A Psychiatrist near Hamden Connecticut Offers Innovative Ketamine Treatment

The Land of the Sleeping Giant, Hamden, CT takes pride in a low broad mountain that sits in the northeast corner of the town. The state’s largest and most frequently visited park developed around it and contains 13 trails that criss cross through it forming dozens of hiking paths. But for those suffering from psychiatric disorders, scenery is seems to disappear. Lori Calabrese, M.D., at Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor provides expertly administered ketamine treatment near Hamden CT.  More about that coming up.

Even though Hamden started out as part of New Haven, it formed it’s own township after the Revolutionary War, and has developed its own character since 1786.

If you spent the weekend in Hamden, you might think you were in Mayberry. In spite of the town’s growth to 60,000 residents, Hamden retains that small, friendly town atmosphere. Still, most residents live there all their lives, and attend Hamden’s one high school together.

Brooksvale Park for Residents and Visitors Alike

In addition to the growing number of excellent restaurants that draw visitors from New Haven and other communities, perhaps the most endearing aspect of Hamden is Brooksvale Park.

A farm-inspired park owned by the community of Hamden, CT, Brooksvale includes farm animals, a shack where maple syrup is boiled, a vegetable garden, a bee apiary, and a field for recreation. Through the many hiking trails, guides can educate community members and their children about nature, wildlife, and animal husbandry.

This picturesque town teems with families, industry, entrepreneurial ventures, and natural beauty.

Hamden’s residents believe in this ideal place to raise a family.

You would think so too, unless you suffer…

Trouble is, if you suffer, or if your family battles crisis, all the beauty and stimulation in the world can be pretty hard to notice.

Depression Can Be Debilitating

Have you ever been depressed? So depressed that sixty tons of lead are wrapped around your head and you just can’t seem to think? And another sixty tons are strapped to your legs… and you just can’t move? There’s so much you want to do, to accomplish.

But you just can’t. And because you can’t, you grow to hate yourself and your ineptness. You hate your lack of accomplishment. It’s awful and you feel like a failure. You feel worthless. That contempt grows until you despise yourself. You feel like there’s a black hole consuming you from the inside.

If you’ve experienced severe depression, you know these feelings. But what can you do?

It’s hard to reach out for help because you’ll be “labeled” and that will always follow you. Or so you think.

Ever stopped to think about that logic…?

Effective Treatment Lifts Paralysis So You Can Live Again

You’re paralyzed by a major depressive illness to the point that you’re unable to function, at home, at work, or in relationships. And you’re worried about stigma? It just could be that the fact that you’re not functioning is causing you far more damage than seeking treatment would.

You have access to world-class psychiatric treatment just a little over half an hour away. Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor, CT specializes in treating people who have suffered from severe depression, despair, suicidal thoughts, severe PTSD, anxiety disorders, OCD, and other terrible and debilitating psychiatric mood disorders.

The Best Care for Treatment Resistance Includes Ketamine Treatment near Hamden CT

Lori Calabrese, M.D., began building a practice that treats those most severely ill with psychiatric mood disorders 20 years ago. She strives daily to reach her goal to find help, healing, and relief for the ones other doctors couldn’t help.

The result is a practice based on psychiatric breakthrough medications and technology that truly will give you your life again. The life you remember when you were your best self. That peace, confidence, and initiative you haven’t experienced in years, but long to have again.

Dr. Calabrese was educated at Harvard, trained at Massachusetts General, and has been a leader among her peers for decades. She’s a doctor’s doctor, treating those who treat others, because of the confidence other physicians place in her.

Ketamine Treatment near Hamden CT

She pulled together a powerful collection of ground-breaking treatments to help her most critical patients get better. But her most powerful tool in helping profoundly depressed people heal is IV ketamine treatment.

Ketamine serves as a broadly used anesthesia medicine in surgical settings since 50 years ago. It works great for instigating and maintaining sedation.

But it also produces a rapid and robust antidepressant effect on people with psychiatric mood disorders. Several years ago, it showed its talent treating psychiatric mood disorders. That dramatically improved psychiatric treatment.

In her practice at Innovative Psychiatry, Dr. Calabrese treats thousands of patients suffering from depression and anxiety disorders with ketamine infusions. She has consistently recorded 80% successful responses among patients with treatment-resistant depression, bipolar and postpartum depression, PTSD, social anxiety, OCD, and other mood and anxiety disorders.

She quickly realized the expertise needed for the unique needs of these patients is limited to the training and experience of seasoned psychiatrists. Those psychiatrists who have researched ketamine treatment deeply…not just by reading some of the literature. But rather, by digging out a wide variety of studies to understand the strengths and weaknesses of this treatment, what to watch for, how to personalize its effectiveness with each patient, and what to do if the effectiveness doesn’t achieve completion.

“We don’t have full control of this treatment because there’s still so much we don’t know or understand. But we learn more all the time, so we can help more people find the resilience they desperately need,” she says.

Ketamine treatment near Hamden CT is available in nearby South Windsor, under the experienced care and deep wisdom of Lori Calabrese, M.D.

If you’ve suffered from psychiatric mood or anxiety disorders, and have been failed by other treatments, call for an appointment. Ketamine treatment doesn’t help everyone, but when administered with expertise, it does change the lives of most of those who receive it.

 For more information about Dr. Calabrese or Ketamine treatment, please call or email info@loricalabresemd.com