A Psychiatric Practice near Avon Connecticut Offering Innovative Psychiatric Treatments like Ketamine

A village began forming in 1645, Northington grew up in the north eastern part of Farmington, CT.  A gathering of 31 families formed a Congregational Church in 1750 over a hundred years later. They worked with a brand new pastor from Yale Divinity School, Ebenezer Booge. Just a piece of history for residents of Avon CT. But among these residents are families with psychiatric disorders in need of treatment. For those, ketamine treatment near Avon CT, a remarkable solution for treatment resistant disorders is nearby with Lori Calabrese, M.D., in South Windsor CT.

Turns out, Northington became Avon after nearly another century in 1830, which was practically recently, considering nearly 2 centuries had passed since the beginning.

If it all sounds a bit like the stuff legends are made of, it’s for good reason. A community in North America with stories and properties that go back nearly 500 years is bound to have some unique charm.

And charming it is. If you happen to pass through Avon, named after County Avon in England, don’t miss the opportunity to spend the weekend at the Avon Old Farms Hotel. With the New England atmosphere, fluffy feather beds, sprawling gardens all a-bloom, and an abundance of delicious food, this get-away is one you won’t forget.

Named the “best of the best” by Yankee magazine, you’d expect to pay four figures a night for this exclusive experience. However, you’ll be pleased to know this experience is not only memorable but actually quite an affordable one.

Then, consider the Old Farms School, a boarding school for boys and young men since 1927. This pillar of the town boasts a long list of celebrities, dignitaries, and world changers among its alumni.

Avon CT is a proud little community of 18,000 neighbors, and puts forth significant effort to protect their beloved heritage. The Avon Historical Society maintains several buildings dating back to the 1800’s. And let’s not forget the well-preserved Derrin Farmhouse was built in 1810.

At Home in Avon CT: Psychiatric Mood Disorders Torment Some Families

Avon Ct is a wonderful destination for a summer vacation. But nearly 20,000 citizens call it home. And “home” means different things to different people, doesn’t it?

For those families who love someone with psychiatric mood disorders, home can be a chaotic place…and not in the “fun” way.

Do you have the experience of living with a loved one with bipolar disorder?  or PTSD?   If you have, you know the upheaval, the torment, and the shame your loved one experiences. You know the impact their symptoms wield over the family as a whole.

The same applies to a loved one with severe treatment-resistant depression, gripping and crippling anxiety, OCD, postpartum depression, suicidal thoughts, and the myriad of other mood disorders.

Where To Find Treatment?

There are medications and therapies available for people with these disorders. Those medications are centered on increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters.

But those medications are only helpful with about a third or so of patients with treatment resistant disorders. Roughly one-half to another third are helped by a second medication or combination. So there still remains a full 1/3 or more who have had no real help. These people feel no better. They’re still crippled by their symptoms. And their families are in chaos.

A remarkable, even astounding, medicine is sweeping the world of psychiatry, specifically for those patients.

What if medications don’t help…?

But, there is currently one medication unlike the others. And it really can help.

IV Ketamine Treatment near Avon CT

Labeled “rapid and robust” antidepressant effects by the Task Force on Novel Biomarkers and Treatments of the American Psychiatric Association in their consensus statement, ketamine is kicking booty and taking names for its treatment of psychiatric mood disorders, specifically.

No other treatment comes close to what IV ketamine treatment accomplishes.

It stops suicidal ideation within four hours…as opposed to 3 months!

It restores your power to enjoy, to take initiative, to invest in things that interest and motivate you.

So far, we only know of 4 ways that it does this. But research around the world is helping us learn more. Like gangbusters.

Meanwhile, thousands of people recover, get their lives back, their joy back, and build healthy relationships again.

But there’s a catch.

How Should You Choose The Doctor Who Administers Your Ketamine Treatment near Avon CT?

Depression and other serious mood disorders keep multitudes of people trapped, without hope, all their lives. Because of this, word about IV ketamine treatment is spreading fast.

A safe drug when used under careful psychiatric supervision, ketamine is a powerful medicine. It should not be handled with a cavalier attitude by entrepreneurs looking to “get in on the profits.”

It seems there are ketamine “clinics” that have popped up everywhere using this life-changing treatment, sometimes a bit carelessly.

Truthfully, best results with IV ketamine treatment happen in the quiet privacy of a psychiatrist’s office. The doctor pays close attention to dose and rate titration in relationship to response. This way there’s support and intervention by a seasoned psychiatrist with deep ketamine experience.

In South Windsor, ketamine treatment is available with the best precision and state-of-the-art technology available, under the expert supervision of a Hopkins- and Harvard-educated psychiatrist.

Dr. Lori Calabrese, M.D., of Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor, was the first in a four state area to provide ketamine infusions to her patients. She takes the time to talk with you about your medical history, and delves into what it was like when you were your best self …to help you find that place again.

For patients of Lori Calabrese, M.D., ketamine treatment near is hope.

Dr. Calabrese’s reputation stands as the doctor’s doctor. Her background on the clinical faculty at Harvard and Yale, her extensive experience, and her never-ending drive to help her severely ill patients, have all earned the love and trust she receives.

Because she cares so much.

If you seek ketamine treatment near Avon CT or nearby, you can access the expertise of Dr. Calabrese in South Windsor CT a short 30-minute drive away. These innovative treatments will help you live really well again.

Call Innovative Psychiatry for an appointment, or to learn more about ketamine treatment or Dr. Calabrese, email info@loricalabresemd.com