We’ve always been on the front lines of innovation in psychiatry and of best psychiatrist practices. And we’re delighted that we are once again first in Connecticut and in our 5-state area to offer both Ketamine Treatment with IV Ketamine infusions and IM injections — a cutting edge, state-of-the-art approach to mood, anxiety, trauma and other psychiatric disorders — and Metabolic Psychiatry, an innovative and ground-breaking approach that gets your metabolism right to get your brain right.
We offer treatment during extended hours, when it won’t interfere with work or school.
We’ve figured out what works. So that you don’t have to.
Ketamine Treatment: IV Ketamine Infusions and More
Ketamine treatments are targeted to stimulate brain functioning, promote neuronal rearborization, restructure delicate neurons and connections, stimulate neuroplasticity — and the opportunity for you to really change — and enhance the working of neural networks in your brain. And allow you to flourish. They have revolutionized our field, and changed the face of psychiatry itself.
We’ll meet with you to determine if you are a candidate for Ketamine Treatment. And we’re happy to collaborate with your current clinicians so that they follow you and remain your primary treatment team for ongoing care during and after your ketamine treatment with us. They may refer you to us or you may refer yourself — or a family member. However, if you’re not currently in treatment, we’ll determine if ketamine treatment would be appropriate, and coordinate this with your PCP so that you have appropriate follow-up care.
We offer an initial treatment series of IV Ketamine Infusions as well as follow-up maintenance and booster IV ketamine infusions. We tailor your treatment to your needs. And we can coordinate this with everyone involved. Additionally, we offer IM Ketamine Injections (we’ll tell you if we think that’s better for you), IN Ketamine nasal spray in the office (if you’re afraid of needles), and KAP Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (with preparation and integration sessions.
You can schedule a daytime or evening appointment, on your schedule.
We make it easy for you to get well
Metabolic Psychiatry
We’re delighted to offer Metabolic Psychiatry with extensive psychiatric, medical, and nutritional evaluation, body composition analysis with biometrics, and metabolic therapies for optimum health. Our groundbreaking program offers telehealth, in-person visits, our wrap-around TouchpointsTM program, digital apps, groups, walks, community building, evidence-based outcomes and collaborative care.
It’s a way for you to use food as medicine.
Jumpstart your metabolism… Renew your energy… And do a 180
You get the best psychiatric treatment available — with the best psychopharmacology available. We use telemedicine so that you don’t have to leave work or leave campus… or even leave your couch.
We make it easy for you to stay well