Shooters are Killing People
We have a tradition in this country of excusing and explaining away the actions of a terrorizing shooter by declaring him mentally ill. We’re talking about shooters—the ones who open fire in a crowded public space and gun down the innocent. I hesitate to enter this dialogue but I feel compelled to today. The reason? Because those who truly suffer from conditions I specialize in treating — like trauma, PTSD, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive thinking, and so many other conditions I specialize in treating are gentle, peaceful, empathic …. and would never become a shooter. The kind of rhetoric in the news these days (and dripping from loud-mouths) that “explains away” terrorizing shooters fuels fear surrounding psychiatric disorders. Shooters are terrorizing us, that’s for sure, they’re terrorizing our sense of security, curtailing our freedom, robbing us of peace. They are stealing our futures.
So let me be clear and speak loudly: we desperately need to get away from “explaining away.” Because the simplistic way of thinking “they must be mentally ill” (a phrase I loathe) also feeds the stigma that can surface when someone admits he or she is depressed, or has bipolar disorder, or PTSD, or autism or an addiction.
An Attack on a School or Church Requires Cognition and Strategy
The person who would plot and plan to enter a public place and shoot as many people as he can is a murderer. Full stop. His cognition is working well enough that he can plan clearly, strategize his actions, and craft his response to resistance. No wonder shooters are terrorizing us.
It’s not a game.
They kill without conscience.
Think about what that means for a minute.

Are We “Making Excuses” for Shooters by Calling Them Mentally Ill?
It’s difficult to imagine in a civilized world that anyone would purposely hurt defenseless children, or worshippers, or a family gathered at a barbecue. We can’t conceive of someone with a balanced mind setting out purposely, deliberately, and carefully to make sure that the mass killing is actually a mass killing. Unreal, right? So some people explain it with something else they don’t understand, such as mental illness. (“It must be….”) But it’s most likely that the tipping point for shooters who carry out their despicable acts happens because they’ve been radicalized by their associations, what and whom they listen to…. and eventually decide to act on it.
This is terrorism…not mental illness.
Shooters are terrorizing us and killing the innocent. That’s not to say that some of these shooters don’t have a psychiatric disorder. They might and they often do. But that’s not what motivates them. It’s who they listen to in many cases. Voices in their friendship circles, podcasts, or online … the ones they wake up to, fall asleep with, and dial into all day long. The ones who draw them into a marginalized way of thinking related to ideologies, race, hatred, and other dangerous concepts.
Trauma Caused for Thousands by These Events when Shooters Are Terrorizing Us
These events are upsetting and heartbreaking for all of us. Far more people suffer beyond the grieving families, friends, first responders and communities affected directly by the deaths that have been exploding around us. Everyone who reads about these incidents, or hears about them on the radio…or on TV or online…suffers with the horrors.
As a nation, we shudder. And we cry.
The trauma of these events causes damage not easily repaired.
But here’s the thing.
When these incidents draw attention, we’re flooded by footage, news clips, firsthand accounts. Just hearing about and seeing these events—and the shooters who perpetrate mass killings—results in trauma.
Big T and little t trauma depending on how close you are to it, and what it reactivates.
What can be done about these wounds to people like you?
Let’s focus on that.
Brain Cell Damage from the Trauma People Suffer Over Such Events
Most of us start out in life with brain cells that are flourishing and abundant, resembling well developed oak trees. Happy Trees!! Then a stressful, traumatic event comes along and creates pruning. It’s as if shears are cutting away the branches from the brain cell, limiting what it can do drastically.
What had been a great oak among the brain cells, dwindles to a twig with very little function. Then, suicidal thinking often enters, cognition deteriorates, mood tanks, and joy (what’s that?) is reduced to anhedonia…or the inability to feel pleasure.
IV Ketamine Restores Signals Between Cells and You Feel Better

But when you receive IV ketamine treatment, it creates a cascade which turns on the production of BDNF to act like fertilizer so your brain cells can flourish again. Branches — we call them dendritic branches — grow and reach out and multiply until that pruned back twig is like the mighty oak again, remodelling synapses, setting up new connections, allowing new possibilities, removing suicidal thoughts — even in teens — improving mood dramatically, doing away with anhedonia, and sharpening cognition ….and you feel good again.
Just imagine for a moment feeling good again after years of feeling bad…or if that’s hard to imagine, read about it in real people who tell their stories.
But IV ketamine isn’t perfect.
It doesn’t ALWAYS do all these things — no treatment works 100% of the time for everyone — but it’s so effective and revolutionary in psychiatry because in the right hands, it can operate like this nearly all the time, transforming people like you so you can function at your best. To help you be your best self.
We can say this because we live it and see it every day. We think deep and long, have the guts and the courage (and the circles under our eyes!) to write up our findings and publish them, travel to teach our colleagues nationally and internationally. It’s why people drive in or fly in from far away to see us.
At Innovative Psychiatry, we love to see people like you rise above painful symptoms and flourish. Seeing your resilience restored, your hope and energy renewed, your courage and ability to adapt strengthened, makes everything we do worthwhile. (Even the dark circles!)
Our Treatment Setting is Calm and Relaxing

When you come in, you’ll find a comfortable, gorgeous, private room to create a wonderful setting for healing. The environment is kept pure and clean using Plasma Cell Technology we’ve installed in each space—actually designed and installed for the square footage of your treatment room. (Tell me: who else does that?) Developed by the Department of Defense and NASA, our technology was first created for the International Space Station and removes 99.99% of all viruses, bacteria, and mold from every square foot of the environment by instantly destroying its DNA and RNA. (We’re not talking about a filter here.) It’s the best technology available and it’s kept us —and you — safe since 2020. So you can focus on your treatment and get better.
Just know that this is your place to get better. To receive infusions of ketamine, integrate them with therapy, work on your infrastructure and your mindset… and achieve remission. We’ll talk about that more soon.
We’re here to help you on your path to healing, so call us and come in.
Better days are waiting for you.

To the restoration of your best self,

Dear Dr. Calabrese, Thank you so much for your article on terrorism. It took great courage to write it. Your opinion goes against current public beliefs. As a person in the depression community I am thankful for what you wrote. I have felt the stigma of being someone suffering from depression. Even “close “ friends have held me at arms length in fear of being too close to the disease. It’s time that people change their thinking about people who suffer from depression. You are absolutely correct when you say we are not violent. I have benefited from IV ketamine infusion. I encourage all who suffer from depression and other brain diseases to seek treatment with ketamine.