What Is Anxiety, and How Do You Treat It?
People talk about depression, talk about PTSD, and about bipolar disorder. But how do you talk about anxiety? How do you know if you have anxiety, and how do you find anxiety treatment that won’t make you sleepy so you can do things without being tired…or without being overwhelmed?
What is it, really?
Anxiety Shatters Innocent Trust
Seven-year-old Chrissy climbed the stairs to take her bath…. It was dark upstairs. She wondered what could be lurking in the shadows. Surely there was nothing to be afraid of. She tried to convince herself that this is home, and her parents kept the doors locked, so no one could have crept in to wait for her upstairs in the dark.
There was nothing to be afraid of!
But her reasoning didn’t seem very convincing. As she reached the top stair step, and turned past the landing, groping in the darkness to find the bathroom doorway so she could flip on the light, her eyes tried to adjust.
Out of nowhere, two hands grabbed her in a sudden burst and she screamed in terror. Her 12-year-old brother burst into laughter and fell to the floor rolling around in glee.
“That’s not funny, Ben!!”
Anxiety Builds Obstacles to Moving Forward
…Eleven years later, Chrissy hugged her mom and dad goodbye, after they’d unloaded the car of all her boxes. They were about to drive back home and leave her to unpack and set up her dorm room. She would register tomorrow for classes. This was her first time living away from home.
She climbed the stairs of the dorm, walked down the long lonely hall, and stood before the door to her room.
Chrissy froze.
Her throat went dry, her stomach cramped, her palms sweaty.
The key was in her hand but she couldn’t bring herself to push the key into the lock. A nightmare of some kind awaited her … she just knew it. What if her roommate didn’t like her? What if she wasn’t welcome…? Or worse, what if there were people inside who made fun of her?? This would have to be her home now, and what if she couldn’t relax here?
Why did she come? She wasn’t ready for this. She was too insecure, too shy. This was never going to work.
What had she been thinking????
Chrissy continued to stand in the hall. Looking at that closed door. Off behind her, she could hear voices. Chatter. Laughing….
She knew they were laughing at her. NO ONE goes to college without the maturity to walk into a dorm room.
She was going to be the laughingstock of the entire campus.
Minutes passed.
Finally, in one big moment of resolve, she wiped her wet palms on her jeans, shoved the key into the lock, opened the door, and walked in.
Anxiety Can Erode the Foundations of a Solid and Resilient Life
Nine years have passed since that day in the dorm hallway. Chrissy thinks sometimes she’ll never be able to manage her own life. She’s been to college, completed her degree, although there were some shaky times.
She’s held a couple jobs, but something always seems to go wrong. She keeps thinking she needs to build a career … but hardly knows where to begin.
Her self-confidence isn’t great, and she tries to hide it behind flashy clothes and makeup. She tries to appear to “have it all together,” but deep inside she wishes she could hide from the world.
Her live-in boyfriend works hard and works out, but with abuse in his childhood and PTSD from combat in Afghanistan, there isn’t much peace at home. His hyper-vigilance and flashbacks make the nights like a terror movie. She never knows when he’ll fly into a rage … or come at her. It’s a living nightmare, but she doesn’t want anyone to know what goes on…so she keeps it all to herself.
Over time, it seems to get harder and harder to just leave the house. One day last week she was at work and panic rose up inside her. She was shaking, trembling, and just couldn’t see much besides bright lights. She grabbed her purse and walked out. Got in her car and drove home. She hasn’t left the house since.
Not that she hasn’t tried. This morning she even put her things in a bag to go see a friend. Got into her car. And sat there. Why was this so hard? She reached into her purse to get the key. But couldn’t get it into the ignition. Just …couldn’t.
So she sat there. And cried…and cried….
Severe Anxiety Can Prevent You From Finding Your Place in This World …and Flourishing
Anxiety comes in lots of forms. It can be a nagging dread about entering a public place, or about joining a group of people. Sometimes the dread is worse than other times.
Sometimes it’s a sickening feeling that interferes with your good intentions.
Other times it’s a crippling terror that plants your feet – as if they’re concrete – bolted to the sidewalk.
Sometimes anxiety turns on faucets of sweat that run down your face and sides while you ride an elevator. Or makes your mind go blank when you stand up to give a presentation you’ve worked on for weeks.
A date with a someone new can lead to abdominal cramps, headache, and diarrhea.
