Anxiety is a part of all our lives. Feeling nervous before a test, or before a meeting with the boss. But for some, anxiety continues to get worse until it is a disorder…and needs an intervention because it’s interfering in your life. How can you know the difference?

For example, a time of life when anxiety is so thick in the air you can cut it with a knife… is middle school. And it’s true that most middle schoolers struggle with some amount of anxiety on a regular basis. Does he like me? Am I ugly? Did she talk to me because I’m a charity case, or does she think I’m worthwhile..? It goes on and on. Self doubt and insecurity is part of the backdrop at that time of life. But there is a difference between anxiety vs. an anxiety disorder.
Britney and Analise were both 13, and cute boys filled their thoughts. The dreams they carried in their hearts of being swept off their feet by their fellow 12- and 13- year old classmates were just that — dreams. But their hearts swooned when they thought about certain boys in their class.
As the girls walked home from school, they talked about the upcoming 8th grade graduation dance. “Has anyone asked you to go to the dance?” Analise asked.
Britney said, “No…, you?”
Analise looked at her feet…”No…. I sort of doubt anyone will. So if no one asks you, will you go anyway?”
Britney lit up. “Yes I think I will. I mean really, Analise, we could ask some boys to go, you know? We don’t have to wait for them!”
“Would you do that? I know people do that…but I just don’t think I could… Just getting my nerve up to call would be so hard…I don’t think I could do it. Look at my hands…they’re shaking just thinking about it.”

“Analise, lots of girls will ask boys to the dance. You wouldn’t draw attention to yourself if you did, too. It’s scary to ask someone, knowing you can be turned down. But honestly, it’s what boys go through all the time. Even though it scares me to ask somebody too, I still think girls should carry some of the load.”
(Britney had some anxiety vs. an anxiety disorder…? Not so much of a disorder.)
Tears filled Analise’s eyes. “Thank you for the vote of confidence, but there’s just no way. I’d rather not go at all…”
Twenty Years passes….
Britney walks into the City Library, and stops at the head librarian’s desk. “Ahem… I’m looking for the librarian. Is she here today?”
Her eyes met with the woman at the desk. “Britney!!” Analise was elated. “I haven’t seen you in years!! What have you been doing???”
“Analise, I would have known you anywhere!!! I’m in town for a conference for women lawyers. I have to speak, which I don’t mind. But I just had to make time to come see you! How long have you worked here?”
“I was hired straight out of college and have been here ever since. A few promotions and I’m head librarian. I love my job.”
“Ana, this is perfect for you. Remember when we talked about asking boys to the 8th grade dance?? You didn’t go, and I did. I realize now that I shouldn’t have pushed you. It just wasn’t your thing.”
(Anxiety vs. an anxiety disorder: the difference is that Britney was motivated by hers…and Analise was blocked by hers.)
“Honestly, Britney. It turns out I have an anxiety disorder and I take medication that helps but it doesn’t wipe it away. I felt so much shame as a teenager. But it’s been a revelation to understand that I have a disorder, that it’s not that I’m a coward. Gosh, life is hard for kids. Have you experienced any difficulty with anxiety since then?” Analise looked at Britney intently.

“Sure, I’ve had anxiety, but nothing hard to deal with. I’ve been nervous about one thing or another along the way. Asking a boy to that dance was really tough. I felt humiliated and my hands were shaking. But he went with me, and we had a pretty good time. I think that through the years, I’ve been able to just go ahead and do things that were hard, and most of the time it helped me gain confidence.
“Which is a good thing because I’m in the public eye so much now for my job. It’s just the path my life took.” Britney scratched her forearm thoughtfully.
“Brit, I’m really glad for you. So glad that you have been able to keep pushing through in what you wanted to do. Glad you’re enjoying the life you have. Glad for you that you’ve been promoted along the way. Your job sounds perfect for you. I can clearly see that the anxiety you’ve experienced has been part of your growth rather than a disorder requiring treatment. And I’m also so glad that a job like this one was available for me to enjoy and follow my own path. We’re both “following our bliss” as they say.”
Britney smiled her winning smile, and looked at her watch. “I wish I didn’t have to rush off, but I need to get to the conference. It’s wonderful to see you again, Analise, and to see how well your life is going.”

“I’m thrilled I got to see you too, Britney. And by the way, I’m getting married this summer. You’ll get an invitation. He’s a chemical engineer and my best friend. If you can make it to the wedding, I’d love it. Now hurry and run! You mustn’t be late! “
The two women hugged, kissed cheeks, and Britney took off.
Analise sat back down at her desk and thought about their conversation. She smiled to herself when she thought of how far she’d really come.
Both Analise and Britney felt anxiety in 8th grade. The anxiety seemed to motivate Britney to overcome it and make the call to a boy. But it stopped Anallise in her tracks.
Anxiety is a part of life for everyone. Many experience it in small manageable doses like Britney did. Over her life, she came to see the anxiousness she felt before a challenge as an opportunity to overcome. So she just kept stepping up to overcome it.
Britney saw anxiety as a motivator.
In Britney’s life, anxiety built a fire under her to accomplish more, overcome more.
Analise, on the other hand, felt blocked by the anxiety she felt about that dance. Her anxiety was too intense for her to move forward. It didn’t motivate her, it made her feel crippled. Frozen. Incapable of meeting the challenge. As Ana’s life continued, she never felt motivated by anxiety, but had to get it under control just so she could function at all.

She had headaches, GI upsets, and aches and pains she couldn’t explain. She’d be invited on dates, and spend the date in the restroom of the restaurant, unable to enjoy the opportunity. And it was so embarrassing. She felt out of control of her life.
Anxiety vs. an anxiety disorder… Britney managed the former well, and Analise found treatment for the latter. And they’re both doing well now.
So in her late teens she sought psychiatric care and took medication. With the help of the medication, she could push forward in her education.
However, after college, it became clear that Analise’s main anxiety issue was social. It prevented her having fun at the 8th grade dance, it made it hard to date in high school and college. But she learned about IV ketamine treatment and what it could potentially do for social anxiety.
So after college, once she was working at the City Library, she saw a psychiatrist who offered IV ketamine treatment, and it changed everything for her.

She became comfortable attending librarian meetings, or talking at length to scholars who came to the library for research. And she began to date again because her fear was gone.
She was so thrilled to share with Britney her upcoming marriage. Oh sure, the wedding would be fun, but it was the aspects of marriage that require deep communication that excited her the most.
At Innovative Psychiatry, we see people with anxiety disorders all the time. We get to enjoy the pleasure of watching people receive IV ketamine treatment and lose their fear of social situations. With the anxiety gone, they’re able to let their true personality emerge in a variety of situations. No longer do they stare at their feet.
Ketamine treatment has demonstrated great results for social anxiety, treatment resistant depression, PTSD, substance and alcohol use disorders, and suicidal thoughts.
If you suffer from symptoms of disorders like these, call us.

When you come for treatment, we’ll will meet you at the door and lead you to your private treatment room where you’ll find a comfy recliner. The room is in a constant state of disinfection from a plasma cell technology developed by The Department of Defense and NASA to destroy viruses (including COVID-19 related forms like the delta variant and the lambda and mu variants), bacteria, and mold in the air and on surfaces. Designed for the Space Station, this technology is powerful and wipes out these invaders. So you’re safe from infection when you’re with us. That leaves you free to focus on getting the most from your treatment.
Remember, most people struggle with some anxiety now and then, but if you suffer with symptoms that are persistent and that interfere with your life, causing you to miss important opportunities, you may benefit from treatment. It can make all the difference for you.

To the restoration of your best self,