Ketamine continues to move forward.
This NMDA receptor antagonist, ketamine, was studied in treatment of major psychiatric disorders during the first decade of 2020. Certainly, as these studies galvanized physicians to offer ketamine treatment in their offices, its use has become more and more widespread, the studies continue, and ketamine as a breakthrough treatment for psychiatric disorders and pain is gaining maturity. This online gathering is the first of its kind… a new Molecular Masterclass Ketamine Conference that explored the ketamine molecule inside and out.
In 2018, we enjoyed the first meeting of the American Society of Ketamine Physicians. Plus, the year before, we enjoyed the burgeoning interest and excitement of KRIYA. Patients who suffer treatment resistant psychiatric disorders need what ketamine can do. So, physicians and researchers energetically work to learn all they can to meet that need.

This year, August 21 and 22, marked the first Ketamine Molecular Masterclass (what a cool title!). Organized by our friend and colleague in psychiatry, Jeffrey Becker, MD, CEO of Bexson Biomedical.
The presence of this event on the calendar speaks to the advancements of ketamine treatment and its growing sophistication. The conference was sponsored by Bexson Biomedical and other cosponsors to show the potential benefits of ketamine in patient care, research, and investments.
If you remember, we first talked about Dr. Becker at the International Conference on Ketamine for Psychiatric Disorders that took place in Oxford, England in 2018. He’s presented at KRIYA Conference several times and at ASKP 2018 and 2019 conferenc. He’s a player. A leader. And an innovator. He hit the trifecta!
Leaders In Ketamine Science
Experts in the field — clinicians, researchers, digital tech wizards, marketers and investors shared their perspective and experience for all to digest. Clearly, this conference made it clear ketamine treatment is no longer an experimental and untrusted anomaly.
Happily, with two decades of studies and experience, innovators are moving it forward. This new molecular masterclass ketamine conference educated, enlightened, and inspired us. It piqued the curiosity of participants, and excited interested in furthering research and development in this new space.
Ya shoulda been there!
But if you weren’t able to zoom in on us, the MasterClass was recorded and you can access it through Microdose, the host.
So let’s stay real. Ketamine treatment isn’t a panacea and it isn’t perfect, as we know. We haven’t found a treatment or medicine that is, actually. So, one of the goals of this conference was to present information about possibilities, pitfalls, medical concerns, delivery gaps, and medical/legal issues.
From psychiatrists, anesthesiologists, and other practitioners, to neuroscientists, business men seeking new streams of revenue, and investors jumping in on new leads, the vibe on this online gathering was charged with excitement.
For instance, speakers grouped into vibrant panels to explain one aspect or another of this budding industry.
They talked about treating depression. Then compared the clinical dissociative and psychedelic effects of ketamine during treatment compared to the classical psychedelics associated with 5HT2a receptor responses. They elaborated on how music can shape and affect treatment…
With each new panel, we saw a sort of fruit basket turnover. We were always hearing from a new group of experts, with the opportunity for chat on the side.
Truly, with the social distancing of 2020 and all that has gone with it, an online molecular masterclass ketamine conference pumped us with a breath of fresh air. We were packed full of information, inspiration, and hope.
A grand parade of highly respected and beloved leaders like David Feifel, M.D., PhD, Wes Ryan, M.D., and Will Van Derveer, M.D. were added to talk about the differences in bolus doses of IM ketamine and IV ketamine given over time. Furthermore, they also talked about whether the benefits of ketamine treatment are as rapid as people say…
The Technical Side of Ketamine Innovations
We heard from the founders of Osmind and Maya in a panel moderated by Steve Best, M.D., in combining ketamine with TMS and talked about what we need to do and discussed how data can drive change, and drive payors to pay for this treatment

I had the opportunity to touch on my own data using ketamine to stop suicidal thoughts in the office and avoid ER visits and hospitalization. (Aetna, are you listening?)
And I snuck in a reference to our most recent case report of a new sequenced treatment using a metabolic diet and IV ketamine. This produced rapid (and startling!) remission and recovery in a young woman with severe chronic anorexia.
Next came Gregg Petersen, MOD, Daniel Richman, M.D., Nadiv Samimi, M.D., and Jennifer Winegarden, D.O. They talked about pain management with ketamine, and explained answers to a myriad of questions regarding pain management.
A fine panel elaborated on the use of ketamine for PTSD. Brent Turnipseed, M.D., Tatiana Santini, Jesse Gould, Jon Wolfe, and Abid Nazeer, M.D.
If you can imagine, there were more than 40 impressive speakers and thought leaders. They spoke on pharmacology issues, business related issues, the risks involved with ketamine, training programs, new developments using ketamine for post-operative pain and more.
We’ve come a long way in our quest to develop the many therapies ketamine can provide. To see businessmen and investors stepping up to the plate along side physicians and therapists.
Connecting the people who need the hope ketamine can provide with the treatment itself is just gratifying and thrilling. Just Wow.
These are people who make things happen.
And that comes back to helping you. Do you suffer from symptoms or a psychiatric disorder that medicines and treatments haven’t helped?
At Innovative Psychiatry, we get up every morning to help people like you with this extraordinary treatment.
And we assure you, we continue to use the safest protocols during this pandemic to protect you and our staff so you can receive the treatment you need. Just call us.
Conferences only have value if we bring the knowledge home … if people can get better as a result, one person at a time.
So, let this week be your week. You can feel better, function better, overflow with hope, joy, and fulfillment, living with gusto the rewarding life you have ached for.
Let us help you get better.

To the restoration of your best self,