But anxiety symptoms can get much, much worse. A rapid heartbeat and sweaty hands, face, and torso, along with severe chest
pain and shortness of breath can mimic a heart attack. Many people wind up in the emergency room — and they’re shocked when they’re told they’re having a panic attack, not a heart attack.
How Can You Get Ahead of Anxiety…???
The traditional treatment for anxiety has been antidepressants, anxiolytics, and therapy.
But. Unfortunately, only about one third of people who suffer with depression, anxiety, or both, get better with antidepressants or therapy, or both. Another third are believed to be helped with a second medication or combination of medications.
So about a third of all people with anxiety continue to suffer, lose their jobs, and sabotage their relationships with symptoms they can’t control.
Is There An Anxiety Treatment that Doesn’t Make You Sleepy?
Because IV ketamine works on different parts of the brain than traditional antidepressants, ketamine treatment can now make the difference for 80% of those people who’ve been left untreated. And un-helped.
And it yields extraordinary results in people who suffer from mood disorders by:
- clearing away and rebuilding the synapse connections, dendrites and dendritic spines,
turning on mRNA to turn on DNA and turbo boost brain-derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and
speeding up the movement of G proteins off the lipid rafts in the cell membranes
All in all, ketamine helps rebuild brain structures that support communication through the prefrontal cortex and deep into the brain.
Ketamine Brings Your Brain to Life
Ketamine doesn’t make you sleepy. In fact, ketamine wakes up your brain. As the synapses are restored, signals travel faster and
faster deep into the brain, bringing a sense of well-being along with initiative, creativity, and order.
Your brain will function at a much more effective and efficient level. You’ll feel like your best self. Your sleep will improve when you’re sleeping, and your alertness will improve when you’re awake. It’s pretty extraordinary.
This is anxiety treatment that doesn’t leave you sleepy. There’s no fatigue, no weight gain, no sexual dysfunction, no constipation or diarrhea, and none of the other side effects you can see with other medications used to treat anxiety.
Ketamine is an anesthesia medicine that’s been used in emergency and surgical settings for 50 years, and has been found to be safe and reliable. It’s only been in the last several years that it has emerged as a remarkable treatment for depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
Ketamine’s rapid and robust antidepressant action is restoring the lives of those who’ve suffered with treatment-resistant psychiatric mood disorders.
At Innovative Psychiatry, we’re seeing a consistent response rate of 80% to IV ketamine treatment. So, while ketamine isn’t for everyone, chances are pretty good that it can really help you.
If you suffer from anxiety disorders that haven’t responded to other traditional treatments, call us for an appointment.
We’re not able to take on new patients who need medication management. That arm of our practice is just too full. However, we are accepting patients who want to see if they can benefit from ketamine for severe depression, crippling anxiety, and other serious mood disorders.
Let’s work together to help you get better.
To the restoration of your best self,
Lori Calabrese, M.D.
Superb, thanks for the insightful article!
I would like more information on Ketamine.
Please contact our office at 860.648.9755. We’d be happy to help or to set up a consult for you. There is also more information on ketamine in the Ketamine FAQ section of our website, in the blogs (scroll down to look at all the categories listed on the right sidebar under Blog in the top menu bar) and in the In the Press section (along the top menu bar)
Well I left a really lenghthy comment but some how it disappeared so I’ll try to make this one short I really don’t believe my doctor would prescribe this I love in a small town with small town doctors I’ve suffered for 35 years with anxiety attacks panic depression been in the mental unit twice 2 weeks the first time and almost a month the second back then they would keep you and monitor your meds to see some what how they were working now it’s only 48 hrs thanks to insurance I’ve been on over 100 different medications still I’m a walking mystery don’t know how or why don’t believe they try hard enough or they just get tired of seeing you I’m lost don’t know where to go I cannot drive or stay alone cannot babysit my grandsons all because of anxiety my therapist quit writing my prescriptions and left that up to my GP it really made me angry he does not specialize in depression or any of the issues I have he tells me to pick one and he will write the script not will it help me or what I’m diagnosed with its a joke I need help and fast please will you help or point me in the direction in which I can get help . thank you for reading.God bless.
Contact ASKP, the American Society of Ketamine Physicians, and KRIYA, to see if there is a physician close to you who offers ketamine treatment or ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.
