What’s too much? Too little? Or maybe it’s the wrong strain? How do you get it right..?
You know the saying, “If a little does a little bit of good… then a lot must do a whole lot of good…” But when it comes to probiotics, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
We’ve talked before about the microbiome, the ginormous collection of microbes that live in your gut.
Some of those bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes maintain a thriving ecosystem of sorts that assists your body in many of its functions. And they also provide a powerful immune system to protect you from infections, cancer, and viruses from the common cold to HIV.
There are — at any given moment – -10 microbes to every single cell in the human body. So we’re vastly outnumbered from the start.

But thankfully, the majority of those microbes help us function and protect us from invaders. The rest of them are always on the attack and being destroyed or eaten by the “good” bacteria.
Until something happens that jars that system out of balance. For example:
An infection treated by antibiotics, where the good bacteria are wiped out along with the bad.
Stomach upset that results in vomiting or diarrhea, where massive evacuation of the intestine leaves behind a weakened balance of beneficial and destructive microbes.
An injury that drives you to take a heavy load of ibuprofen, and your stomach lining becomes irritated, causing pain and bleeding.
In each of these examples, ingesting probiotics can help to restore balance in your gut, and relieve symptoms.
But, there are so many probiotic products! How do you know what to take and what to avoid? How do you know you won’t cause more harm than good?
The fact is, it’s hard to know. And unless you conduct some deep research on the subject, but rather grab a bottle off the grocery store shelf, you may not know now or ever.
Since you hear all around you how probiotics make you healthy, it’s natural that so many people want to overload their systems with “good bacteria” without respecting the balance within the microbiome that keeps everything working. But, can you overdo probiotics?
Balance is The Secret to Nature’s Success
When you think about the jungle, it may be tempting to remove everything you consider unpleasant so you can enjoy an exotic hike when you’re on vacation.
So let’s say we had a way of removing all the mosquitos, spiders, and other pesky insects, as well as lions, and snakes, and gila monsters. That does make it sound like strolling through the jungle would be so much safer for us…
We know, don’t we, that there is a balance in the eco system, and every creature is somewhere on the food chain? So if we removed insects… then birds and reptiles and anteaters might starve. And that would starve the larger predators and soon… well, the whole system would likely collapse.
We know we can’t do that. Balance is the key all through nature, and it’s when our body systems are balanced that we experience well-being.
Microbes in our body must be balanced too.
The same is true with the microbes in your gut. We must respect and support the balance there.
So when you get sick you may need to build up the good microbes a bit. But if you try to flood your system with good microbes that overwhelm the balance with the destructive ones, other systems can be thrown out of balance, too.
As we’ve stressed before, your microbiome is your gut-brain axis. So what goes on in your microbiome shows up in your emotions and vice versa.
There are even specific bacteria that contribute to a happier outlook, reduce anxiety, and increase wellbeing. Some of the most helpful are Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium lactis (B. animalis), and Bifidobacterium longum.

Fermented foods, like kombucha, kimchi, kefir, plain yogurt and sauerkraut introduce live bacterial cultures. They’re probiotic foods–they introduce varied bacterial strains that are so important to your health.
But sometimes, if you can’t or don’t eat these, you might choose to buy a probiotic capsule. (Yep … we’ve all been guilty.) Sometimes it’s easier, faster, or you just need or want the extra assurance of varied bacterial cultures.
When you choose a probiotic, it should include the specific bacterial strains above that help prop up and stabilize your outlook.
And your dosing should be in moderation. Researchers state that a good probiotic should have up to 10 billion colony forming units (CFU) that you take daily, and that it should have least 5 different strains per bottle. The more variety the better.
The reason you take a probiotic is to strengthen your beneficial bacteria so they’re not overwhelmed by the destructive ones, right?
At the same time, you don’t want to overwhelm your system with those beneficial bacteria. There are so many questions we don’t yet have answers for… like can you overdo probiotics?
Or… what happens if the yin-yang balance of tension between the two is removed? Do some of the beneficial bacteria switch sides? Do they become destructive… mimicking symptoms they have always before helped to eradicate?
In which case… maybe too much of a good thing is a bad thing?
