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Ketamine Treatment near New Britain, CT

You feel exhausted … can’t go another step. You just don’t care anymore. About getting the job done, fulfilling your responsibility — any of it.  You’ve done all you know to do … then beyond that all you can muster. All you know is that you have nothing left to give. Nothing. You can’t feel…can’t put two words together to make a sentence.  You’re spent. And you don’t care anymore… You need to know about ketamine treatment for depression.  You’ve heard about it, right? Where can you find ketamine treatment near New Britain, CT?

You’ve read about ketamine treatment…somewhere. It’s hard to remember where, but maybe it popped up in your newsfeed…?  Maybe you saw it in a magazine article. You’ve been unable to function very well since you were in high school. But you kept trying. 

And trying.

And now you can’t do it anymore.  Where did you hear of it?

Reaching Out for Some Kind of Help

You decide to google “ketamine treatment near me.”   

And for good measure, you also google “psychiatrist near me.”

What a surprise…there’s a name that emerges on both google search results lists:

“Lori Calabrese, M.D. at Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor, CT.”

Well, that’s weird.

But there’s no mistake. The same psychiatrist shows up for both searches, so you decide you better check this out.

You live in New Britain, CT, a picturesque town of over 73,000, with history and architecture dating back to the 17th century. The “Hardware City” they call it, because Stanley Black and Decker holds their claim to their corner of the tool market for the last 160 years. A beautiful area full of parks and fun outings … but none of this matters to you.

You know that whether you live in New Britain or Timbuktu, your interest in life is waning. Interest in anything is drying up. Energy to care…

You’ve taken pills for years. What difference has it made?

None. Nothing. Nada.

Wish you could go to sleep and never wake up… What’s the point?

The Way You Feel is NOT Your Imagination

Well, here’s the thing.

The stress of depression wears you down. The stresses of life wear you out. Then, when depression takes hold, it breaks down the connections in your brain.

These connections send messages deep into your brain where your emotions are managed. If the connections break down…your brain goes dark…and silent…

To be creative you need signals running fast and abundantly along those pathways. When they can’t, you’re going to feel listless.

In the same way, when those signals aren’t working properly, you can feel fear or the tension of anxiety.  Your brain at its best has built-in systems for keeping your thoughts, emotions, and general feelings in balance.

But when those systems break down due to stress or a terrible trauma, for example, your feelings and self-image become distorted, strained, out of balance… and numb.

What Can You Do?

Until the last few years, there were limited options for treating that condition. Whether it’s depression, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, OCD, generalized anxiety, substance use disorder, alcohol use disorder, eating disorders, or suicidal thinking, if the antidepressant medicines didn’t help, it was hard to find treatment that helped you feel truly better.

But that’s changed.

The discovery that a 50 year-old medicine actually repairs those connections and pathways and restores them to optimum function is transforming the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

Ketamine Treatment near New Britain, CT

Ketamine treatment near New Britain, CT with Dr. Calabrese offers that medicine that’s so full of healing and restorative surprises, and the more it’s investigated, the more thrilling it becomes.

While studies are ongoing at most of the major medical teaching institutions around the world, some really exciting breakthroughs are also coming out of certain private psychiatric practices, too.

And if you live in New Britain, CT IV ketamine infusions are available at their best and most effective just up the road at Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor, CT with Lori Calabrese, M.D.

And that’s why Google told you about this particular doctor when you did your search.

When ketamine is administered skillfully and with expertise, it switches on mRNA which flips the switch and turns on DNA. Then brain-derived-neurotrophic-factors (BDNF) go into overdrive and things get exciting.

The vamped up BDNF is like a rich compost that turbo boosts the rapid and prolific branching of new connections in the brain. And it’s fast. Your brain can start working again, like it’s supposed to. You can begin to feel hope, patience… and enjoyment. You have a renewed ability to enjoy again.

The fragrance of a freshly bloomed rose, the beauty of a spectacular sunset, the peace of a babbling brook. And initiative…you enjoy tackling projects you’ve put off for years. Starting new projects and getting new ideas. You can live again.

Newfound energy for people, for relationships, for reaching out to others. For building your career, your home and your family.

The Goal is Not Just to Feel Better, But to Achieve Remission

It’s no surprise that ketamine treatment is in demand. It’s the greatest breakthrough in psychiatric treatment in our lifetimes. So it stands to reason that clinics would pop up everywhere to provide it.

But there’s a problem with that.

The majority of these clinics are run by anesthesiologists … not psychiatrists. And yet, it’s for disorders of the brain that ketamine is being offered to treat. Psychiatric disorders. Anesthesiologists are experts in life support in the operating room and in treating some pain conditions. But they lack the training or experience to respond to treat psychiatric conditions.  They were just never trained for that.

And that’s just part of the problem.

It’s also extremely important that ketamine be administered with skill and deep expertise to yield optimum results. And it seems there are not even very many psychiatrists who seem to know how to do that.

Some doctors are providing ketamine by IM injection. Others are offering it by compounded intranasal sprays with uncertain delivery mechanisms.  There are some big problems with these routes of administration that diminish the outcomes.

Some offer an injection or infusion every month or every other month. Patients come away six months later discouraged…believing ketamine doesn’t work for them. Far too often these conclusions are not accurate. But because of the poor, haphazard methods used by their doctor, they’ve become discouraged, and sometimes lose hope altogether.

The basic “protocol” that most doctors follow is a small dose of ketamine provided by IV over a little less than an hour.  

This is what most anesthesiologists and non-psychiatrists use in their “ketamine clinics,” and the majority of psychiatrists are using, too … unfortunately. 

A Better Method for You with Ketamine near New Britain, CT

However, that approach falls short of helping many patients achieve remission. And the thing is, if you still don’t feel good, then you still don’t. You want to feel well, and we want that for you. The goal for each patient should be to try to achieve remission. To be restored and get your life back.

For a full response that leads to remission, a much more skilled and insightful administration is required. A psychiatrist who’s adept at different dosing paradigms to obtain the desired level of therapeutic experience, adjusting the rate to be sure each infusion does its job, and determining whether a given patient needs 6 infusions — or 7, 8, even 9 — to achieve remission.

When a patient doesn’t achieve remission, they need to keep returning often for another infusion and another so they can function. And that’s what these other clinics often recommend. A regular appointment monthly or bimonthly.  It’s a business plan for that clinic, not a wellness plan for the patient.

But once a patient achieves remission, they may not need another infusion for 4 months, 6 months, a year … or more. Because each person’s brain is different.

Find the Best Psychiatrist to Achieve the Best Results

Lori Calabrese, M.D. is the psychiatrist with this kind of expertise. Hopkins- and Harvard-educated and Mass General-trained, she specializes treating patients with treatment-resistant disorders for whom nothing else has worked.

She’s dedicated her entire career to that. 

When ketamine emerged as the robust and rapid antidepressant it is, she was already prepared to use her expertise to get the most out of it for the patients who seek her out.

And her patients enjoy the results.

Dr. Calabrese can also help you. Innovative Psychiatry is a short drive from New Britain, CT and surrounding area to South Windsor. And it’s worth the drive. Patients get better and stay better because she treats each patient individually based on their needs. This is a personalized approach to medical treatment, as opposed to “one-size-fits-all.”

Ketamine is a thrilling medicine, but it can’t do magic by itself. It needs to be delivered to the delicate brain tissues in the right amount, at the right rate, and the right number of times.  

If you’d like more information about Dr. Calabrese or ketamine treatment at Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor, CT near New Britain, call or email Dr. Calabrese.