Get gene tested to find out how you metabolize psychopharmacological medications. Your doses may have beeen too high or low…
My kind of anxiety seems different than what I read about. I am very active and creative, but I feel tense inside. to the point of my chest feels so tight. My shoulders and neck are hurting a lot. I feel as if I can’t relax. Since COVID-19 I feel fearful inside my body, but outwardly I do ok. Not sure what could help. I also have bad reflux disease probably from stress. I don’t drink or eat bad food.
I also suffer from anxiety do to covid.the anxiety has caused me not to sleep up to days without sleep.now my dr has me on a medicine to help me sleep,I have a fear to fall asleep,my dr wants me to do thereaphy with a mental health professional and maybe a phyciatrist.i don’t know if I can function enough to return back to work.And I have two small children that need me
I have been on Cymbalta for 20 yrs now. But my anxiety has been going through the roof. Mainly when I’m driving. Where to get to a place that should be 45 mins from home, took me 2 1/2 hrs. I use every back rode i can. But if there are any cars near me, I pull off the road, or in a driveway. Everytime I get behind the wheel, the fear begins, the car is gonna blow up, ill end up in a ditch, ill kill someone during all this, its a battle to get from point a to point b. Its scary. Truly scary.
I’ve always had some anxiety, but I always could walk out my door and conquer the world each and every day. I could go to work and have fun and do my job very well, always very proud. I am an only child, I lost my best friend, my dad in September of 2012. August 9th of 2022 I lost my mom. I was engaged to the love of my life we got in an argument and he hit me. The deputy decide to arrest me also without a report so basically I got arrested for self-defense. When I was taken to jail they asked me who my emergency contact was, it was then when I realized I had nobody. I mean I have friends and I have family but not where I live not to where I thought I had an emergency contact. That took a breath of life out of me I haven’t been able to find, I have anxiety attacks that I cannot even leave the chair in my living room if I didn’t have my animals, just thank the universe for them. September 9th 2023 my cousin was shot multiple times and killed. My uncle who was going to walk me down the aisle passed away in August. The thing I can be thankful for being arrested is I am in therapy but I still feel like I’m spinning my wheels I want to work I have a job and I can’t go to it right now because I can’t leave and I don’t know why I don’t understand. Him and I are in couples counseling and I am grateful for that apprehensive but grateful. But we can’t be together right now because of the Courts and that’s really hard. So I Googled an anxiety medication that doesn’t make you sleepy and it brought me here. It helps to read what other people are going through cuz then you feel less alone, so I thought I would share. And as hard as it can be I have to tell myself this everyday people love you and they’re there for you you just have to let them know. What’s hard is for so long nobody’s heard me or nobody is believed me or those types of people that say it’s Mind Over Matter you can do it just just work it out figure it out and move forward well it’s not that easy. I know those things I know how I used to be I know I’m a strong individual I just don’t understand what takes over to make me feel so weak and scared, because I do love life and I want to live life and I want to see things I just want to understand this and get over it and move on go take pictures go play in the ocean most importantly be me again I am 50 years old you think I would know better that’s what I’ve been told. I would never wish this upon anybody but I do wish sometimes that people who don’t understand or who judge or think that I’m weaker than them or whatever it is they think, I wish I could put my hand on their arm to let them feel what I feel the uncontrollable not understanding of this person I am versus who I used to be and knowing she’s still in there but what the hell. I am in therapy, and I am grieving a lot of death. Because of being on probation I wasn’t allowed to leave the state to go see my uncle before he died, to go to my other aunt and uncle to hug them because they lost their child to violence to honor my cousin. So I have a lot of anger in the injustice of my arrest but I’m thankful that the therapy came to me when it probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been arrested. I want to believe I was brought to this site for me to be able to leave this comment and I hope this helps somebody know that you’re not alone and I think everybody that shared their experience because that’s not always an easy thing to do. Peace love and happiness to all, my soul and I say dance in the Moon bask in the Sun breathe in the air and smile, remember the things that make you happy do them and never let go of yourself no matter what you go through because life will be better if that’s what you truly want. And pardon my my language, ** any other person that doesn’t want to be a positive influence in your life no matter what you feel about them no matter how much you love them or how much you want to please them if they are not a positive influence let them go it might be hard but you will be amazed at how much better you can breathe not having to please someone else when you need to please yourself and need support they’re not support.
Thank you so much for the courage to share your story. My website reaches thousands of people every month and stretches around the world internationally, and I know that your words of hope will help so many. May you be safe, may you be happy, may you find peace and freedom from your trauma. With best wishes, Lori Calabrese, MD