Balance of Power in Your Microbiome is the Ticket
But here’s where balance comes in. If your probiotic provides a great deal more than 10 billion CFU per day, you need to get your doctor’s advice. There are some products that provide 40 billion…and others even 400 billion CFUs.
And while these may be helpful in someone who has been seriously ill and may need a strong probiotic for a few days, it’s not that hard to introduce too much probiotic into your system.
Overdoing It By Over Dosing Probiotics

When this happens, side effects can emerge. It may be as simple as stomach upset and diarrhea, which can be terribly unpleasant. Or as complex as mimicking severe psychiatric symptoms like depression or anxiety or panic attacks.
Just as the use of ketamine in treating psychiatric disorders has become more widespread than the studies exploring it, so the same has happened with the use of probiotics.
With that said, we need to learn from each other, and from research, and take caution when we hear of bad experiences others have had from accidentally mismanaging their probiotics.
While research has not caught up with the widespread use of probiotics yet — we don’t have hard and fast guidelines about exactly what, how strong, how much, how often and for what, exactly — we’re learning more all the time. And there are cases of those who took a misstep and paid the price.
Here’s one example…something that could happen to anyone:
Ronda is a 64-year-old woman in excellent health who’s always been robust and energetic.
She’s cared for pets and farm animals all her life and loves working with and riding horses. There’s nothing she’s afraid of… nothing she won’t try. In a word, she’s resilient.
Years earlier, Ronda had suffered a knee injury that occasionally flared up. She had been taking large doses of ibuprofen that eventually irritated her stomach and led to bloating, shortness of breath, cramping, and bloody diarrhea.
She was frustrated with the misery and prolonged diarrhea, so she sought the advice of her nutritionist. He suggested a potent probiotic that provided 400 billion CFUs a day until the bottle was empty. So she followed his advice and took the whole bottle. At that point she was feeling wonderful… physically and emotionally.

She was wrapped in a sense of burgeoning wellbeing and decided if a little did a little bit of good… Her nutritionist suggested if she was to continue taking the probiotics, she should cut her dose in half.
She went to the store to buy another bottle and continued to take the original dosage without reducing them. What could it hurt?
Four days later, she awoke in the middle of the night feeling anxious. Her heart was racing, her left arm numb, and she was lightheaded. Eventually, she was able to go back to sleep, but the feelings of anxiety kept recurring.
Three more days passed. She was laying in her bed at night when gripping fear overwhelmed her. Her thoughts were racing out of control, she was lightheaded…she thought of dying, of losing her mind, felt detached and terrified.
Eventually, the terrible fear subsided, the racing thoughts slowed down, and she realized she was going to be ok.
But she was shaken.
Ronda had never experienced anything like this before in her life. She’d always been resilient and solid…both feet firmly planted… through even the most severe crises in her life. What had happened to her?
Even though the symptoms had passed again, they recurred often and unpredictably the next few days. She researched frantically to find answers for what was happening to her.
The only thing that was different in her life was the probiotics, which had quickly healed her stomach problems. Could it have caused these new symptoms?
Then she found an article in Mental Health Daily about the side effects and adverse reactions to probiotics that people have reported. And there she found her answer.
That if you take more than 20 billion CFUs (she was taking 400 billion CFUs) per day, you can get side effects. And anxiety is listed as one of them. Who knew? She stopped the probiotics immediately. And hoped it would help.
To the Emergency Department…A Heart Attack?
Then, the next day, she woke from a sound sleep and believed she was having a heart attack. With her heart beating out of her chest, thoughts of dying in her bed overwhelmed her. She drove herself to the ED to get help.
She told the emergency department personnel that the only thing in her life that had changed was that she was taking probiotics. The nurse sloughed it off and said, “Probiotics never hurt anyone.”
Her EKG was clear, so they gave her a medicine to calm her and sent her home.
Happily, three days after she stopped taking the probiotic supplement, the anxiety dissipated, and she felt like herself again.
She wanted to throw a party to celebrate!
Professional Nutritionist Baffled
The fact that the ED nurse had no idea probiotics could do this comforted Ronda. She felt embarrassed to have unwittingly taken too much probiotics for too long…but apparently even medical professionals weren’t aware there could be side effects with probiotics.
