Whether you’re expecting your first child or your kids are senior citizens themselves, your heart has been on your sleeve for the duration. Is there anything like being a mother? Whether you’re a. mother of a baby, a teen, or a mother of senior citizens, the worry never dissipates. They’re always on your mind.

Here in the US, we celebrated Mother’s Day last weekend. But everyday is a celebration of this most wonderful – and sometimes not so wonderful – relationship. The rearing and loving of a human, who pops out of the womb with his own ideas, plans, intents, and decisions compares with nothing else in this world.

But on the other end of mothering, when children are grown, is when the tables turn in a long, slow process as grown children come to face their mother is a human being, rather than the self sacrificing superhero she’s always been. And that’s a rich opportunity to really learn to know her. Some mothers live long enough to nurture as mothers of senior citizens… and sometimes their senior citizen children are focused on caring for their elderly mother. Turn about is fair play when it comes to your mom.

Adam is 40…and says his mom really WAS a super hero. The things she accomplished, the things she did for him as a child. No one could ever keep up. But when she was diagnosed with cancer, she became weak and frail. Then she didn’t recognize him at one point, and he says her mortality confronted him like a fist to his midsection. And that’s no joke.

Marcie Anne talks about how she herself was a realist.  Always was. So her mom’s romantic and poetic views of life seemed to hit her cross ways from the time she was very young…as in three. Now in her mid thirties, her realistic mind set is even stronger. She says if she had to name a time when she was really seeing her mother as she was, it was when Marcie Anne was between 20 and 22…during her mom’s painful divorce.

She made the point that there’s nothing like watching a parent torn to their core during a crisis like that. 

What about you?  Do you remember when you realized your mother wasn’t just someone in your life to serve you, but rather a feeling, vulnerable human being in her own right and that there are needs of hers you can meet?

Perhaps your mother wasn’t healthy enough to be there for you, but rather caused you to suffer by imposing her needs and desires upon you. There are some mothers like that, and if yours is I’m sorry.

That said, there are no mothers who are perfect, right? None who are never selfish, or who never make mistakes or disappoint you.

If you’re a mother, you know the deep exhaustion and creativity that life requires of you…and at the same time the reward of watching these young humans grow is beyond description.

If you, like me, have children by natural birth, adoption, fostering, or just serendipity, you know that the greatest rewards come when we give the most. And few occupations…or rather callings…can require the investment mothering does, or brings the returns.

But we all know that sometimes mothers become ill and can’t give to their children as they wish to. It can be a catastrophic illness like cancer… or a psychiatric one like severe treatment resistant depression, PTSD, bipolar depression, substance use disorder, or suicidal thoughts that won’t stop.

In situations like that, the best Mother’s Day gift just might be ketamine treatment. As much as you love and appreciate your mom, she may love and appreciate you even more. To help her get back her heart, her clear mind, her cognition, and to help her get the treatment that restores her hope, and relieves the symptoms of the disorder, lets her live and love again like her heart aches to do.

At Innovative Psychiatry, we’re set up and equipped to help you receive the treatment you need to function well without depression, social anxiety, or alcohol misuse.

So you’re free to enjoy your family and your life, and you have the energy to invest yourself in things that matter to you. Your life is to be lived, and ketamine treatment can help you live it.

To Mothers Everywhere, Happy Mother’s Day–every day!

Lori Calabrese, M.D. is on the front end of the race to stop PTSD in its tracks using IV ketamine treatment.

To the restoration of your best self,