When someone commits suicide, you’ll sometimes hear people say, “It makes no sense! She had everything to live for…” Or, “What a selfish thing to do. What about all the people who loved him? What about his kids…his wife..?” But this sort of tragedy isn’t about selfishness. To grasp what happens with your suicidal loved one, we are beginning to understand that there is a biology of suicide, and it can play into whether or not someone takes her life. It also helps to know what can be done. Read one young woman’s story to see what I mean…
…Casey climbed the stairs and disappeared into the darkness of her room without flicking on the light. Somehow the darkness was more comfortable. More familiar. She dropped her keys on the hall tree and her purse and coat on the floor, then flopped onto the sofa.
Settling back, her neck resting on the back cushion, she stared blankly at the ceiling. Another day was behind her.
It was always a feat to survive another day of work. Miserable. Now that she had, her mind wandered to nothingness. The billowing relief that would come if she could just get off this ride…this miserable journey day in and day out… Casey lost herself in reverie thinking about what a relief that would be.
She couldn’t do it anymore. She just couldn’t. And…she wouldn’t.
No one in Casey’s life had any idea what she goes through. She seemed astute, responsible, reliable to those around her. Quiet. Sometimes a little short-tempered… But pretty self-sufficient.
The darkness wrapped itself around her, and she hung her head in exhaustion.
Random thoughts drifted through her mind. The summer she was 3. She had climbed a tree and went too high. As she looked down she felt a little lightheaded and swayed in the branch as the wind blew. She had thought that if she just jumped, she would go to heaven.
“Good grief,” she thought. “I was only 3 then. Was there ever a day in my life I didn’t think about dying? Wish I could die? Figure out how to die…??”
She closed her eyes. “Thirty one years. I guess it will go on as long as I live…” Then, she thought, but why? What’s the purpose of my life beyond dreading, thinking about dying, seeing only futility..?”
“Why put it off any longer..?”
And then, something happened.
She opened the drawer in her nightstand, reached to the back, and pulled out a tin of pills she’d been saving for years. The prescription said TWO pills. And she’d taken one and stashed one. There was another bottle she’d squirreled away in her closet, so she felt around till she found it and tossed it on the sofa.
After a bit she dragged herself into the kitchen, and pulled the Kentucky Honey Whiskey from the cupboard a friend had left at her house 6 months ago. As she reached up for it, she saw the Tylenol and grabbed it.
She knew that too much Tylenol would damage the liver, so slipped that into her pocket. The whiskey bottle was three-quarters full. That will help, she told herself. Then she grabbed a glass and took the bottle to the coffee table.
With all she would need in place…she lay down and drifted off to sleep…
Honking from the street below. HONK HONK HONK!! Wondering about the time, she looked at her watch. 11:49. Just a few minutes before midnight.
Methodically, she poured Kentucky Honey into her glass and chased the first few pills. Then poured another glass, and swallowed 4 or 5 more.
Pain pills and sleeping pills… hmmmmmm… It seems to me I should feel a little different by now. She was glad for the late hour. Unlikely anyone would find her too soon. No one ever knocks or stops by.
She popped more pills into her mouth.
The Kentucky Honey was becoming harder and harder to swallow. Her head was spinning from the glasses of it she’d had so far.
All she could think about was the relief she would feel when this was over…

No one had any idea…she had always held her feelings and frame of mind close to the vest. Impossible to get her to talk, really…
We do so much research about what drives someone to suicide. But what actually happens– biologically?
Why Now? Why Tonight ?
Some people think about suicide every day of their lives and never act on it. What’s behind the moment someone actually takes the step to end his life? And what role does biology — the biology of suicide — play?
Two prominent researchers are known for their insightful hypothesis about this way back in the 1990’s. Their contemporaries swore by the prevailing belief that depression was caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. (You remember those days?) These two were burning the midnight oil trying to figure out HOW that was true.
Their names were Charney and Krystal. Dennis Charney is now the Dean of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. He was focused on depression. John Krystal was exploring schizophrenia to better understand and treat it.
In both cases, their work at Yale at the time led them to glutamate, the most prolific neurotransmitter in the human body. As an excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate helps brain cells communicate, so it’s critical in learning, memory development, mood and …. the list goes on.
So they went to work together to learn what they could.
Now, you need to understand that at that time, even though ketamine was a solid and relied-upon anesthesia medicine, its dark reputation as an abused substance in the club scene — and on the street — kept it from getting much attention in research.
Glutamate Paves the Way to Ketamine
Ketamine causes specific behaviors in people who use it on the street, usually within 2 hours after taking it. But the amount they ingest is around 100 times greater than the doses used in anesthesia, or the even smaller dose these researchers gave their subjects.
This is where some people get the wrong idea about ketamine. If they’ve heard about it or seen it on the street, they tend to be terrified of its use therapeutically because of severe side effects they’ve seen.
But when ketamine is used in tiny doses therapeutically, it’s a completely different “animal.”
Even so, Charney and Krystal didn’t want to miss anything that might show up later so, in an abundance of caution, they decided to monitor their research subjects for a full 72 hours after their ketamine infusion. They chose 9 subjects to try the ketamine infusion, but 2 of them dropped out. So they followed 7 depressed subjects for 72 hours. This was a turning point. Keep reading…