Later, she told her nutritionist what happened, and he asked her why she didn’t stop when he told her to???
She sheepishly explained.
Then he said, “In my 25 years in nutrition, I’ve never heard of side effects with probiotics!”
Ronda told him, “Well, it sure happened to me!”
Ronda’s been doing great ever since the whole incident and is elated to be herself again. But she learned a hard lesson. “Harmless” probiotics deserve respect for their power and impact on the human system.

From now on, she’ll ALWAYS follow directions when it comes to over-the-counter remedies. And especially probiotics!
The good news is that if probiotics can cause this much change in someone who’s healthy, they can also make a significant difference in anyone who’s not.
Along with improving health in your stomach and intestines, as well as reducing inflammation and infection throughout your body, they can also relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.
But be aware, they’re not to be taken lightly. Experts say that since each individual is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all for probiotic supplementation.
Remember: In general terms, up to 10 billion CFUs daily. Start gently. Watch for out-of-the-ordinary symptoms. A specific strain may not be right for you, or a specific combination. Take several days or a couple weeks to test the effects of partial doses, raising the dose a little each day as long as you have no negative symptoms. Include your doctor in the process.
This story isn’t to scare you away from using a preparation that can help you become stronger and more resilient. But rather to alert you to possible risks if you use probiotics without supervision or awareness of potential side effects.
One more piece to the puzzle of health and wellbeing.
And speaking of wellbeing, how is yours?
When Nothing Else Helps, What Then?
The use of things like probiotics to strengthen your microbiome, and bioavailable curcumin to improve your health, your mood, and your wellbeing, eating a healthy diet that includes fermented dishes like kimchee, sauerkraut, and yogurt, along with frequent exercise and a good night’s sleep, can all help you to achieve wellbeing in your life and reduce stress.
But some of us are genetically predisposed to certain conditions, or find that life stressors spark symptoms or depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, addiction, and even suicide.
Maybe you’ve taken the medicines your doctor prescribes but don’t feel they work because you’re still not better. Maybe the wait, or the weight gain, or other side effects are all not worth it any more.
If that sounds like you, you may be a candidate for the kind of forward-thinking, innovative ketamine treatment that we offer.
Since the beginning of this century it’s been intensively studied for treatment-resistant depression, bipolar depression, suicidal thoughts, and now for other psychiatric disorders. In the last few years its use has become more and more widespread, and studies have proliferated to learn more.
For those of us in psychiatry who are treating our sickest patients with it, it’s the most extraordinary medicine we’ve seen in 50 years. In fact, in our lifetime.

Interestingly, it seems to have the most robust effects on those whose disorder is the most severe.
If that sounds like you, we may be able to help you get better.
As we say so often, ketamine isn’t for everyone… But nothing else available works so rapidly and so well for so many struggling with hopelessness.
So, if you’ve endured symptoms of a severe mood disorder way too long, call us.
We want to help you start your new year on better footing, with the power to enjoy your life and relationships, and contribute to the lives of others.
Here at Innovative Psychiatry, we see people who’ve been depressed for years walk out with joy, hope, and the energy to engage in the things that are important to them.
Give yourself the chance to really live.
To the emergence of your best self,

Lori Calabrese, M.D.

Interesting article. I’ve just been through the same exact experience as Rhonda except it was an antibiotic I was taking that caused my panic attack and then lingering anxiety. Close to three weeks after I stopped the antibiotic (only took 4 doses of Clarithromycin before it started) I’m finally starting to feel normal again. I’m now taking 100 billion strain of probiotics to try to get my gut back to normal. Now, after reading this article, I’m afraid to continue. Any words of advice?
So sorry to hear that happened to you, too! Although I can’t make personal or individual recommendations here, I wrote two blog posts a few years ago about the gut microbiome that are still two of my personal favorites: Gut-Brain Axis – How Your Gut Microbiome Communicates with Your Brain and 12 Steps You Can Take to Make Your Gut Microbiome Work for You which emphasize real foods. One of my favorite “gut rehab” plans to dramatically begin to restore a healthy gut is the 10 day eating plan at the back of Robynn Chutkan’s book, Gut Bliss. The recipes are delicious (from Elise Museles of Kale and Chocolate) and the 10 day plan introduces a veritable feast for the gut and the brain. Happy eating!
