Articles About Ketamine from Lori Calabrese, MD | The Ketamine Blog
Breakthrough anesthesia medicine proves life-changing for many who suffer from severe mood disorders.
In the last several years, a medicine began to emerge as a remarkable treatment for mood disorders. It was developed and FDA approved for anesthesia around 1970. Over 25 years later… it began to show its colossal hidden ability. What sort of ability? The power to relieve depression and other psychiatric disorders in a most dynamic way. Disorders like PTSD, bipolar depression, postpartum depression, addiction, social anxiety, and even eating disorders respond to this extraordinary treatment that involves a series of IV infusions. And perhaps the most remarkable of all, ketamine infusions can erase suicidal thinking in a few short hours. These articles about ketamine treatment are presented here to dispel stigma about psychiatric conditions and to give hope about treating them.
Early Testing was Cautious
Researchers tested it with trepidation 10-20 years ago. Then each study built upon the last. Their work revealed more insights about what actually causes depression, and how to treat it effectively. Never before has a medicine helped relieve symptoms in such a wide variety of people and their symptoms.
Researchers Still Learning All Ketamine Can Do
Ketamine works in multiple areas and systems of the brain. It improves the function of mechanisms that have been impaired by the stress of depression and anxiety. It helps the G proteins that pile up on lipid rafts in the cell membrane slide to off. This equips them so they can do their job enhancing signal transmission.
It also turns on the mRNA switch which in turn flips on DNA to build up brain-derived-neurotrophic-factor (BDNF). BDNF then causes synapse connections between neurons to proliferate in turbo mode, transforming and replenishing the connections between brain cells all around the brain, lighting it up with information, cognition, creativity, and insight.
There’s more that it accomplishes, like tamping down the cell bursting in the lateral habenula so you can experience the reward of pleasant moments. We don’t know what researchers haven’t discovered yet, but we look forward to hearing what’s next.
Ketamine Does More Than Bring Relief, It’s Transforming
The results of IV ketamine treatment are transformative. Those who have been weighted under a blanket of lethargic apathy and despair typically find they feel better and better after treatment. They often find they have the energy and motivation to dive into tasks they couldn’t face in recent memory.
More patients with treatment resistant conditions respond to ketamine than any other medicine available. It may sound odd, but the patients it helps the most are those who suffer the most from severe disorders. With continued research, neuroscience researchers and psychiatrists are learning methods of administration that help more and more patients enjoy a rapid and robust response,.
As a result, these individuals enjoy renewed hope. They express amazement at their energy for life and work, and an overall transformation in what they enjoy and are able to accomplish. They report a more balanced and joyful outlook, and the desire to rebuild and strengthen their relationships.
Ketamine is NOT for Everyone
With all the good IV ketamine treatment accomplishes, some people still don’t respond to it at all. The percentage of people who don’t respond is comparatively small, and we need to see more studies that can help explain why.
Why Ketamine Sometimes Doesn’t Work
There are others who have a significant response initially, then the response fades. One reason for that may be they have a deficiency of certain components in their blood. They may have a low folate level, or low testosterone, and some other deficiencies. In cases like this, sometimes replacing those nutrients helps that patient respond to ketamine treatment and experience resilience again. There are even cases where a patient’s blood levels are normal but the levels of certain components in their cerebral spinal fluid is low. By replacing that deficiency, the patient is able to enjoy a very positive and robust response to ketamine treatment.
Neuroscience is gaining knowledge by leaps and bounds in the 21st century. We hope to see more and more medicines that work as well as ketamine for those who have not yet been helped.
These articles about ketamine expand on those things we learn from neuroscience research in the labs, as well as those things we learn from research in our practice.
Wait a minute. Male midlife crisis is a psychiatric disorder? No…not exactly. Midlife is a time of life that everyone goes through if they live long enough. Being at midlife isn’t a crisis in itself. But for many, a crisis can strike from a major change of life at that time, like divorce or changes […]
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Celeste quivered in the dark recesses of the closet… trying to breathe ever so quietly. She didn’t want to alert her husband to her hiding place. His violent assaults had become more and more severe…she could feel her eye throbbing and her lip swelling, but the worst was the soreness in her neck. He had […]
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Ben slammed the door with a resounding bang. “I’m outta here!!” He called over his shoulder as he charged down the street. Jill, his mom, felt defeated. She had tried so hard to be reasonable, caring, and sensitive to his mood. But apparently she had stepped on his toes, an error which had become a […]
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We’ve talked before about our work with Caroline to help her recover from anorexia nervosa, and the subsequent pilot study with 5 women who had suffered from anorexia for many years. In both cases, we used a combination of a nutritional intervention that created therapeutic nutritional ketosis without weight loss and IV ketamine infusions to […]
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Caryn lay in bed, looking around the room. She’d been here in this bed for months. The mess had piled up from doing so little, and her finding no initiative to get up and do anything. No energy, either emotionally or physically. She looked across the room at the pile of clutter collected on her […]
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Marc and Amber had two children. One who was outgoing and gregarious…who never met a stranger…and one who was shy, inhibited, and thoughtful, as well as very intelligent. Cecie was the outgoing one who lived in joy and exuberance, but not all kids are butterflies. Liam was the deep thinking, brooding one. When they were […]
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“Kayle! Kaaaaaayle!! Are you home?” No answer. Beth called again, then ran upstairs to check his bedroom. She knocked on the closed door. “Kayle?” Silence. Beth opened his door, and there was Kayle, sound asleep. The room smelled like body odor, and his dirty clothes were piled on every surface, and hanging from every protrusion. […]
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Dan and Teresa were worried. It had been going on so long, they couldn’t remember when it started. Their son, Will, had been a good natured boy growing up, and had shown responsibility and good intentions when asked to tend to tasks to contribute to the family. He had always had a sparkle in his […]
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Tom was worried sick. After twenty years of marriage, his wife had left. He had three kids, Bella and Dylan at home and Bodin in college, and he was desperately trying to keep their family afloat. His wife, Karen, had had an affair with the guy across the street. Then she moved out to pursue […]
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Helen’s quiet, studious daughter Lizzie, didn’t really date in high school. Helen worried about her social life some, but it was still reassuring that she was safe at home. When she graduated and went to college, her social life developed around her dorm. First her roommates, then their friends and boyfriends. By her second semester, […]
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