Ketogenic Diet Kicks Parkinson’s Disease To the Curb

A ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting can kick Parkinson's to the curb.

Ben sat sipping his coffee. He set it down on the lamp table and relaxed, then his hand trembled wildly and knocked the mug, spilling coffee all over the table and chair. Groan. His tremors were getting worse. He got up to get a towel, and wobbled a bit. Then as he stepped toward the kitchen […]

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How Your Ketogenic Diet Dismantles Panic Attacks

Ketogenic diet dismantles panic attacks for you.

Emily gripped the steering wheel with both hands. Her arms stiffly tried to guide the car as she became more nervous. Rigid. With pressure rising in her head and neck, she reached up to feel her pulse under her jaw. Boom. Boom. Boom…Panic was rising in her throat, and she feared where her emotions were […]

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Metabolic Psychiatry’s Secret Weapon: Therapeutic Nutritional Ketosis

Metabolic psychiatry's secret weapon brings the joy and fun back to life with nutritional ketosis.

The most remarkable, neuroscience-driven advances in psychiatry, are emerging after decades of research and evidence-based experience known as metabolic psychiatry. Metabolic psychiatry is all about understanding the connections between psychiatric symptoms and metabolic dysfunction. We’ve talked often about the reality that the brain is part of the body, and what goes on in the body […]

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Binge Eating Disorder Bows to a Ketogenic Diet

Salmon is a good food to help binge eating disorder bow to the ketogenic diet.

Lexie drank the rest of her diet Coke, and belched as she dropped the bottle in the recycle bin. She was full. Not really satisfied, but who knew why? She’d been watching a streaming comedy series on her big screen, and had called out for food delivery. She started with a double cheeseburger with seasoned […]

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Let’s Talk about Ketamine in the News and Set the Record Straight

Ketamine treatment can be extraordinarily effective under a physician's supervision.

In recent times, we’ve seen ketamine in the news in a disparaging light. We know that sensational articles sell publications, and don’t always report the full picture. Let’s shed some light on the context, and balance these sensational headlines with some facts. When they found beloved actor, Matthew Perry, drowned in his hot tub, shock […]

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Birth Trauma? Ketamine Treatment Can Help Heal PTSD

PTSD from birth trauma can heal with ketamine treatment.

Madison took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. Trying to calm herself, she knew her reaction wasn’t rational. Her husband had gently stroked her arm, but she’d been asleep. That touch triggered panic. She was flailing her arms and kicking before she knew what she was doing. As wakefulness turned on the lights […]

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