Hello, I was on a 6 bacteria probiotic for about 8 months. Had symptoms of constipation and high histamine. Everytime I ate my nose, eyes, and ears would itch. Then I started a stronger probiotic with 12 strains. After a month I started having horrible anxiety and panic attacks. I stopped them and It’s been 6 months and I’m still suffering with then. My bowel habits still aren’t back to normal. They say probiotics leave you after you stop the supplements but mine have not. Any recommendations on have to get them out of me or will my body at some point acclimate to them. Thank You
Although I cannot give personal recommendations or medical advice on this site, the wonderful thing about the gut microbiome is that it can be shaped and reshaped by what we eat and over just a few weeks. You can read more about that here: Gut-Brain Axis – How Your Gut Microbiome Communicates with Your Brain, and about 12 steps you can take to improve it here 12 Steps You Can Take to Make Your Gut Microbiome Work for You. There are so many precipitants for anxiety symptoms and panic attacks that it is worth getting a consult from a psychiatrist to determine other factors that could be contributing and to explore additional treatment options–just to learn about them, and learn about whether they would be right for you. Best wishes for your journey to restore your health!
Hi Jane. I wrote the comment above about the same thing happening to me except it was with anabiotic’s instead of probiotics. Two weeks later, I found out that I actually had intestinal parasites and the anabiotic’s either killed my gut biome or started killing off parasites that I did not know I had and caused die off reaction. I actually worked with a Doctor Who specializes in intestinal parasites. Parasites WILL cause panic attacks bc they feed off of your seratonin supply. Please do some research about this. A great place to get info is microb formulas. They are actual medical doctors that specialize in this . Good luck. I’m completely better now .
Hi how are you feeling now? I’m also going through this , I took natren probiotics for 3 days and on the 4th day I had a panic attack , it’s been 8 days since I stopped taking the probiotics and I’m still having anxiety
Did this clear up?
I’m having the same. Did this ever clear up? How long did it take if so?
I just started taking an 80 billion supplement, after 4 doses I just had my first horrifying anxiety attack, exactly how you described it. I am so thankful for this article as I almost went to the hospital when I could barley keep my heart rate down and I experienced pain in the left part of my chest. I am immediately discontinuing use of the supplement. I was having discomfort in my gut and everything that probiotics are known to help with, and my girlfriend mentioned the microbiome and how I probably am not getting enough good bacteria.. So naturally I googled it and then started eating yogurt drinking the kiefurs probiotic stuff and taking the supplement all at the same time… big mistake! thank you again for this article, I am considerably more calm knowing that there is a %99.999 chance that this is causing it.
I did the pill and the probiotics yogurt thinking it was for the best and good lawd I was so wrong. This is costing me my sanity! Hope your doing better! How long did it take for you to feel back to normal?
Very thankful I found this article, even though I’m a couple of years behind you all. I just got done with a round of antibiotics that really knocked me on my butt. I was supplementing with a probiotic and added another once I was done with the antibiotics. I also began drinking kombucha and kefir, along with eating sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt. My thought process was to restore my healthy bacteria as fast as possible. I began having terrible anxiety, tremors, shakiness, and headaches. I didn’t take anything this morning and felt better initially. I drank some kefir shortly after breakfast and within an hour I was shaky and could barely hold a coherent thought because of the brain fog.
Is there any specific single strain probiotics I can try that would be good for anxiety and depression? It seems like if I take probiotics over the course of a few days my mental symptoms get worse and I start to get an insatiable hunger, where I can eat a full meal and still feel hungry. So I then end up in vicious cycle where I take probiotics and then kill them off every few days with oregano oil because of the symptoms but then if I don’t take probiotics again I start having bad GI symptoms… it’s terrible and my doctor doesn’t know what to do… any assistance would be much appreciated… this is the first article I’ve seen that makes me feel better 🙁
I am on 3000 mg 10 day antibiotics to kill h pylori in my gut. I am on my 7th day feel so bloated and constipated. In the course of this medication I have gained 8lbs and I work out daily for 2.5 hours. I went to Mothers Market to search for refrigerated probiotics to counteract the antibiotics. I saw probiotics for women, depression, etc. I also know Whole-foods has a refrigerated probiotic section. I hope this helps.
