Articles About PTSD from Lori Calabrese, MD | The Ketamine Blog
Our purpose in offering these articles about PTSD is to reduce stigma. It’s also to help the reader better understand the causes and symptoms of PTSD. Better understanding helps each of us to offer support to those in our lives who need understanding for episodes they’re unable to prevent.
Post-traumatic-stress-disorder (PTSD) occurs following a terrifying experience, in some people. It prevents the sufferer from recovering after witnessing a traumatic event. PTSD can last for months or years. In addition, memories of the event can trigger extreme physical and emotional reactions.
Symptoms of PTSD
The scars that remain from active combat or other traumas cause recurring memories that seem as real as when they first happened. Originally known as “shell shock, PTSD was thought to be exclusive to soldiers returning from battle. But over time, it became clear that PTSD was a disorder anyone could develop who’d been through a traumatic experience.
When someone suffers from PTSD can have recurring flashbacks of the terror they experienced during the traumatic event, as well as intense nightmares. They may feel afraid, or intensely frightened, whether there is anything presently threatening or not. It’s as though their “fight-flight” response malfunctions, and a small stimulus can bring all the horror of the initial experience back instantly.
PTSD affects around 8 million people a year in the US. These people who suffer have been far too often misunderstood and misjudged for their reactions.
Articles About PTSD Treatment
Talk therapy
The most widely used treatment for PTSD is talk therapy. By talking through the traumatic memories, as well as those moments that seem to trigger the flashbacks, the individual can sometimes learn a healthier response to the trigger.
Medicines are used in some cases to help patients cope with their anxiety and anger in the face of an unrelated situation that stimulates the reaction, i.e., a trigger. Since adrenalin is a hormone that’s released in overabundance with each trigger point, addressing the individual’s hormonal reactions sometimes improves relief.
IV Ketamine infusions
This treatment makes a remarkable difference in many cases of PTSD. The Veterans Administration works with IV ketamine to treat PTSD in combat veterans, and has for years with excellent results. And IV ketamine shows remarkable outcomes for people with a wide variety of PTSD causes. PTSD from major disasters, to domestic violence, assault, battery, and rape, to catastrophic illnesses, transportation accidents, and other disastrous injuries.
IV ketamine isn’t for everyone. No treatment is. But chances are it will help you enjoy a dramatic relief from symptoms of PTSD.
More studies show IV ketamine infusions can also prevent PTSD in combat military and first responders. Extraordinary.
By offering these articles about PTSD, we hope to increase understanding and compassion for those who suffer, and drive back stigma with factual information.
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