
Articles About Anorexia and Other Eating Disorders by Dr. Lori Calabrese | The Ketamine Blog

These articles about eating disorders are provided to improve public perception of these disorders and to dispel stigma about mental health issues. In addition, information about symptoms and treatment strive to help pave the path to a happier, more rewarding life.

Eating disorders are not the display of “just perfectionism” or a lack of personal discipline. Studies of twins, for example, have shown there are genetic factors influencing the development of some eating disorders. Furthermore, studies have also demonstrated social and cultural influences, along with psychological, and other biological factors that play a role in eating disorders.

These are profoundly complex disorders with intertwined causes. and the treatment can be, too.

Types of Eating Disorders:

The various types of eating disorders manifest with a variety of symptoms, but most have some things in common. For instance, most involve a harsh restriction of food intake, inappropriate binge eating and expulsion through vomiting as well as overly rigorous exercise. But not all. Pica, specifically, involves eating non-food items.

Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Binge Eating Disorder

Rumination Disorder

Avoidant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Rumination Disorder


And there are a few others, such as purging disorder, night eating syndrome, and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS).


Eating disorders treatment is complicated, as I mentioned. This disorder ravages the mind and the body of the sufferer. Treatment involves a complex and thorough process of nutritional counseling and psychotherapy. In addition, because of the physical and metabolic  breakdown that you suffer, treatment requires medical monitoring, and close psychiatric monitoring and evaluation.

Sometimes in-patient recovery centers are required to help make the necessary changes in the way you see food…and the way you see yourself.

Ketamine treatment for eating disorders was first studied before the beginning of this century. And new studies are emerging to test and report ketamine’s effectiveness with these illnesses.

With that said, in our practice we’ve seen promising outcomes with IV ketamine treatment with anorexia, and in the symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD that we sometimes find in our patients with anorexia.  We have been exploring a novel, sequenced treatment protocol for anorexia using a modified ketogenic diet followed by a series of ketamine infusions and published a case report about the first patient we treated with this protocol, whose anorexia went into complete and sustained remission. Still, we have much to learn through research about what ketamine can do in anorexia and other eating disorders.

As you read these articles about eating disorders, know that research is currently ongoing to find solutions for these disorders.

The Metabolic Mind Video about Anorexia

We’ve talked before about our work with Caroline to help her recover from anorexia nervosa, and the subsequent pilot study with 5 women who had suffered from anorexia for many years. In both cases, we used a combination of a nutritional intervention that created therapeutic nutritional ketosis without weight loss and IV ketamine infusions to […]

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Every Body Deserves a Seat at the Table: Let’s Ensure They Have It

Every body deserves a seat at the table, every race, every color, every sexual orientation, and every new idea.

This is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week — NEDAwareness Week People come in a wide variety, don’t they? No one more deserving than another. Whether there are differences in skin color, differences in gender, differences in sexual orientation, differences in religion…or differences in IDEAS. And no matter the differences, no matter the variety, every body […]

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Keto Plus Ketamine: A New Approach for Anorexia?

A ketogenic diet can be a first step toward managing symptoms of anorexia.

If you know someone with anorexia nervosa, you know how chronic… dangerous… and life-threatening it can be. I bet you didn’t know it could go into full remission. This is the story of a novel idea, a brand new course of treatment, an innovative treatment procedure, and a protocol that was born out of love. […]

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Anorexia, Ketamine, and the Default Mode Network

Anorexia, ketamine, and the default mode network study can reveal better treatment for eating disorders.

Anorexia, Ketamine, and the Default Mode Network Do you feel good about what you weigh?  Or about how you look? If you hesitated to answer, you’re not alone. If you answered No…or…I’m not sure… again, you’re not alone. Survey Says: Majority Don’t Like the Way They Look Allure, a magazine centered on beauty, surveyed 2,497 […]

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Ketamine for Anorexia? Don’t Let an Eating Disorder Be Your Default Mode

Anorexia is a psychiatric disease.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month Eating Disorders Are Psychiatric Disorders Surprised?  Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder… The National Eating Disorder Association lists 10 conditions as eating disorders. And, it so happens that ketamine treatment can work wonders and restore your life. Too many people who don’t have a family member suffering with an […]

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12 Steps You Can Take to Make Your Gut Microbiome Work for You

Young woman eats yogurt for her microbiome

You Have The Power to Transform Your Life. To Find Out How – Keep Reading… If you struggle with depression or anxiety, you probably know that there’s a pretty good chance you’ve inherited that tendency from others in your family line. But you don’t have to feel helpless about that. There is so much you […]

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