Oregano oil kills then off??
Have you found any help yet? Please let us know what has helped!
Well, my daughter snd I took a high dose probiotic about 6 weeks ago. We stopped a month ago but are still having GI snd urinary snd vaginal issues. Wondering if this is just something we gave to endure until microbiology corrects itself.
wow what sort of vaginal issues? i was taking 50+billion a day for the past month and now i have heaps of vaginal irritation (swab was clear of infections so not a yeast infection though!) just weird burning and redness! my swab also showed really high inflammation and the only thing i was taking was the strong probiotics!!!
I was having vaginal irritation also. I’m on the 50 billion dose. I did stop using it every day and it went away. I thought my bowels would become more regular but it didn’t happen and I started having severe cramping in my leg. So I believe in its use but not every day. Each person can react different to it
Dear gawd I’m so overwhelmed but grateful for this article. I too am experiencing panic attacks and heart flutters. I take my probiotics in the morning and around 10:00pm I randomly get heart flutters thinking I am going to have a dam heart attack. We googled for answers and made appointments to the neurosurgeon to make sure my it’s not my brain AVM. Thank goodness it’s not the problem but I will never take a probiotic pill again. It’s safer to eat foods that help with the digestive system.
Currently going through this. I took probiotics for months and never had an issue… until 2 months ago. Horrible anxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, and weakness and tingly through my body.. etc.. doctors thought I had a virus. I completely changed my diet to low FODMAP. Was finally starting to feel better, but stupidly decided to take another probiotic yesterday. 2 hours after the dose, all of those same symptoms came rushing back and I immediately linked it to the probiotic. Will never take another. Today, still having some anxiety, but I know I’m going to get through this.
How long until you felt normal again?
I took probiotics for two weeks five years ago. I actually became as close to suicidal as I ever care to be. The only change was the probiotics so I quit them and quickly returned to normal. I’m glad for articles like this to raise awareness. When this happened to me I couldn’t find anyone else who experienced the same thing. Here I am five years later still researching it every once in a while and finally stumbled across this.
I’m so happy that you found it helpful. There is so much more to be learned about the gut microbiome and probiotics, including the dangers of taking over the counter supplements that are unregulated and aggressively marketed. I’m glad you found your answer to what went wrong so quickly!
I started taking high dosage of probiotics a few weeks ago and i ended up in the ER room 4 times. I had many symptoms. Racing heart, irregular heartbeat, terrible anxiety, breaking out in hives, arm pain, joint pain all over my body. I am going to write the companies and tell them they should put a warning on the box not to overdose. I am feeling better now a few weeks after this terrible experience.
I’m currently going through this. Im so miserable. How long until you felt better? Tomorrow will be a week since I stopped taking it and I only took two.
I had a similar experience, but with melatonin! None of my doctor’s had heard of having a negative build up of melatonin, so no one suggested I stop.
For months and months I felt numb, I began to feel all the symptoms of depersonalization and derealization disorder. I was out of touch with reality. In a desperate act for help I began seeing a psychiatrist. Through meticulous analyzing of every little thing I did or ate, she was able to bring it to my attention.
I had been taking 3mg of melatonin for nearly a year. Which is what the standard mg is in the bottles I bought. But she suggested I break them in half, taking only 1.5 for a full week. Then discontinue completely the following week.
All of my symptoms went away. I could think clearly. I could function like a normal human again.
Yes, every person is different and something as “harmless” as too much melatonin or probiotics can completely throw you off balance.
so happy I found this page. Took my first high potency probiotic yesterday which was prescribed to me. Had terrible anxiety all night. I’m wondering if there’s a link between the two or if its a coincidence.
Oh my god I can’t believe I’ve finally found people who have experienced this. Every time I try and use probiotics I get severely depressed.. Even suicidal. It clears again a few days after stopping them.
