Psychiatry Practice Specializing in Treatment-Resistant Psychiatric Disorders Provides Ketamine Treatment Near Wethersfield CT

Feeling like you’ll explode…and then you do. People around you walk on eggshells…you can tell. Forgetting to shower or eat… unable to sleep. You’re staring blankly at the wall…and you feel like all hope is gone. This is how it feels for someone with a psychiatric disorder. But there’s one medicine that’s new on the scene, and it helps most people who need it. It’s available to you through the expertise of Lori Calabrese, M.D. and it’s called ketamine treatment near Wethersfield CT.  And it can change your life.

Ketamine Treatment Near Wethersfield CT

If you live in Wethersfield and symptoms like these sound strange and unfamiliar, then you probably don’t need a psychiatric medical treatment. But there are plenty of people in Wethersfield who bear the burden of symptoms like these, and find it hard to drive through for fast food, much less enjoy all that Wethersfield CT has to offer.

But the good news is that symptoms like these and so many others can be managed, even sometimes eradicated, by a ground-breaking medicine that has taken the world by storm.

Not that it’s new…it’s been used in anesthesia for half a century. It’s so safe that it’s included in the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Young club goers misused it…in fact they still do… but some just abuse anything they can get their hands on.

Ketamine treatment is life-changing for any person who suffers from psychiatric disorders like depression, panic disorder, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, OCD, or suicidal thinking…. It’s even helping people with eating disorders, addictions, substance use disorders…the list keeps growing.

The Problem with Mediocre Ketamine Administration

Still, it turns out that not all the doctors in all the clinics that provide ketamine treatment are seeing the excellent results the doctors with the most expertise are seeing.

Look at it this way.

If you need a heart transplant…do you sign up with your family doctor or with an orthopedic surgeon to do it?  Of course not. You research the most successful heart transplant specialists in your area, and choose one of them. And why? 

Because healthy, efficient heart function is fundamental to survival for you. By the same token, when the delicate systems in your brain are out of order, you want someone with the most finely tuned expertise to set those systems in order.

Bottom line, you can’t live without your heart, and you can’t live without your brain. You have to be careful.

Furthermore, sometimes your brain functions well enough to keep your body working. Your legs keep walking, your arms can still move, your eyes can still see. But your brain is out of order so it isn’t functioning well in daily life. When your brain malfunctions, it causes major fallout.

Sometimes the malfunction is caused by something like stress, and the network of synapse connections between brain cells breaks down and withers. Other times, it’s a combination of the synapse deterioration and injury that reduces the size of the amygdala and hippocampus.

These specific malfunctions can happen in endless areas, but the result is that you can’t manage your emotions, you can’t control yourself, you can’t be objective, or you can’t think of anything but how miserable you feel. Or…you just can’t think of anything at all.

But, here’s good news. Ketamine treatment, when expertly administered by insightful IV infusion, rebuilds those synapses, improves the function of neurotransmitters, helps signals travel deep into the brain to the amygdala and hippocampus and other structures…and people get to feel their symptoms fade away.

They look up and realize they actually have the energy and desire to do things they have planned to do for months or years. They have the resilience to socialize with others and build relationships…to invest their best at work …and actually have fun.

Ketamine treatment is remarkable all by itself.  It can be administered by any doctor and produce results. But the best, most lasting results take place when this extraordinary medicine is administered by a specialist with preeminent expertise. Rather than seeing 55-70% positive results, you can have at least an 80% likelihood of responding.

It has a lot to do with who’s providing it.

Because unfortunately, it seems clear that of all the ketamine clinics that have popped up across the US, only a handful grasp — and can use — the highest level of expertise that yields the health and well-being that people call “well.”

Ketamine Treatment Near Wethersfield CT

Lori Calabrese, MD at Innovative Psychiatry in South Windsor CT is one of those highly-skilled specialists. Educated at Wellesley and Harvard, and trained at Mass General, she showed remarkable promise from the very beginning. As a student, as a resident, and on faculty at Harvard and Yale, she’s perfected her skill at adjusting, adapting, mixing medicines to get people well.

Dr. Calabrese has been taking psychiatry to the next level throughout her entire career. You know those psychiatrists who sit at a desk and write prescriptions for the same old antidepressants all day every day?  She’s not one of those.

Dr. Calabrese finds effective treatments for her severely ill patients through combining nutrients with medicines to enhance bioavailability…or strengthening the microbiome to bring balance and relief to depressed patients… or to getting the most out of a ketamine treatment by using state-of-the-art infusion pumps, treating deficiencies, and adapting and adjusting the dose and rate to achieve the optimum outcome for each patient individually.

Because when we’re talking about your brain, one size doesn’t fit all.

Many doctors these days are providing ketamine treatment following a one-size-fits-all protocol that falls short of remission. And they miss a unique opportunity each patient’s brain offers.

“I adapt the infusions to each patient, determining the best dose at the optimum rate to yield the best outcome for that patient,” she often says. “Sometime a patient needs an extra two or three infusions to reach remission, and we offer that.”

Outstanding Results = Patients Who Feel WELL

The results? 

Patients are completing her treatment regimen in remission.  They’re going months and even a couple of years without needing a booster infusion. They declare themselves “well.”

And they can get out in Wethersfield, snap the latest bear sighting(!), shop at the Farmer’s Market in Wethersfield on Thursdays, or just have a nice lunch with friends again at Lucky Lou’s or Edo Itchi.

There’s hope for you if you suffer from depression and other psychiatric symptoms. And expertly administered ketamine treatment is just a short drive to get the best opportunity for outstanding results from ketamine treatment.

You can enjoy a beautiful and relaxed environment for your infusions complete with warm blankets and state of the art monitoring. We want to ensure you have the best possible treatment experience.

For more information about Lori Calabrese, MD and ketamine treatment, call or email Dr. Calabrese.