Unrivaled Expertise in Treatment Resistant Psychiatric Disorders: 

Ketamine Treatment near Putnam, CT

Helps Restore Lives


Suicide. PTSD. Bipolar Disorder. What can stop the suffering…or who?  Postpartum depression, OCD, addictions, alcohol use disorder. If medicines don’t help, is there any hope? Severe, unrelenting depression. Obsessive thoughts about death and dying. Ketamine treatment for treatment resistant psychiatric disorders is changing lives when administered by the best and brightest in private practice. Ketamine treatment near Putnam, CT offers life-saving hope with Lori Calabrese MD at Innovative Psychiatry.

We may all have different hopes, dreams, and goals, but there are some basic human desires most of us share in common. The desire to be loved, wanted, and accepted. Some opportunity to find meaning. Opportunities to contribute.

The Suffering of Psychiatric Disorders

If you’re burdened by severe depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, OCD, or suicidal thinking, you probably find it difficult to fulfill those desires. It’s hard to feel loved when you can’t feel anything. And it’s tough to benefit from opportunities when you have no energy to get out of bed or to contribute.

And how do you find meaning when you’re constantly anxious, afraid, or reacting to trauma?

Over the last 8-10 years, neuroscientists have learned more than ever before about what ketamine treatment can do in a disordered brain. They learned that the cause of these disorders is different than they thought.

The Real Cause of Psychiatric Disorders Is Not What You Think

They’ve learned that many psychiatric disorders are caused by trauma and stress. Genetics probably underlie most brain disorders in some way. And there are other contributing factors like injury, head trauma, illness, and more. Stress (from all of these factors) wears and wears on the signaling system in the brain, the ability to cope with fear, and to feel positive emotion, like love, joy, enthusiasm. It breaks down confidence and a sense of your own worth.

And they’ve learned this can be counteracted by ketamine treatment. Ketamine reverses all these symptoms. It rebuilds the signaling system by turning on DNA to turbo boost BDNF which helps the neurons and their connections branch out and proliferate from the naked destroyed forest left behind from the damage of stress.

But these actions of ketamine treatment don’t always jump into play full throttle. Sometimes, they’re patchy, here and there, on-again off-again, or less robust when ketamine is provided in a haphazard way.

Why There are Mixed Outcomes with Ketamine

Some doctors who provide ketamine work much harder to find out the best and most productive ways to administer this amazing medicine … and others read a few published studies and jump in providing it themselves…well before they really understand ketamine’s nuances.

It’s fair to say that ketamine has its own character. It’s not the wannabe / wanna-do copycat of all the other medications out there. To be effective, ketamine should be administered as a series of 6…or more…infusions.

So you can see right off that those people who say ketamine didn’t work for them but only received one infusion at a time every few weeks or every month or two…might have been doomed to have a minimal response because ketamine’s character is being ignored by the clinic offering it this way.

Ketamine Treatment near Putnam, CT –  IV, IM, or IN?

Ketamine clinics that provide ketamine by intramuscular injection (IM) or intranasal spray are also unable to determine exactly how much is reaching the brain tissue, and therefore how effective it can be.

The only route that allows 100% absorption and bioavailability is intravenous. When given IV, ketamine goes straight into the blood stream and straight to the brain. Any transient side effects with IV can be stopped or managed on the spot in real time, whereas with IM injection, they can’t be. 

This is why it’s so important to not only monitor the patient with a state-of-the-art monitoring system for heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, etc but also to use a state-of-the-art infusion pump to titrate the dose, rate, and length of time of the infusion. The variables managed by that pump can make a dramatic difference in your treatment experience and outcome if the psychiatrist understands what to do with the information.

Unfortunately, many don’t.

Ketamine Treatment is Helping Almost Everyone, When It’s Expertly Provided

But if you live in Putnam, CT you’re in luck. There’s a top level psychiatrist an easy drive from Putnam who DOES know how and why to titrate the dose, rate, and length of infusion, and who can expertly adjust the number of infusions needed to achieve remission.

Ketamine treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all, and when it’s used as if it is, too many patients walk away disappointed.

Many ketamine clinics and ketamine-only practices probably don’t realize they’re hiding behind the idea that “ketamine isn’t for everyone.” They know it’s not a medicine that relieves 100% of patients. But, sadly, they sell it short. Because it’s effective for most. Unlike any other psychiatric medicine ever.

Or they say that  “30% of patients aren’t helped by ketamine treatment,” which is misleading, since 20% or even 15% …or less…. aren’t helped at all. And ALL THE REST ARE!

Or they can avoid bearing responsibility for their technique by saying,  “ketamine provides only temporary help and studies show most people need to return in a month or two for a booster infusion.”

Most? Not quite. It’s all about using the most effective methods available in providing ketamine treatment.

Too many claims are made by unwitting, uninformed professionals and laymen. They haven’t dug deep enough into current research and clinical practice to learn what ketamine can do and how to maximize its benefits. But the information is available.

So, think about this.

Putnam is a lovely, quiet town with beautiful scenery and rich history in the northeast corner of Connecticut. It’s a beautiful place to raise a family. If you suffer without relief from psychiatric disorders that have not responded to treatment, you probably can’t enjoy your lovely town or what it has to offer.

That’s the problem with psychiatric disorders. You lose the power to enjoy much at all. But if you want to change that and enjoy your life again, ketamine treatment near Putnam, CT is provided with the clear expertise talked about here.

You’ve gone through so many years without relief. Don’t be disappointed yet again.

Who Provides Ketamine Treatment with Expertise Near Putnam, CT?

Seek out ketamine treatment from a Hopkins- and Harvard-educated and Mass General-trained psychiatrist. Who’s a doctor’s doctor, and mentor to many prominent physicians in a four-state area. Who’s invested her career in developing strategies to bring relief to those who weren’t helped by treatments before.

Lori Calabrese, M.D.’s kind, compassionate demeanor will set you at ease, and you can be sure it won’t stop there. She’ll watch your response to your ketamine infusions, adjust the dose, rate, and length of infusion to suit your individual needs.

She’ll advise you about the number of infusions you need to achieve remission…or something very close to it.

Her deep experience treating severe psychiatric disorders and crises, as well as with providing thousands of ketamine infusions for her patients will make you know you’re in good hands.

There’s a reason why her patients love her so much.

If you’d like more information about Dr. Calabrese and ketamine treatment near Putnam, CT call or send an email.