There should be warnings everywhere about this it’s so dangerous!!!
I am so glad I found this article. I have been taking Raw Probiotics Vaginal Care 50 Billion-38 Probiotic Strains for almost two months. Since yesterday, I feel some mild pain on my left lower body. It looks like I hit the left side of my belly! I am also experiencing some gas, which is very uncommon to me.
I will stop taking it before going to the doctor.
Thank you very much.
i started some high strength probiotics a week ago , after a couple of days i was trembling inside and felt weak , my legs and head was shaking , i’ve never suffered with anxiety like this for years , i will never take a probiotic supplement again !!
I am glad I found this article. I also have been taking a probiotic for about 2 weeks now. I have to think my lows and wanting to cry almost all day must have something to do with them. I am going to stop them tomorrow and look for alternate ways…food, etc. and see if that helps.
This article has been the relief I have been searching for. I was so scared and used to pride myself on being able to be steady and calm but in car rides and at night the symptoms of rushing heart and panic attacks would set in. The only thing I added to my diet was high probiotic filled drinks and I think I need to take it easy from now on.
The panic attacks come on so strong and all of a sudden I just knew there had to be an explanation.
What ended up happening for you? I’m suffering.
I was taking a probiotic at night and it gave me intense insomnia every time. Took me three days to figure out because I couldn’t believe that a probiotic could have that effect. I couldn’t sleep my heart was beating so loud.
Thank you!! How wonderful to read such a thoroughly presented and beautifully written article – to be followed by 25 posted comments from others who have experienced similar symptoms! Wow. What an eye-opener!! I also am experiencing anxiety/deppression and heart palpitations – ‘out of the blue’ – after experimenting with probiotics following a 4 day course of amoxycillin. Yes – there are probiotics one can take while on antibiotics (Saccharomyces boulardii, Bacillus coagulans, and others) but caution is certainly advisable. May I recommend a company called VIOME. They do mRNA testing of stool, blood and saliva, and tailor a diet, herbal, vitamin and probiotic supplements to your individual ‘gene expression’. After having been on antibiotics, they advised me to stop my current probiotic recommendations and then either to retest immediately or to wait 3 months and then retest. I did stop the probiotics – but stupidly played around with probiotics I’d used in the past and figured they’d be fine. (about 60 – 75 billion CFU’s daily) I wanted to stave off a possible yeast infection. Looking back – 6 days into it I started having strange symptoms – unusual stress, sleep disturbances, anxiety and absolutely no energy. Today is day 10 of feeling horrible – came across this article – I’m stopping! Will see if symptoms subside – if not, i’ll be in touch with the folks @ VIOME. Once again – thank you!!
I’ve really enjoyed reading this article as well as all the different experiences people are having from too many probiotics. I’ve been desperate to find some answer’s to the issues I’ve been experiencing. Almost 3 moths ago I tested positive for covid, ad a result I had gi issues, I was told to take probiotics to try to get myself back on track with my gi issues.
I went to the local health supplement store and left with a 50 million cfu probiotics, the gi issues still continued so I added more and more probiotics, I was told I couldn’t have too many probiotics, I was now taking a 4 trillion coconut culture probiotic as well as 170 billion cfu probiotics. I ve been through lots of tests, so far everything comes back negative, no c-diff, no parasites, no food poisoning, all labs are great, but I was still having diarrhea multiple times a day, especially when I ate, it is so terrible. I went back to the nutrition store and explained nothing is working, a lady that works there said maybe I should lower my probiotic dosage I stopped them all after I read about too many probiotics, its
been 8 days now, Ive had a few good days and some bad days. Does this sound like a typical scenario of consuming too many probiotics? How long does it take for your system to get rid of the effects of the probiotics?
how long did it take to finally get out of your system. I’m on day 8 and I’m miserable.
God bless you for this article and all who have left comments. I was feeling fine, but had a bladder infection. I was deathly afraid of getting C-diff again, so I started taking 90 billion CFU capsules 2 -3 times a day. I started feeling strange after a couple of days. A little anxious, depressed, foggy brained, no motivation….I thought my hormones were out of whack. One morning I woke up with bad anxiety, the whole works, but much worse. I was trying to figure out what in the world could be causing this. Out of the blue, I wonder if it was my angel or God, I thought, I wonder if there are side effects from too many probiotics. I found this article. Thank you so much. I’m praying this is a short lived episode, and that I will be very careful with probiotic capsules. Again, God bless you, doctor, and all who left comments!
