at the same given rate for everyone.

While it may work to provide an antibiotic in a standard dose, the same is not true when impacting the microscopic structures and intricate systems of the brain.

Some people need more, some people need less.  Some need the infusion to be slower…others need it a tiny bit faster.

And this is the reason there are so many mixed reports about the effectiveness of ketamine. And let’s not even start talking about IM and subQ injections oral lozenges, or nebulizers.

Ketamine Treatment Near Windsor CT

Can you achieve remission from psychiatric mood disorders?  Yes, you can. Can any doctor provide ketamine with such precision and expertise that you WILL?  Not necessarily.

But, for you who live in Windsor CT ketamine treatment administered with the highest degree of precision and skill does help patients achieve remission. You can find this level of expertise in Lori Calabrese, M.D. at Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor, CT.

This is a psychiatrist who served on faculty at Harvard and Yale. She honed her expertise through the years by treating those patients who’ve been failed by other treatments. Patients who were desperate for relief from their symptoms, and were at risk for suicide. Patients who needed novel and advanced treatments.

Her experience treating these patients gives her a unique advantage. The advantage is that she refines and adapts the dosages and infusion rates of ketamine for each patient. She expertly provides the optimum relief from the symptoms of the disorder. Because of this, her results in helping patients achieve remission from the terrible symptoms of their disorders are among the highest among her peers.

Lori Calabrese, M.D. at Innovative Psychiatry Leads Her Field in Ketamine Treatment

Because of her reputation and unique expertise, she’s a doctor’s doctor. The psychiatrist other psychiatrists rely on for their own treatment.

Her patients make the leap from barely surviving to enjoying such rewarding lives they send her emails and pictures to share their joy. Expertly administered ketamine treatment near Windsor CT makes it possible for Windsor residents to really live again.

So residents of Windsor CT can come out of the darkness of a disordered brain. They can enjoy golf with friends at Keney Park Golf Club, or happily take children to visit the animal barn at Northwest Park. To live with a sense of purpose and hope. And contribute to their families, their jobs, and their community.

We’re here to serve you. We want to help you find the meaning in life that’s available to you. And that happens when your symptoms are no longer an obstacle to the life you want. Ketamine infusions are provided in a beautiful and relaxing environment, and you’ll be surrounded with every comfort to make the treatment a positive experience.

If you’d like to learn more about Lori Calabrese, M.D. and ketamine treatment for psychiatric disorders, call or email Dr. Calabrese.