Connecticut Psychiatrist, Lori Calabrese, MD at Innovative Psychiatry

…will help you break through the barriers that hold you back from finding your best self. We’re committed to you — to the art and science of restoring you to your best self. From the moment we meet, you’ll know this is a very different type of psychiatric practice.

A place where we begin with what you used to be like at your best self. And then trace the story of how you fell away from that. About your spirit — what happened to it? How’s your energy? Are you satisfied and fulfilled by your relationships? And happy with your body? Your ability to just enjoy little things?

This is a place where all of the symptoms that weave together to become the story of your current distress …get teased apart.

Innovative Psychiatry is a Full Service Practice Specializing in Unprecedented Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, & PTSD.

We look at your genes — those that regulate your brain function and the way you process medications through your liver. Also those that predict if you’re likely to experience a rapid and robust response to innovative treatments like ketamine. Then, we look at inflammatory factors that may have altered your brain functioning. We even dive in to examine your gut microbiome — the diverse bacteria that inhabits your gut and profoundly affects your mood.

After all this, we take a closer look at what worked and what didn’t work for you up to now.

And then we offer you the most comprehensive psychiatric diagnostic evaluation available.

  • Stunning clarity.
  • Answers.
  • Resources — cutting-edge research that we are on top of and make available to you.
  • Connections — therapists in the area with all kinds of expertise whom we think would be best suited for you, referrals to other physicians and specialists, and to alternative therapies if you wish to explore those.
  • A plan — comprehensive, collaborative, and full of options for you, including sophisticated lab work, genetic testing, neuro-imaging, and innovative and exciting treatments that can help transform your life–IV Ketamine Therapy, TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), medication, alternative approaches to enhance mood, and recommendations for psychotherapy.

Our goal is to restore you to your best self. 

This Connecticut psychiatrist wants to help you reach the best quality of life possible.

If you have questions about a psychiatric diagnostic evaluation specifically for you, in your current physical and emotional status, call (860) 648-9755 to arrange a time we can sit down together.

If you’d like to initiate contact by email, please contact us here.

Innovative Psychiatry-Lori Calabrese MD- is located in South Windsor, CT.

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