Misuse and Dependence

Articles About Misuse and Dependence

Activities and Behaviors such as sex, shopping, surfing the internet, gambling, pain-seeking, cutting, viewing or attaining pornography, eating, playing video games, exercising…
Because misuse and dependence is complex, treatment can be complex also. In these articles about misuse and dependence, you’ll find posts about how ketamine can reduce or stop craving. You may still require counseling or psychotherapy to help you change your thinking patterns that lean toward misuse and dependent behaviors. Even so, it can be an immeasurable help to not have to fight cravings in the process.
The rule of thumb is to consider whether the use of a substance or a behavior interferes with your daily living. Does it affect your relationships at home, or socially? Does it interfere with your family life? How about your relationships with co-workers, as well as your work performance? Are you breaking any laws?

Denial is the first and perhaps hardest obstacle to overcome so you can seek treatment. When you evaluate the role this substance or behavior plays in your life, the objective opinion of a close friend or family member might add .some distance and perspective

IV ketamine treatment has emerged as a rapid and robust treatment for depression and other psychiatric disorders. Elias Dakwar, M.D., has done exceptional work demonstrating ketamine’s ability to stop craving in patients with dependencies.

Ketamine is proving to be a dynamic tool to break the craving cycle and to enhance psychotherapy by providing neuroplasticity to support change.
Since many dependencies are accompanied by depression, IV ketamine treatment can also slash the depression while reducing craving and enhancing psychotherapy.

Keep reading to learn more.

Let’s Talk about Ketamine in the News and Set the Record Straight

Ketamine treatment can be extraordinarily effective under a physician's supervision.

In recent times, we’ve seen ketamine in the news in a disparaging light. We know that sensational articles sell publications, and don’t always report the full picture. Let’s shed some light on the context, and balance these sensational headlines with some facts. When they found beloved actor, Matthew Perry, drowned in his hot tub, shock […]

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Thanksgiving’s About More than Food… Think About It…

Thanksgiving's not just about food, but about gratitude, forgiveness, generosity, and kindness.

Thanksgiving isn’t just turkey and dressing. Shocking…right? But it’s not about the food. It’s about being thankful. Appreciating every good thing in your life. Expressing your appreciation, recognizing you can’t do this life alone. Thanksgiving’s about more than food, and it’s worth the effort to focus on what gratitude is really about. You may feel alone […]

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Will Cannabis Harm Your Teenage Brain?

Will cannabis harm your teenage brain? By the time you experience it, it will be too late.

Luke and Sam walk home from school. Luke says, “Hey man, I’ve got some weed, wanna share a joint?” Sam looks up, pleased at the prospect. “I have a better idea. Let’s call Dom. She’s throwing a party with brownies and cookies, too. Brownies are such a fun way to get high…” As you watch […]

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Erase Alcohol Memory Triggers and Empower Your Control Over Drinking

Erase alcohol memory triggers so you can enjoy freedom from addition.

Alcohol Use Disorder is the most common substance use disorder. It causes economic, psychosocial, medical, and personal burdens across the globe that nothing else compares to. During the pandemic, people who’ve lost jobs and income, or been hospitalized with COVID, or who’ve lost loved ones to the vicious virus, have clear and easy-to-identify reasons for […]

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Does Problematic Drinking Follow You Around Damaging Your Credibility?

Problematic drinking follows you and can damage your credibility.

New study reveals extensive genetic links not only to alcohol use disorder, but also problematic drinking without physical dependence Brandon caught his breath and stopped.  He looked around him.  Where am I … and how did I get here? He was surrounded in pitch blackness. Couldn’t see a street light, not even moonlight. He realized […]

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Ketamine Plus Motivation Enhancement Therapy = Better Abstinence

Ketamine plus motivation enhancement therapy helps this young man abstain from alcohol.

Study shows abstinence from alcohol improved when ketamine and talk therapy were combined. We’ve talked before about the benefits of ketamine to reduce the craving for cocaine and for alcohol use, as well. A substance use disorder is can be a prison with no way out. We’re going to talk about the work of researcher who […]

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Can Use of Opioids Lead to PTSD? And If So, What Can You Do?

You know how a disorder – like bipolar disorder or PTSD – can make you so miserable…even make you want to self-medicate?   Doing so is rarely a good idea, though it may seem at the time that it helps.  But that’s for another post. Anyway, you know how self-medicating often accompanies these disorders, and […]

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