It’s hard to find a 10 billion tablet do you have one to recommend
I was taking a 50 Billion probiotic for 6 weeks along with anti-candida supplement. I had an extreme panic attack about 5 weeks ago and my body has been trembling since. It feels like it’s my CNS because you can’t see me visibly trembling. This has come with panic attacks, anxiety and terrible mood changes.
For those of you who went through anything like this how long did it take to recover?
What can I do to correct this? Since the problem is likely too many of the good microbes does that mean I should be eating high sugar to balance it out?
Hello. Take a supplement called Gaba. It will calm you down. Take 200mg to start and see how it goes. Stay away from the probiotics for a few months.
How long until you felt better?
Yes it did… but what do you suggest I use? I have lost two babies due to e.coli in the gut at 6-months….I finally have my rainbow baby…..
Over the last year and a half I’ve been having terrible problems with dizziness, anxiety, itchy throat, joint pain and brain fog. I eventually realised that it was going caused by me taking 2 different high strength 100 billion probiotic supplements along with high strength kefir yogurt drinks. Everyone including doctors say they’re harmless so I never suspected them for so long and kept blaming other things. I eventually worked it out after 8mths that all the ups and downs fit with starting stopping these supplements. They helped with my IBS but it’s not worth it for all these other issues that are messing up my life. HOWEVER what’s even worse is that I can’t seem to stop them.. every time I try to either stop cold turkey or even weening myself of them gently over weeks the symptoms get so much worse. I tried for a long period a few months back but weeks and weeks went by and I just didn’t get better and return to how I was before being on them. This is just the worst situation that I don’t know how long I can keep going on with as it’s been a year now and I’m completely trapped and seemingly dependant on probiotics that make me ill but make me even worse if I stop!! No one believes me.. family, friends, doctors all think it’s nonsense as probiotics are “harmless”. So it’s comforting to see others having similar issues but I see so many asking if they’ll eventually get better after stopping and getting no answers. I already eat very healthily with lots of fruit, veg, sauerkraut and look great on the outside but feel like death on the inside. Going back on to full strength makes things the most manageable but what happens when full dose is not enough.. take even more and get worse?? How on earth do I get off these things and go back to how I was before making this mistake or even just something close to that?? 🙁
What ended up happening for you?
I was glad to find this article. Thank you for writing it!
I took very potent probiotics for one week. Lo and behold I ended up with severe diarrhea. I have not fully recovered and it’s going on 3 weeks now. My doctor thinks that I should give my body time to get used to everything. She said 4 to 6 weeks!!!! Does that sound right to you?
Thank you for this article. My child has a chronic health condition and is frequently on antibiotics. On recommendation from her pediatrician we have tried pro-biotics and she experienced terrible anxiety. I mentioned this reaction to her doctor and he dismissed my concern about the probiotic. About a year later, I tried a kids multivitamin that had a probiotic in it and she had the same reaction. After quite a bit of internet Googleing, all I seem to find are articles that indicate probiotics help with anxiety. I wish there are more information available about the correlation with probiotics causing anxiety.
We do, too! That’s why I wrote this, and you can see from so many people who have written back that they have experienced the same thing, or other difficulties. Best wishes to you and your child!
I found the explanation and the solution to the panic/anxiety and attacks after mega dosing probiotics:
In a healthy gut, when you eat carbohydrates. The bacteria in your gut ferment those carbohydrates into lactic acid. Lactic acid then get’s used by other bacteria as fuel, which means there is never a high amount of lactic acid present in the gut, because it immediately get’s eaten by other bacteria.
Almost all probiotics are of the strains Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. (1) Those strains mainly produce lactic acid. Lactobacillus even have their name derived from that behavior. When yogurth or sauerkraut get fermented, the lactic acid is what makes it sour.
