Our Nation is in Crisis, but We’re Here to Help You Get Through This
The current Coronavirus – COVID-19 pandemic has increased fear and intensified depression and other psychiatric symptoms for many. News about COVID-19 evolves daily – thank goodness! We’ve never appreciated more how medicine can move so fast, how scientists can work at breakneck speed, around the clock, around the world. We’re so fortunate – all of us — to have such extraordinarily dedicated scientists and doctors, who know so much, who put their lives on the line, who are learning more by the second. So that they can share it with us all. So that they can help our families.
Let’s hold them in our hearts. Because their minds hold the key to this pandemic.
We just need to hold on.
It can feel terrifying. Overwhelming. Devastating. And it is creating a whole new kind of trauma, and a whole new level of fear and grief. But you don’t have to suffer alone.
We Want to Help.
At Innovative Psychiatry, we’re experts in relieving suffering. We’ve always been. And we’re here for you and responding to the needs of our patients while maintaining safety for patients and staff like. The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are monitoring this crisis and offer guidelines for containing the virus. And they’re updated continuously as scientific information evolves.
Please know that your safety and health are top of mind with us. Your physical, mental, and emotional health during this coronavirus crisis matters.
Staying well has never been more a matter of life and death.
So in compliance with CDC and WHO guidelines, we’re at the forefront to protect you and our staff.
And we shared our own, early guidelines — what we’re doing in South Windsor, CT — nationally with our colleagues at ASKP3, the American Society for Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists, and Practitioners, while they were drafting their own.
Everyone in Connecticut who is a non-essential worker was been asked to “Stay Safe, Stay Home.” By following this directive, you’re protecting others, as well as yourself, from the spread of the virus. And even though Connecticut and much of the country has opened up, the pandemic rages.
And so we still recommend safety first, and we believe we’ve set the standard for a whole new level of safety and attention during ketamine treatment.
Doctors are essential.
Our practice is essential. What we do is life-saving.
And we continue it, especially now, with meticulous measures to give you the care you need, protect you, and protect ourselves.
For Psychopharmacology Patients
All psychopharmacology appointments are currently being conducted by telemedicine. If you need an appointment, please call us at 860-648-9755. We’ll explain the logistics of how telemedicine can work for you.
We make it easy.
For New and Current Ketamine Patients
During such a time of stress and anxiety, the benefits of ketamine treatment can refresh, relieve symptoms, and bring you hope as you work through the challenges of staying at home for work, school, and family time.
There’s no question your life has been disrupted, but with patience and cooperation, you and your family can make this a productive time of closeness you’ll remember for a long time to come.
Even so, for some, effort and cooperation isn’t enough. Anxiety can become so intense it’s crippling. Depression can rise like a high tide till you find you can hardly breathe…much less function. PTSD can become more threatening and volatile than ever… unless you can get help. And isolation can make it next to impossible to stay indoors when you miss the support of your friends.
For reasons like these, making ketamine treatment available now – of all times – is paramount.
And offering IV ketamine treatment now with dedicated staff gives us greater flexibility and more opportunity to treat you. It eliminates the possibility that you will have contact with nurses doing shifts in ERs and ICUs, or on the front-lines of exposure to COVID-19.
We’ve changed our scheduling so that you avoid contact with other patients, and minimize contact with us. We’re serious about social distancing, and use it to protect you and ourselves. And we use extensive sterilization procedures, antiviral plasma cell technology in each treatment room to destroy airborne virus particles, as well as masks, faceshields and gloves. And… on top of that, we use VBEnviroCare services to sterilize our entire suite regularly (see this in action with our videos), and microbarrier shields on all surfaces.
We’re serious about the air you breathe. And we want you to be able to finally breathe easy.
In addition, we are proud to regularly test ourselves and all of our staff with weekly PCR tests for COVID-19 (the highest standard and the highest degree of reliability) using a local DNA lab which gives us same-day PCR results. (Who else does this? We care deeply for your safety — and for ours.)
When we say we’re on the cutting edge, we mean it.
There are no deliveries, and there’s no one who can just walk in. We lock the door to make sure. And we open it for you.
But only after we’ve carefully screened you by phone the morning of your appointment for COVID-19, and again the moment you arrive. For protection of you, our incredibly wonderful staff, and ourselves.
We’re here for you.
If you need us, we’re here. And we’re still standing.
And we’re just a phone call away at 860-648-9755.

To the restoration of your best self,

Dr. Calabresa how do I get a mood inventory to use at home too decide when I need to make a ketamine appointment?
Sincerely Carol OBrien
At the top of my website there is a section in the menu called Forms at and in the middle of the page, there is a PHQ-9 form, and a number of other rating scales that we use for anxiety and other symptoms.