Four hours after the ketamine was administered, they checked on the patients. These patients declared they felt better. In fact, they felt a great deal better! Our researchers were shocked beyond belief. Everyone knew that antidepressants take weeks or months to produce an antidepressant effect, and this medicine produced dramatic results within 4 hours.
They didn’t expect anyone to believe them, and kept these results under the radar for years. When they finally did publish their results in 2000, they got …. not much attention.
Low Serotonin Severely Alters the Brain – Which Plays into the Biology of Suicide
But during the same time another research team, John Mann and Victoria Arango, set out to study the brains of suicide victims. Over time, they discovered that certain areas of the brain showed alterations in serotonin. A significant kind of alteration.
In fact, this situation reminded them of the well-known story of Phineas Gage, back in 1848. Gage was a railroad worker, and had been impaled by a 43-inch cylindrical iron tamping bar right through his skull.
Amazingly, he survived the accident, but his personality completely changed. His doctor later wrote that Gage’s “character” was altered by the damage and his “animal propensities” emerged, as he put it. He wrote that Gage was fitful and irreverent. He called him capricious and vacillating, and complained that he used the “grossest profanity.” Now Gage had been a foreman: a responsible, circumspect, hardworking man before the accident. So you see, the change was dramatic.
It wasn’t until more modern times that research revealed the area of the brain destroyed by the iron tamping bar is the area that controls inhibitions, and in Gage’s case, his social inhibitions.
And that’s one of the same areas affected by “low levels of serotonin transporter binding.”
So, with low levels of serotonin, the inhibition disappears. In the cases of these suicidal victims, the researchers think the inhibition that kept them from committing suicide was lifted, and they surged forward and ended their lives.

But again, this may have happened as a number of other social, economic, and interpersonal factors were unravelling. There are so many contributing factors to suicide. And even when we can study and pinpoint biological correlates, we know that low levels of serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid, and probably low levels of serotonin transporter binding don’t always result in suicide.
Of course they don’t.
Moreover, even if the doctors of these patients had known the exact biological areas and brain processes involved in suicide, and had a way to modulate the activity there, it still might have taken weeks or months to reach a therapeutic effect — and it might not even have worked …as it may have been too late.
Ketamine Takes Its Cue From the Biology of Suicide in YOUR Brain
So this is a HUGE key to why ketamine treatment can be so vital to erasing suicidal thinking. Because it can erase those thoughts in an afternoon, in the psychiatrist’s office. No need to wait weeks or months and risk suicide while you wait for it to take effect.
Compassion for Suicidal Loved Ones
People who succeed in, or even attempt, suicide, aren’t thinking about the feelings of others. (There’s some truth to that…but not necessarily what the criticizers think.) Quite honestly, in that condition they can’t. They may have been induced by their disordered brain to think about suicide for a very long time, or maybe just so intensely, whether they wanted to or not. Then, if the biology of suicide kicks in and they have little or nothing to help them hold back, they may act impulsively and without recourse or consideration of consequences.
For those of us who love them, unless we’re tormented by the same suicidal thoughts, we can’t imagine what it’s like to want to die, or to feel compelled to die.
This isn’t selfishness…it’s sickness. It’s also not selfish when a Type 1 diabetic’s blood sugar drops so low he convulses. It’s a consequence of his serious illness.
And it’s for this reason that it’s important to never dismiss or ignore talk of suicide.
Thankfully, IV ketamine treatment can provide the safety stop to put on the brakes and end the suicidal thoughts.
It can give your loved one time to heal and move forward with their lives.
Biology of Suicide at Innovative Psychiatry
At Innovative Psychiatry, we’ve seen so many who fought the torment of suicidal thoughts and inclinations, walk out free of those thoughts after IV ketamine treatment.

Many times they’ve reached the point of emergency late in the day and needed immediate treatment. Then, after ketamine treatment, found immediate relief. The biology of suicide – in those cases — is side-stepped and overcome by the most rapid and effective treatment for suicidal thinking of our time.
We’re also flooded with relief for them as the suicidal thoughts subside, the light comes to their eyes, and they leave relaxed and eager to continue restorative treatment for their depression symptoms.
***If you have suicidal thoughts a few times a week, or 20 times a day: please know that there is hope. Those thoughts can stop. Reach out immediately for support by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. OR text HOME 741741. Someone is available to listen 24 hours every day. ***
And consider IV ketamine treatment. It can help you experience freedom from those tormenting thoughts and find hope and purpose in your life again through relief from depressive and anxious symptoms. Fast.

The first step happens when your life is no longer at risk.
Your life really can be fulfilling, rewarding, and productive as you experience what ketamine treatment can do for you. While it’s not a one-size-fits-all treatment, IV ketamine treatment can restore your motivation and initiative, your creativity and energy, so you can invest in your relationships, your career, and your hobbies with enthusiasm and joy.