Now when you ingest large amounts of these probiotics, the balance between lactic acid producing bacteria and lactic acid consuming bacteria get out of balance. If that happens you produce way to much lactic acid. This lactic acid then get’s absorbed into the bloodstream and then get’s transportet into the brain.
This lactic acid then creates a ph drop in the brain and a dropping brain ph induces panic. You have panic attack. This is well known in science. (2)
The worst thing about this is, that this imbalance can kick off a negative feedback loop in your microbiome. Because the lactic acid consuming bacteria don’t thrive in a high lactic acid environment. Which means the lactic acid is suppressing the growth of the bacteria that would stop that imbalance. And it’s even worse then that, because the lactic acid producing bacteria themself thrive in that highly acidic environment. Which means it’s unlikely that this imbalance resolves on it’s own. (3)(4) (For people interested, that exact scenario is a well known problem for cattle. It’s called lactic acidosis, you can even die from it.) (5)
So what do you do in that unfortunate situation?
The first thing is to cut out all carbohydrates and all fiber from your diet. Because only carbohydrates can be fermented into lactic acid. (6) Now your panic attacks should stop. If they don’t you have a different problem.
Next you can slowly add fiber to your diet and if this doesn’t produce panic attacks you can start slowly introducing carbohydrates. In case you experience panic you need to slowly cut back on carbs or even fiber again.
Now you should have your symptoms under control. But how do we fix it?
You need to ingest a slow fermenting prebiotic. In my case I used acacia powder. Why does that work? Most carbohydrates (like sugar or starch) are fermented very very quickly by those massive amounts of probiotics that you ingested creating a huge spike in lactic acid. Which then suppresses the growth of the lactic acid consuming bacteria.
When you ingest a slow fermenting prebiotic instead, those massive amounts of probiotics produce lactic acid very slowly. Because there is never a lactic acid spike, the lactic acid consuming bacteria can actually use this lactic acid a their food source. Which in turn means their population is growing. And you slowly create a balance between lactic acid consuming and lactic acid producing bacteria again. Avoiding the lactic acid spikes and therefor avoiding the panic attacks.
Hope that helps.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactic_acid_bacteria
2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/016517819190020P
3. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/gut-microbiome/article/microbial-lactate-utilisation-and-the-stability-of-the-gut-microbiome/70FFDA0D826775206007393EB4E21FE2
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7483512/
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactic_acidosis#:~:text=structure.%5B22%5D-,Ruminants,-%5Bedit%5D
6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactic_acid
Brilliant! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and research here—it can help so many people!
So glad I found this article, and so many responses.
I also figured if one capsule per day is good, one with each meal is better. Increased my daily capsule after being hospitalized for a bowel blockage due to adhesions. I thought I was helping myself, and a year later, I am discovering that more is NOT always better.
A few days ago, after so much digestive upset, I quit ALL supplements, and I feel better.
Will now go back to one capsule per day, with a multi vitamin, and NEVER overdo what doctors rate as “harmless”!
I’m a 48 year old female. I’ve been using functional medicine doctors who have given me stool tests so I can take the right probiotic strains, but it’s been 4 expensive years and I’m still a mess. I believe because I switched to a new doctor and he’s given me 5 months of the akkermansia strain, which I found I didn’t have at all in my gut. So interesting that my first tests have totally different strains of bacteria that are missing From three years ago and new ones too!
I feel worse than when I started! Dealing with upset stomach cramps and liquid diarrhea for weeks now.
I’ve had anxiety for years, so it’s hard to measure when that started and why. But the brain fog I thought I had under control until this last month or so. I also cannot drink coffee anymore because I’ll have to run to the bathroom too quickly!
Thank you for this article. I didn’t know probiotics could have any side effects either! And that focusing on one 1 strain could be a bad thing. Think I’ve been on these too long.
During 2023 and 2024 I went to ER 4 different times thinking I was having a heart attack or a stroke. I had pain and numbness in my left arm, high heart rate. It would ho up and down. All my labs were fine. I know they thought I was crazy, and on the 4th time told me it was a panic attack. I didnt buy it.
Thanks for sharing this! I was taking probiotics! I now make my own kefir water, yogurt, fermented rice and quit the pills. Maybe this is why I have never had another episode.